
Even Superior Begins Can Make Mistakes



A loud beeping sound, similar to that of alarm clocks, shook the Reincarnation Room when the counter arrived at zero and our protagonist, that from now on for convenience we will call main, opened his eyes after a short nap of one thousand years.

As soon as he opened his eyes, before giving him even enough time to think, the counter disappeared and an huge white screen appeared in his place. This scene shocked Main so much... that he tried to return to sleep but was prevented from doing so by a loud melodious voice.

He reopened his eyes to see where the voice came from and noticed that the enormous screen, previously completely white, was now showing the image of a woman, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

She had white hair, yellow eyes, plump red lips, skin as pale as jade and, most noticeable of all, an ample bosom. She had an aura of purity around her that made her look like something not belonging to the mortal world, like something of celestial, and made people want to protect her from the filth of the world fearful that it could taint her.

"Hello, my name  is Ireal and I'm your guardian angel"

"... What?!"

"Your g-u-a-r-d-i-a-n a-n-g-e-l"

"Angels are real?"

"Yes, why shouldn't we be rea-"

Before finishing her phrase Ireal expression changed from a smiling one to one of complete shock.

"W-w-wait a moment, you know what angels are?"

"Yes, why? Shouldn't be what angels are common knowledge? "

"Yes, but you should't know. The Reincarnation Chamber should have wiped out all you memories, you shouldn't even remember your name"

Ireal words struck Main like a thunderbolt and he began to remember what happened from the first time he opened his eyes to now. At first he had felt strange, like there was something missing, but at the time the weakening effect of the chamber was still in functions and he didn't think much of it. But now that he can think clearly he know exactly what he felt he was missing, his name. He couldn't remember his name, nor his family or friends and not even where he lived. He could remember everything that was common knowledge, like what angels are, but when he think of something more personal then... there is a void. And every time that he tried to remember his head began to hurt like hell.

In search of an explanations to what was happening to him Main redirected his gaze in directions of the screen where Ireal was and what he saw flabbergasted him. Before he was in a semi dormant state and Ireal heavenly aura and ethereal beauty made him concentrate only on her face (and her boobs) but now that he was completely awake he noted two important particular that he should have before and that made him completely secure that he was dead and that the woman was an angel. The first were the four huge dove wings she had on her back and the second was the brilliant gold circle suspended on her head, two typical sign of angel... or of a cosplay girl but he noted the circle wasn't supported by anything so he dismissed the idea immediately.

"Wh-what's happening? I can't remember my name"

"Sigh" hearing Main words Ireal sighed "It's not only your name, you shouldn't remember anything. There must have been an error with the Reincarnation Chamber"

"But... what is the Reincarnation Chamber?"

"I... shouldn't say it to you but you probably won't remember anything so there shouldn't be any problem. The Reincarnation Chamber is a special chamber created by superior beings to make the soul undergoing reincarnation forget their past life. It make the soul enter a sleep of one thousand year and, while they sleep, the magic in the room wipe their mind of all their memories and knowledge"

"But... why do this? Can't you let people retain their memory? Our memories and our experiences are what made we what we are. Take them away it's... a cruel thing to do. You said you are an angel, shouldn't angels want our well being? Why do this a things so cruel?"

Hearing Main words another long and sad sigh escaped Ireal lips "I know what you think, you must think that we are monsters to do this to you and the other but... think want would happen if we don't. When one reincarnate it's not sure he will became human again, he can became an human as much as he can became an ant or frog. Now think what would happen if a person, who had lived all his life as an human, suddenly finds himself with six legs instead of two. What do you think he would do? What do you think YOU would do?"

Once again Ireal words struck Main as a thunderbolt as her reasoning began to make way in his mind "I-I don't now. I will probably began to panic but... a life as an ant is better than a life without memories of my family and the other people important to me".

"You think? And what would you do if you had your memories? You would continue to comport as an human, one of the begin at the top of the food chain, and would probably day within a day. Now let's assume that you reincarnate as an human while retaining your memories, what would you do? You would remember your family and the other important for you but you wouldn't be capable of seeing them ever again. The universe is so vast that there are so many worlds and is inhabited by so many people that the chances of you seeing them again were so slim that is impossible and, even if for a struck of luck you see them again, you and they would probably be different from before, both in aspect and personality, and you wouldn't recognize them. So, what do you think now? It's better a life with your memories but condemned to not see the people you love or a life without your memories?"

