
Chapter 6

I woke up this morning to hear a car door close in front of my house. I got up and changed my clothes to go for a run and walked down the stairs while putting my hair up. I looked at Amelia and James who were sitting on the couch talking to two other people who I have seen before.

"Mom, Dad?" all four of the people looked at me and smiled. They smell like Amelia, but at the same time don’t.

"Ivy, meet your grandparents." I gave my parents a strange look, grandparents?

"How?" Amelia stood up and walked over to me.

"I called them to meet you. Plus you are going to need the extra protection due to the fact a storm is coming." I nodded. I couldn’t tell what it was but something changed in the middle of the night.

"I can feel it coming, what is it?" she sighed, I can tell she is regretting saying something.

"Your brother and uncle." my jaw dropped, a brother? I have a brother? How could I not have known this?

"I have a brother! And an uncle!" she frowned and nodded. She looks upset about talking about it.

"Your brother is a year older than you and he is not your dad’s son. I had him before I met your father. Your uncle took him from me so he could raise him as his own. That being evil." I frowned. That is why she looks upset about it. I am still shocked that I have a brother but I nod. "By how strong the storm is, they’re not that far from here." I nodded then heard a knock on the door. I tried to listen to see if I could hear talking but there was silence.

I walked over to the door as Amelia went to sit back down, I opened the door and I saw the boys. All three of them. I was about to close the door when Noah stepped forward and kissed me, I was surprised but happy at the same time. I felt water droplets fall and hit my skin. Noah pulled away, I was speechless and I could tell James was not too happy about this situation. My cheeks were on fire and Noah stood still the entire time. Chris and Oliver had walked into the house and closed the door, they sat on the couch and made themselves at home. Noah looked at me with both sadness and so much love in his eyes.

I felt his hand interlace with mine and I smiled, "Ivy?" I escaped the trance I was put in from that kiss and looked at my parents. James was glaring at Noah and Amelia smiled at me.

"We need to talk about what is going to happen in the next few days and or weeks." I sighed and walked over to where my parents were sitting. "Ivy, you are going to feel changes. Like you want to do something you really shouldn't. My brother has powerful magic, more powerful than mine. He can persuade you to do things without even being near you, and since your brother was raised by him he has similar powers. You have to be careful in what you do and when you do it." I nodded.

"I will mom. What about school?" she sighed. I just went back. I just started this year over again, I can’t just leave again.

"You can still go but these boys will not leave your side, do you understand me?" The three boys nodded and I smiled.

"Mom, can I still go for a run this morning before school. It is six o'clock and I have till seven-thirty." she nodded and pointed at Noah, I knew what she meant and so did he. Noah and I walked out of the house not realizing our fingers were still intertwined. My cheeks were on fire, his were a little red as well. We got out the door and let go of each other's hands.

"How long are we running for?" I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the clock, six-o-five.

"For about half an hour." he nodded and we started to jog. He was a little faster than me at first but I caught up with him, we ran in silence at first.

We stopped for a minute cause we ended up racing each other, Noah looked at me and frowned. "Why did you do it Ivy?" I gave him a confused look, "Why did you take my memories?" I sighed and we walked for a while.

"To protect you and give you a chance to live life." he nodded. I don’t know what else to say, more than anything I want him to know that I didn’t want to do it but I didn’t have a choice at the time.

"Okay." I sighed and looked at my phone, it was only six-twenty-five. We are about twenty minutes away from my house.

"We should start heading back." he nodded and turned around and walked back to the house. When we got back to the house my grandparents were no longer there, Noah and I walked into the house and saw Chris and Oliver playing a video game with James. I laughed and he shrugged, Amelia was in the kitchen. Noah sat next to Chris and I walked into the kitchen. Amelia was putting a mini donut in her mouth right as I walked in.

We both laughed and I sat in front of her across the counter, "What can I say, this little one has one big appetite." We laughed again and I heard someone come into the room.

I looked and saw Oliver, "You might want to get a shower girl, we have to leave in about twenty minutes." I nodded and got out of the chair. I walked up to my room and grabbed my clothes. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door, I did all I needed to do and I got in the shower.

After about ten minutes I got out of the shower and dried off and put my clothes on. I looked down at the red cropped tank top and leggings, which weren’t what I had grabbed earlier, I shrugged the thought off and walked out of the bathroom. I put my work out clothes in my room and grabbed my bag, I looked in the mirror and looked at my hair and saw a few red-ish streaks in it which were not there before. I shrugged it off again and walked downstairs.

I saw Noah, Chris and Oliver still sitting on the couch playing the same game as before. I smiled and cleared my throat, all of the guys looked at me and Noah blushed a little. James looked angry, Amelia came out of the kitchen and looked at my outfit and sighed. "I don’t know why he could not have waited till after school." I gave her a confused look, she shook her head and told us to get to school.

