
The Abyssal Ascent

"The Abyssal Ascent: A tale of epic proportions, filled with heart-pounding action, mind-bending twists, and a protagonist who will stop at nothing to claim his revenge. Follow our hero as he ventures into a dangerous 500-floor dungeon, using his unique ability to devour his enemies and gain their powers. Along the way, he must confront treacherous allies and deadly foes, all while grappling with the darkness within himself. Will he emerge victorious from the abyssal depths, or will he succumb to the challenges that await him? Find out in this thrilling journey of revenge, betrayal, and redemption." ------------------------------------- This is my very first work so there maybe some grammar errors here and there but I hope you all enjoy it. :)

limitlessheights36 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Reborn as a snake

"Shit," I exclaimed. I was at the party, damn it. Just remembering about the party made me feel disgusted. But, wait a minute, "Where am I? Is it hell?"

It was a dark and eerie place. The only sort of light in the vast-looking span of darkness was some brightly-lit crystals. There were occasionally some sounds of shrieking and groaning, just right to make this place seem scarier.

I discovered another anomaly. I wasn't able to see much, roughly a few meters. But I could detect my surroundings using heat and visual perception.

"Am I perhaps 'that'?" I couldn't help but look down and was surprised to see that I am no longer a human, but a snake. I was restless. Any human who would see themselves become a snake would be terrified. The same was with me, but as the strongest human, I was not like others and had a bit of reasoning in these types of situations.

"Do I still have a status window?"

-Name: None

-Race: Snake

-Stage: Infant

-Level: 0/5 (XP - 0/100)

-HP: 1 [Level x 9]

-MP: 2 [Intelligence x 2]

-Strength: 1

-Speed: 2

-Intelligence: 1

-Def: 1

-Dexterity: 1

-Luck: 1

-Attribute Points: 0


-Poisonous Bite: Racial ability of snakes. Bite the creature and inflict poison.

-Heat-Sensing: Racial ability of snakes. Sense the infrared radiation coming from creatures.

-Lesser Regeneration: Consume 2 MP/min to heal wounds.


-Devour: A unique ability that allows the user to devour anything and get the corresponding skills and abilities, including attribute points. (Effect increases and decreases with respect to the devourer's and prey's level)

"Yeah, I am really a snake, that too an infant. That too a weak chicken. I guess it was my 20 points of luck on earth that transported me here. Hmm, a notification?"

[Sender: Unknown

I sent your soul into a dungeon of another world. You can be any animal. I don't like to talk much.

Reply: Restricted]

"Damn, that means I am reincarnated into a dungeon of another world? Don't forget the part 'AS A SNAKE.' Wait a minute, isn't this ability too overpowered?"

[Devour: A unique ability that allows the user to devour anything and get the corresponding skills and abilities, including attribute points. (Effect increases and decreases with respect to the devourer's and prey's level)]

"Even the Assimilate ability pales in comparison. When I was thinking as of such, suddenly a big hand came towards me. 'Shit, what an unfortunate luck,' I couldn't help but exclaim after seeing the creature in front of me. It was a huge dog, at least in comparison to a 20-inch long baby snake.

The only thing which exceeded the number '1' was my speed, so I was barely able to dodge the half-assed attack of the dog. Either the dog didn't notice me, or I was too weak to be able to be in his eyes. He left without looking back.

The thought of attacking the dog? What can a baby snake do in front of a dog? I don't want to die yet without my revenge on humanity. In the midst of this chaos, I had nearly forgotten that I was killed a mere 5 minutes ago. The flames of anger grew within me. Either it was the snake's mentality or my anger but I swore that I wouldn't die before every human on earth has been killed.

As a snake I can't exact my vengeance I have to evolve to something stronger, something bigger. First step towards my vengeance would be the earthworms. You must be thinking what are earthworms doing in a dungeon? How would I know? It must be God's plan for my revenge.

As I ate my first earthworm a familiar yet unfamiliar sound sounded in my mind.

[Devoured an earthworm]

[XP + 10] [ATP (Attribute Points) + 1] [Skill Acquired (Burrow)]

The XP and ATP part are the same as the 'Assimilation' ability in my previous life but, what! can I really acquire skills from devouring creatures.?

What if I devour the whole planet or the whole universe as it is mentioned I can devour anything?

Thoughts couldn't help but emerge in my mind but I will think about them later.

I distributed the first attribute point to my strength.

[Burrow: Able to tunnel through soil and dirt]

It is a useless ability but who knows when it will come in handy.

I didn't waste any time and continued to hunt.

[Devoured an earthworm]

[XP + 10]

I didn't get any ATP? I guess it has a certain chance like my assimilation

[Devoured an earthworm]

[Devoured an earthworm]

[Devoured an earthworm]

[Devoured an earth.....]

[Devoured an earthworm]

[XP + 10] [ATP + 1]

[Level Up!!! - Level 1]

I ate 10 earthworms I guess snakes love to eat earthworms so they were very tasty. After eating 10 earthworms I gained 7 attribute points and 5 attribute points for successful level up.

Strength: 2 -> 5 (He had already added one ATP to strength earlier)

Speed: 2 -> 5

Intelligence: 1 -> 6

I immediately distributed all my 11 points as I had already added one earlier. Now with 12 MP I stand a chance against the dog monster.

But what he was thinking was utterly wrong.

Hmm, the mc is reborn as a snake.

Do give your comments about the story. I hope you all like it :)

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