"...Now that you make it this way... I don't know. Maybe you are right, it would be better if I forget everything and start all over again but... I don't want to. I want to remember everything. I feel like I would lose myself if I forget so, please, don't make me do it"

Main words made a sad smile sprout on Ireal face "Even if I wouldn't do it i can't, my superiors had appointed me for the reincarnation on this sector of the world. I can't do otherwise or they will retire my [Grace]. Now I will activate the Room again, please pardon me"

Ireal words made Main sink on a sea of despair. He understood her, he understood that she couldn't do otherwise and that she was sorry for this, he saw it on her eyes so he didn't hate her but, even if he didn't hate her and he know that she was right and this was the best thing to do, he didn't want to forget, he didn't want to lose himself. Call it selfishness or survival instincts (even if a dead person having survival instincts is funny) but he didn't want to forget. He died once and he felt like losing all is memories was like dying once again if not worst. So he began to search desperately for a way out of this situation only to find out that... there wasn't. He couldn't even move, let alone escape from that apparently doorless and windowless magic room. The only hope was the angel on the screen but he know that, even if she was a really good person and was sorry for him, she wouldn't disobey an order from her superiors for him.

While Main was sinking more and more into despair and Ireal was beginning to be surrounded by light the invisible chains that were blocking his body suddenly broke and, on the angle of the cubical room opposite to that were Ireal screen was, appeared a fiery flame that transformed in a red screen similar to that of Ireal. On the screen there was another woman that wasn't less beautiful than Ireal but was very different from her. She had yellow eyes with vertically slitted pupils and blood red hair. Her boobs were even bigger than that of Ireal and her skin was fair with a slight tinge of red. She was a breathtaking beauty capable of overthrown nations but, where Ireal beauty was that of a pure heavenly creature, her was that of a lustful seductress able of filling the hearts of the man of lust with a look. But what left Main more dumbfounded wasn't her beauty or the lustful look she was giving him but the two red bat wings on her back and the two horns that sprouted from her forehead.

As soon as she appeared she winked in his directions and said with a sultry tone "Hello gorgeous, my name is Shanta"

"Hello, my name i-"

Main tried to answer her but, before he could say his name, he remembered he forgot it and Ireal stopped him "Stop, don't talk to her. She is a demon. What are you doing here damn vixen!"

Shanta pretended Ireal words hurt her feelings and making a fake tear she said whit an obviously fake hurt tone  "Why are you so mean to me? I've done nothing to you. I thought angels are good people and that they treat everyone good but yo-you are nothing more than a racist! You called me a vixen only because I'm more beautiful than you and you are envious! You are an ugly chicken! Sniff Sniff Hwaaaaa" before exploding in even more obviously than before fake tears.

Her tears were so bad that anyone would have  understood that they were fake, anyone other than the too naive Ireal that, sorry for having made Shanta cry, was panicking and trying to comfort her "St-stop crying, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those mean things. Don't cry, please pardon me".

Seeing Ireal pitiful state and Shanta evil smile while she cried Main struggled with himself to not laugh. Shanta, seeing his smile, winked at him before drying her tear "Gorgeous, now that you are calmer, it's time to speak of affair. I've heard what you and that white chicken have talked about and know that you have maintained your memories so I'm here because I want to make a pact with you. I can take you out of this room with your memories intact but, in exchange, you will have to came to Hell with me and became my servant".

Hearing her words Main fell in a deep contemplation while Ireal realized she had been cheated "You damn eavesdropping succubus! You have cheated me again! And you, don't accept. It's true that she will let you maintain your memories but she will torture your soul to create negative energy to became stronger"

"Umph I won't torture him. As you've said I'm a succubus, I don't absorb negative energy but sexual energy. If you accept my pact we will do a loooot of sex".

"Yes, sex that will drain all his life force and will transform him in a mindless sex zombie"

"It's better than losing all memories. So, what do you say? You will accept my pact and came with me or you will lose all your memories and will reincarnate?"

While the two were bickering Main weighted all his options, the first was to lose all his memories and reincarnate with the possibility of becoming an ant or something ever worst and the second was to accept to go with the beautiful lust demon and doing sex with her with the risk of becoming a mindless zombie, and, after a long measure of the pro and con, he arrived at his answer "I want t-".


But before he could say it a loud sound echoed and the room began to tremble.

Shanta-"What the hell?!"

Ireal-"Th-this power i-"

Crack from which light came out began to appear all over the surface of the previously dark room filling it of light and at the end the room... crumbled apart sending a poor screaming soul into the void.

Here the second chapter.

In the next our main character, Main, will reincarnate.

Let me know if you have advice and if there are error.

I do not know yet how to call the world, suggest something on the comment.

Sulfur_Gobcreators' thoughts