We walked out of the house and over to my car because the boys only had their skateboards. We all got in my car and pulled out of the driveway. I heard the guys yell at me to slow down but I wasn't speeding. Then I got pulled over, I sighed and looked at the officer who walked up to my window.

I mumbled a spell under my breath without even realizing. "I thought I saw you speeding, but it must have been someone else. Have a good day and make sure you get to school on time." I smiled and he walked back to his car, I looked at the boys and smiled.

"How did you do that?" I shrugged, I don’t even know what I did.

"I have no idea, I don't even remember speeding or saying the spell." They nodded and we finished driving to school. We got to school and parked the car, I grabbed my bag and we all got out of the car. I was walking ahead of the boys because I knew girls would give me dirty looks if they saw me with them but part of me didn't care. I felt someone wrap their arm around my shoulders and it was Noah. I smiled and wrapped my arm around his torso.

We walked into school together and I kept hearing people whisper and I just sighed. Every once and a while I would see one of the girls giving me dirty looks and I chuckled. Noah and I walked to my locker and it opened without me even touching it, Noah looked at me in confusion. I shook my head, "I don't know what is happening. I am not using my magic I swear." he nodded and took out his phone. He started texting someone, "Who are you texting?" he looked into my eyes.

"Your mom, she told me to text her if anything weird started to happen so I am." I shrugged, I feel like it is better that he be on the lookout because for some reason I can’t even remember doing anything.

"Okay but I’m sure that I am fine." I then heard a laugh in my head.

Poor girl, afraid to show the world what she can really do. I’m sure you can do so much more than you think.

I looked around and saw a man standing at the entrance of the school smiling at me, I gave the person a confused look and then they disappeared. I looked at Noah who was still on his phone, "I’ll be back." he shook his head.

"We start class in five minutes." I nod, Noah gave me a scared look with a small frown.

"And I will be back by then." he sighed and nodded. I smiled and walked out of the building looking for the man. I didn't see him but I saw another guy looking at me. He wasn't looking at me in a way a guy would generally look at a girl but he was looking at me, I walked over to him and he smiled.

"Hello Ivy." I gave him a confused look, I don’t know who this is, I can’t get a scent off of him nor can I read his mind.

"How do you know my name?" he smiled a somewhat wicked smile.

"I know most there is to know about you." I gave him a confused look and he laughed. "That feeling you keep getting to do the worst you possibly can do is the connection you have to me." I was still confused. I don’t even know what he is talking about, yeah there is a voice in the back of my head saying you should do this but at the same time there is a louder one telling me to do the right thing.

"Who are you?" he smiled and disappeared like the other guy did. I sighed and walked back inside, I have two minutes to get to class. I rushed to my class and got in right as the teacher was closing the door.

"You’re lucky." I smiled and sat down in my seat. Class started and I couldn't help but think about the two guys from not even two minutes ago.

The day seemed to go by as normal other than the constant thought to do something I normally wouldn’t. After school, the guys told me to meet them at my locker so I did. But all day I haven't been thinking about the guy I should have been thinking about, I was thinking about the two guys from this morning when I wanted to be thinking about Noah. I got to my locker and waited for the guys. I saw Chris and Oliver walking towards me and I heard the voice again.

You know they could care less about you. Why don't you just come with me and everything will be fine.

I shook the thought from my head and slammed my locker making everyone look at me. I sighed and looked at the guys who had all just showed up. "We need to get back now." They nodded and we walked to my car. "Noah drive, I don't think it is a good idea for me to drive." he nodded and got in the front seat. We pulled out of the parking spot and drove back to the house. When we got there I got out of the car and felt my eyes change, "Noah!" he got out of the car and ran over to me. "Something’s wrong." James came running out of the house and ran over to me.

I looked at him and growled, I have never growled at him before. "I’m sorry, I don’t know what is going on with me." he nodded, giving me a frown.

"I know sweetheart." I nodded and he helped Noah take me inside. I got as far as the couch before something else happened.

I felt my skin burning, "Mom!" She came into the room as fast as she could. "What is happening to me?" she sighed.

"You talked to one of them didn't you?" I shrugged, I don’t remember half of today in all honesty.

"I don't know. There were two guys following me all day and I talked to one of them. But they never said who they were." she nodded. I could tell what she was thinking. I don’t want to do it.

"Ivy, you need to let the darkness in. If you and Noah are truly soulmates he’s the only one who can bring the light back." I nodded and closed my eyes. I felt a huge weight lifted off my chest and I opened my eyes. My parents and the boys were looking at me in concern. It felt as if a cloud had washed over me and fogged everything in my brain.

"What are y'all looking at?" I felt the hatred burning in my chest. I wanted to fight it but I couldn't, I heard a knock on the door and I spelled it open. I saw the guy from before step into the house. I could feel the panic from my parents and the guys, I loved it at least somewhat. Part of me was still fighting. Fighting for the good.

