
The Abyssal Ascent

"The Abyssal Ascent: A tale of epic proportions, filled with heart-pounding action, mind-bending twists, and a protagonist who will stop at nothing to claim his revenge. Follow our hero as he ventures into a dangerous 500-floor dungeon, using his unique ability to devour his enemies and gain their powers. Along the way, he must confront treacherous allies and deadly foes, all while grappling with the darkness within himself. Will he emerge victorious from the abyssal depths, or will he succumb to the challenges that await him? Find out in this thrilling journey of revenge, betrayal, and redemption." ------------------------------------- This is my very first work so there maybe some grammar errors here and there but I hope you all enjoy it. :)

limitlessheights36 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


It all began with a blinding flash of light, which transformed the world as humanity knew it. People had suddenly gained new powers and abilities, beyond anything they had ever imagined. It was as if they had gained a level-up system like those found in novels.

One of the awakened, John, had received a special ability that allowed him to rise through the ranks quickly, surpassing everyone in his path. He was ruthless and merciless toward the ferocious beasts, yet warm-hearted toward humanity. His ability was called "Assimilate," and it granted him attribute points for each monster he consumed.

Despite having no ill will toward humanity, John became a target of jealousy and suspicion. He was seen as a threat due to his incredible ability and achievements. John had reached level 498, making him the strongest human alive. The second strongest human was a mere level 490, which represented a significant 8-level difference consisting of tens of millions of experience points.

The world's top rankers joined forces to assassinate John, knowing they could not defeat him in a one-on-one fight, nor could they win if they all attacked him at once. So, they decided to use the [God-Sealing Elixir].

[God-Sealing Elixir]

-Rarity: ☆☆☆☆

-Effect: Suppresses and seals the power of the target.

-Duration: 24 hours.

-Description: A divine elixir crafted by the gods themselves. Its beautiful golden glow exudes a sense of power and purity, while its symbol of a glowing seal radiates strength and authority.

Zach, the second strongest human, had obtained the elixir after defeating a level 492 powerful monster. He had kept it a secret from everyone but for this occasion, he decided to use it. At noon, a party was held that shook the entire earth. The top ten strongest humans in the world gathered under the same roof.

John arrived at the party, looking very happy. He was not an introvert, nor was he cold toward others. He had a friendly personality and was someone people liked to talk to. After arriving at the party, John chatted with everyone, unaware of the plot against him. Zach approached John and said, "Come on, John, have a drink with your brother." John had a habit of calling everyone he knew well a brother. Zach had secretly dissolved the God-Sealing Elixir in John's drink.

He was not wary of Zach but as a habit he opened his status screen

-Name: John

-Race: Human

-Class: Fighter

-Level: 498

-HP: 4482 [Level x 9]

-MP: 1708 [Intelligence x 2]

-Strength: 1856

-Speed: 1265

-Intelligence: 854

-Def: 996

-Dexterity: 748

-Charisma: 22 [Human Limit - 20]

-Luck: 20 [Human Limit - 10]

-Attribute Points: 0


[Expand 87 Skills]


-Assimilate: A unique ability that allows John to increase his attribute points upon consuming the flesh of a ferocious beast.

John couldn't help but exclaim inwards, 'Hoho, look at me how handsome.' Then he started drinking. After he drunk the elixir he started feeling heavy and weak. He said, "Shit, I think I overate." He looked at Zach and others and they were approaching him. Their eyes had a look of murderous rage. John said with a sneer, "To think the great rankers would team up to take on me. I can't help but feel proud." Zach said in a sarcastic tone, "Do you think you are the No. 1 Ranker anymore? Mr. Weak." John raised his eyebrows and opened his status.

-Name: John

-Race: Human

-Level: 498

-HP: 1 [Error]

-MP: 1 [Error]

-Strength: 1

-Speed: 1

-Intelligence: 1

-Def: 1

-Dexterity: 1

-Charisma: 22 [Human Limit - 20]

-Luck: 20 [Human Limit - 10]

-Attribute Points: 0


[Expand 87 Skills]


John gasped in shock as he felt the effects of the elixir coursing through his body. "What have you done to me?" he cried out to Zach, who simply replied with a wicked grin, "Don't worry, you won't be weak for long."

Suddenly, all nine of them charged at John, their once-friend now their target. John couldn't believe what was happening - these were the people he had helped level up, shared his items with, and treated with care. He couldn't understand how they could have such a sinister heart.

Is this what humanity truly is? John wondered as he fought for his life. But as his strength dwindled and his vision grew dim, he knew he was about to meet his end. In his last moments, he made a vow to himself: if he ever had the chance to be reborn, he would take revenge on all of humanity.

As memories of his past flooded his mind, John couldn't help but recall the trace of fear in the eyes of those he had saved. None of them had ever come to thank him or even praised him for his efforts. He realized that as long as he was strong, he was only feared by those around him - no one ever dared to challenge him or speak out of turn in his presence.

"If only I could have another chance," John thought as his consciousness faded away, unaware that his wish was about to be granted in a way he never could have imagined.

You could think it is a bit fast paced because I intended it as such. I wanted to give a background setting to the Main Character for his revenge on humanity. Do provide your suggestions in the comments.

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