

Between the numerous worlds I've visited our world, Malos, is without a doubt the biggest. There are innumerable mortal words out there and I've visited at least eighty of them. They were all smaller than Malos and, strangely, some lacked even the smallest trace of Mana. Those type of world, differently than our, were populated only by humans and other simple beasts. The inhabitants seemed to not even know what Mana was and this was one of the various traces that lend me to find out that my first theory was incorrect, these world weren't free of Mana due to a natural disaster or some other strange circumstance, but they didn't had Mana from the beginning. There was another thing that at first I thought was strange when I arrived on one of these worlds and that was the high level of their technology. The humans of these world were capable of creating carriages that weren't pulled by horse or anything else and gigantic iron bird to make them capable of flying in the sky. At first I thought that it was strange that begins without even the smallest trace of Mana into them were capable of creating things so advanced but then one day, while I was studying some of them, I arrived at the answer, it was exactly because they lacked Mana that they were capable of advancing so much. While we had the Mana and our skills to help us, they didn't have any of them so they had to thought of a different methods to protect themselves from the other beast and to make their daily life simpler. At first I thought of bringing with me some of their technology but then, in respect of my rule of not interfering with our world and the others, I decided to not do it, even if they would have probably helped us to advance of some centuries and their advanced medicine, fused with our healing magic, would have made possible to cure almost all mortal diseases.

#Extracted from the studies of Fayn Morales, the "Word Traveler" and the patriarch of the tree of knowledge#


"Glu Glu Glu Glu"

The sound of seething liquids reverberated through all the the cave. It was a normal cave, one of the many present in the Evergreen Forest. One that you would expect to see occupied by a beast, not by an old man in white coat and two men in armor.

In the cave there was a room whose walls were full of shelves while the floor was covered by innumerable tables on top of whose were flasks full of strange looking liquids. All the scientific equipment scattered across the room made it look like some type of secret laboratory, look that was further accentuated by the two huge men in armor guarding the entrance and the old man in the middle of the room, whose disheveled hair and mad grin would have made everyone think he was some kind of mad scientist. He had a long white beard like that of an old sage, white disheveled hair, grey eyes that seemed to brill with a tinge of madness and yellow teeth. He wore a white coat with pockets full of scientific equipment that, while if wore by someone else would have made him seem like some respectable man of science, wore by him accentuated the look of a mad scientist. He was in front of a table eyeing with crazy and attentive eyes two ampules, one full of a green liquid and the other of a red one, and slowly started mixing them in a third ampule placed on the table.

The result of the mix was a grey liquid that began to seethe and, at the end, transformed into a gray gelatinous substance. Suddenly the substance began tremble and, when it stopped, three tentacles as big as an hair threads sprouted from its surface and moved toward his creator. Seeing the liquid became gray the old man smiled and, when he saw the tentacles sprout, his smile transformed into a huge grin.

He was an independent scientist, someone who didn't belong to any organization and that finances his research selling his inventions but now, it wasn't the case anymore. He had a dream, a huge and near impossible dream, he wanted to create a life. For this dream he was deemed crazy by all his colleagues, they said that creating life is something only gods can do and a mortal trying to do it wasn't nothing more than a dream and, even worst, a blasphemy. He was abandoned from everyone and condemned by the church but, even so, he continued to persevere and went forward with his own force but, eventually, he run out of money. He though of abandoning everything but, after so many years of research, it wasn't a dream anymore, it was an obsession. An obsession so huge that led him to do something he sworn he would have never done, he sell himself. He sell his services to his nation in exchange of money to finance his dream.

When the church found out he was continuing to do his experiment they condemned all his studies declaring he was an heretic, a worshiper of demonic gods, and that if he wouldn't have destroyed all his research he would have been imprisoned. He wasn't fearful of the church, after all he was an important person to his nations and they would have protected him, but he wasn't even stupid and know that, although he was important to them, they wouldn't have any problem to betray him in case the situation become too dire. So, thanks to his superior help, he started to make his experiments in secrets. They created a secret laboratory in a cave in the middle of the Evergreen Forest, a forest inhabited by low rank monsters on the outskirt of the nation and now, after all his years of research and all the sweat and the blood he has shed, he will see his dream became reality, or so he thought.