"So I see you let it take over." I smirked and shrugged, Amelia had tears in her eyes. I can’t fight. As much as I want to, everything in my body is telling me to fight but I can’t.

"Come back to me Ivy." I rolled my eyes and looked at the guy in front of me. I’m here Mom. Deep, deep down.

"So who are you?" he smiled, I knew him from when I saw him at school. He feels familiar, he smells familiar too.

"Hello sister." I smiled and nodded. This is the guy. The long lost brother who wasn’t so long lost.

"So you’re the brother I have never heard of." he nodded, "You got a name?" he smiled and nodded.

"Austin." I smiled, I held out my hand and he shook it. A wave of energy passed through him, there is something about him that is different. I feel a flicker of good in him.

"Nice to meet you Austin." He nodded and turned around, he started to walk toward the door.

"Say your goodbyes then we’re leaving." I gave him a confused look, I may be on his side but who in their right mind leaves with someone they don’t know to go somewhere they don’t know.

"Leaving to go where exactly?" he shrugged and gave me the same wicked smile as before.

"Anywhere you want to go." I smirked and looked at all of the people looking at me with concern. Part of me wants to say screw you all, I’m out of here. But the fighting part of me says don’t.

"I'll be out in a second." he nods and walks out of the house. Noah stands in front of me and I can feel my heart race. I have no idea what he is about to do, part of me wants to reach out and hug while the other part of me wants to just walk away.

"I love you Ivy." He kissed my forehead and I saw a slight brightness flash before my eyes. But when he moved it stopped, I didn’t want him to move but at the same time I felt as if I should push him away. That I wanted to push him away.

"What just happened?" Noah smiled and kissed my lips. The flash came back as I felt my hands grab the hem of his shirt before I pulled away, "So that’s not going to happen again. I have to go, see y'all whenever." I smirked and walked out of the house and spelled the door closed. Austin was standing in front of the house and smiled at me.

I’m back. He brought me back. I knew what that was. I didn’t think it would actually work but it did. I’m back and stronger than before.

"You ready to go sister?" I smiled and nodded. Before I knew it Austin and I were in some sort of layer.

"How did we get here?" he smiled as I looked around the dirty layer. I mean for someone evil the layer suits it but you would think he would be able to conjure up something nicer at least.

"Our magic has more capabilities than you think." I smiled and gave him a sarcastic jaw drop. Dude, you think I couldn’t tell that with the fact we got here without any sort of car. But he and the other guy disappeared this morning. Like vanished.

"But that didn't answer my question." he nodded and gave me a smile.

"I will let the man who raised and trained me tell you." I smirked, the man from before came out of nowhere with a pizza box in his hand. He smelled like Amelia but also different, which would make sense since this guy is supposedly my uncle.

He saw me and smiled, "Ivy, it’s good to finally meet you. Are you ready for some easy training?" I smiled and nodded, he nodded as well and he handed me a boa staff. I smiled, a guy came out of nowhere and smirked at me. "Ivy, this is Landon. Landon, Ivy." he smiled at me and I smiled back.

My uncle gave Landon a staff and he told me to try and hit him, I tried then he disappeared. I felt someone behind me, Landon's staff came really close to my throat but I stopped him and pinned him to the ground before he could even say his name. "Nice try, have y’all forgotten I’m part wolf?" my uncle laughed and shook his head.

"Oh no, I remember." I nodded and got off of Landon. I helped him up and we just stood there for a few minutes looking at each other. There was something about him, more or less a sense of lust burning between the two of us. But no matter what I know who I belong with and after the kiss I know more than ever I belong with Noah.

I sighed, "Now what?" My uncle and brother smile.

"Want to learn how to go anywhere, whenever you want?" I heard my brother ask and I smiled, I can go to Noah and the rest of my family to tell them I’m safe. But how will Austin and my uncle not know where I am? They don’t seem to be able to read my mind. Only put thoughts into it.

"I’ll be fine." my uncle nodded and wrote the spell down, I nodded and said the spell while thinking of where I wanted to go. I thought of Noah. The next thing I knew I was standing in my living room in front of Noah.

He smiled at me, "I knew you would come back." I smiled and put my hand in his. I kissed him again and felt everything fade away. Love, lust, power and strength flooded between us.

I pulled away and took a deep breath, "I can't stay for long. I love you too Noah." I then thought of Austin and was back at the layer. I know not that they can’t read my mind because they would have stopped me from going if they knew this is where I was going.

"Where did you go?" I shook my head. Lying seemed so easy now. But I know if they knew the truth something would go very wrong.

"No where, it was just black for a few seconds." they nodded.

"Try again and think of a place where you can take something." I nodded and thought of an ice cream place. I was at the ice cream shop down the street from my house and I took the entire cookie dough container and went back to the layer.

"Really? Ice cream?" I nodded, taking the spoon I grabbed as well and eating some.

"What? I’m hungry." they sighed and rolled their eyes at me.