
The Absolute Conqueror's Sign In System

The story begins with Lin Feng, whose world suddenly turns upside down when his girlfriend, Zhang Wei, breaks up with him. This moment marks the beginning of a significant transformation for Lin Feng as he navigates his new reality on a parallel Earth. The breakup scene captures Lin Feng's confusion and the physical pain that leads to an influx of unfamiliar memories, revealing that he has transmigrated to the body of another Lin Feng who just lost his job and his girlfriend. As Lin Feng processes his new situation, a mysterious system called "The Absolute Conqueror's Sign-In System" initiates, promising him a life of wealth and power through daily sign-ins and the conquest of women. -------------------------------------------------------- Keep an eye on Chapter messages pinned by author for detailed specifications on some things in the story. -------------------------------------------------------- Updating every Wednesday and Saturday. 2 chapters per week.

Just_Chill_9999 · Others
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17 Chs

A Father-Son fun time.

The Mercedes-Benz AMG G-63 roared to

life as I sped away from the gate of my community, a satisfying growl that promised a smooth and powerful drive. The sun was beginning to set, making it a perfect environment for some quality time outside.

As I drove, I reflected on how much I enjoyed these moments of normalcy, the everyday routines that brought us closer together as a family. Reaching the school, I parked and walked towards the entrance, spotting Juan'er waiting eagerly with his backpack. His face lit up when he saw me, and he ran over, giving me a big hug.

"Hey, champ! How was the school today? Ready for some fun outside?" I asked, ruffling his hair.

"Good, Yeah! Where are we going?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Well, I thought we could do some shopping and maybe grab some street food. How does that sound?"

"Awesome!" he exclaimed.

I bowed slightly at the female teacher for taki Juan'er's care and to thank her keeping him company before I came. She just smiled and nodded.

We drove to the city's shopping district, a vibrant area bustling with people and lined with stores offering everything from high-end fashion to quirky trinkets. Juan'er loved looking at the different window displays, and we even stopped at a few stores to pick up some clothes and toys he liked.

"Won't you take anything back home for your mother and Aunt?" I questioned. Juan'er paused for sometime before responding.

"Yes, let's get something nice for Mommy and Aunt Zi Ling too."We continued browsing through the shops as I picked him up and make him sit on my shoulders. Juan picked out a beautiful silk scarf for Shiyun and a delicate bracelet for Ling'er from a LV store. Juan'er was excited to surprise them, and I was pleased to see his thoughtfulness.

Just as I was going to pay for it I heard a voice behind me "Look who we have here, do you do babysitting nowadays to earn your keep?" asked Zhang Wei mocking me.

Before I could answer her back Juan said "Dad who's this?", hearing a kid calling me Dad Zhang Wei was stupefied still. Before she comes back to her senses. "Just someone I know, not worth mentioning" I said and asked for the bill. "What's the bill for the bracelet and the scarf? I asked.

"It's 1,05,159 rmb sir" said the receptionist. I just put my card foward and swiped it settling the bill within seconds after asking for it. "What do you want to do Juan'er?" I asked again. "I'm hungry I want some street food" getting an instant reply I picked up the bags and Juan'er. Saying "It was nice meeting you" to Zhang Wei we got out of the mall.

Seeing us leaving Zhang Wei came back to her senses and started followed us in a quick pace while shouting my name, but before she could catch up to us I took out my Mercedes-Benz keys and pressed the button to unlock the car.

As the car unlocked I kept all the bags on the back seat while Juan'er sat beside the driver's seat, I came to him and tightened his seat belt. Getting inside the car I started it and drove away.

Zhang Wei kept saying to herself "When di he got so rich, How did he got the money to buy a Mercedes-Benz".

We headed to a nearby street market famous for its food stalls. The delicious aroma of various dishes wafted through the air, making our mouths water. We wandered from stall to stall, sampling a variety of treats and packing some to take home for dinner- skewers of grilled meat, steaming dumplings, and sweet pastries.

"Look, Daddy! Can we try those?" Juan'er pointed to a vendor selling bubble tea.

"Of course," I said, smiling. We bought a couple of bubble teas for us and both Shiyun and Ling'er too. We found a bench to sit on while we enjoyed our drinks. Juan'er chatted excitedly about his day at school and the new things he had learned.

As the sun began to set turned, we made our way back home, our hearts and stomachs full. Pulling into the driveway, I could see Shiyun and Ling'er through the window, tidying up the living room and making sure everything was in order.

I smiled in satisfaction seeing them soo engrossed and obediently following the tasks I gave them before leaving.

We walked inside, greeted by the warm, welcoming atmosphere of home. Shiyun and Ling'er smiled as Juan'er ran to show them the toys we had bought. I gave them a knowing look, appreciating their efforts to keep everything perfect for him.

"Did you have fun?" Shiyun asked, hugging Juan'er.

"Yes, Mommy! It was the best day

ever!" he replied, his face glowing with


"And I also bought surprise gifts for you and Aunt Ling" Juan said while bringing out the LV carry bag forward them. I just winked Shiyun and Ling'er for them to accept it.

"Well, we have a surprise for you too," Ling'er said, holding out a freshly

baked cake.

As we gathered around the kitchen

table, I couldn't help but feel grateful for these precious moments with this family. The love we shared and the simple joys of everyday life made everything worthwhile.

After dinner, with Juan'er already tucked into bed after an exciting day, I sat down with Shiyun and Ling'er in the living room. The house was quiet now, the comforting hum of domestic tranquility settling in.

Shiyun poured us all a cup of tea, and we sat together, enjoying the peaceful moment. "Today was really wild wonderful" Shiyun said softly, smiling as she sipped her tea. "Juan'er was happy too, Thank you."

"I agree, a lot had happened" Ling'er added, her eyes reminiscing of what happened in the prison and her expressions reminiscing the wild and warm afternoon. And Juan'er as well "It was lovely to see him so excited and engaged."

"I'm glad you both think so, and thank you forcleaning the house so thoroughly" I said, leaning back in my chair. "I really enjoyed spending time with him today. It made me realize of how important these simple moments are."

After finishing our tea we went to our bedroom and laid on our backs silently and slowly our eyes felt heavy and we drifted to dreamland.


" Join me on my discord Conquerors "

Any plot ideas or discussions are welcomed.