While the gelatinous tentacle was extending his way and he was thinking of the words to say when he will be given the nobel for the science it suddenly exploded and transformed into a puddle. The grin disappeared from the old man face and he began to tremble with anger.

"This time I was...so close. Dammit!" it was the third time he had been capable of making the strange substance he created move and the first he had arrived so near but, even after all the modifications he had made, it exploded again. To say he was frustrated is an understatement.

He turned towards one of the guards at the entrance of the laboratory and said "Rudi, came here!".

The guard, understanding from the old man tone that his boss was angry, hurried to answer him "Yes sir, I'm here".

The old man throw the ampule at him and said "Throw it with the other one and then return the ampule to me".

"Yes sir" Rudi began to go deeper into the cave and arrived at a pit large four meter and deep two full of a grey gelatinous mass identical to that on the ampule. He emptied the ampule into the pit with the other grey substances and returned to his boss side.

While he was returning he saw another guard, the one in charge of the cave entrance, run toward the boss drenched in sweat.

"Huff Huff"

"Doctor Blyme, boss, we have a problem. The captain sent us a communication and said the church has found out our position. They are sending their paladins and even a great paladin to arrest us. He has ordered of destroying all the research material, dismantling the laboratory and running away"

"What?! He must have gone crazy! These research are all my life if we destroy them it will take years to reach this point again. We can't do it!"

"These are the orders doctor, I'm sorry" the guard turned toward Rudy and said "Rudy came with me, we will dismantle the laboratory. Doctor these are your research, it should be you the one to destroy them. I'm sorry"

Doctor Blyme remained immobile with his fist clenched while Aron, the cave entrance guard, began to dismantle the laboratory. He was desperate. These research where all his life work, the dream he sacrificed all his life for and now... he need to destroy them. While he was thinking of all the possible alternatives he felt a big hand being placed on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Rudy, the guard who has been with him from the beginning, say to him with a big smile "Boss, I know what you're thinking but... it's better destroying them than going into prison. If you won't destroy them you will be imprisoned by the church and won't be able of continuing you research while if you destroy them then yes, you will need to begin again from scratch, but even so you will have the possibility of continuing and, with the experiences you have made until now, one day you will succeed, you will became the greatest scientist of all times. Trust me!"

The man words made doctor Blyme recover from the state of despair he had fell into. He was right, even if today he lost one day he will succeed and make everyone see he was right from the beginning.

"You are right Rudy. Thank you"

"Don't worry boss. It's a friend duty to give you an hand when you need help"

Hearing his words an huge grin sprouted on doctor Blyme face and, even if with a bit of hesitation, he began to give fire to all the research documents. After he destroyed them and the two guards dismantled the laboratory he said "Let's go, we need to go away before the paladins arrive".

"Wait boss, we haven't destroyed the thing in the pit yet" said a worried Rudy.

"Don't worry, it's only trash. Even if they found it the won't be capable to connect it to us. Now, let's go"

With these last words they left the cave without noticing a strange, feeble light entering the grey substance in the pit.


An hour later.

Main opened his eyes and he saw a board full of parameters with the words [Status] on top.


Name: ???

Race: Absorber

Age: One Hour

Rank: 0

Level: 0


Vitality: 1000

Strength: 0

Defense: 0

Speed: 0

Agility: 0

Stamina: 0

Mind: 0

Mana: 0

[Passive Skills]

Fast Auto Regeneration: level 10

Physical Damage Resistance: level 10

[Active Skills]


[Unique Skills]

Body Absorption


Hello everyone, here the third chapter.

Finally our protagonist reincarnated, what do you think? Let me know in the comment.

Sulfur_Gobcreators' thoughts