
Chapter 5

Another six months have passed, it is officially the start of my senior year. I’m just as excited as I was when I tried to go to school last year but now I’m less nervous as well. I got out of my bed and looked around the room and smiled. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a pair of jeans along with a new top Mama bought me; I put my hair in a fishtail braid and walked out of my room. I walked downstairs and saw Amelia standing in the kitchen talking to James, I smiled at them and they smiled back.

"Don't forget that you are meeting up with Robert and Marie today." I smiled and nodded, Mama and Papa more or less demanded that I go to their house once or twice a week for dinner. I’m just happy that I still get to see them, they live two houses down from me. I looked down at Amelia’s stomach and smiled, she is eight months pregnant.

Yeah that is something new that happened, they didn’t know about it until Amelia asked Mama what was going on because she started feeling weird. The weird thing is that I’m going to have a little sibling with the same abilities as me. I sighed and grabbed my keys and bag. James taught me how to drive and they got me a truck, which is awesome. So far I am a normal eighteen year old girl. I got into my truck and started to back out of the driveway when someone ran behind me.

I hit my brakes really hard and let out a deep breath, I got out of the truck after putting the truck in park, I walked behind my truck and saw someone I haven't seen in almost a year. Noah. "I should have watched where I was going, sorry for that."

I shook my head and nodded, "Umm, it's fine. Are you alright?" he nodded, why is here? He hasn’t been over here in almost a year. Plus even when he wasn’t here for me he never came over here anyway.

"Yeah, I’m not harmed and even if I was, I’m a quick healer." I nodded. "Well I gotta go." I nodded and watched Noah run away. I stood frozen in place, I heard the front door close and I saw James standing there.

"Who was that?" He walked over to me, I just stood frozen in place. He looks different now, his hair is shorter but still slightly curly, his skin is tanner. But his smell is still the same. The need to want to be with him is still the same.

"That was Noah." James put his hand on my back and gave me a sad look, he wrapped his arms around me and I hugged him back. I don’t know how to react to this, I thought I was going to be okay with going back to school but seeing that Noah is still around I don’t know how this is going to work.

"Get to school, we can talk more about this later okay?" I nodded. I walked back to my car and got in, part of me wished the spell would have worn off or that it wouldn't have worked at all but it did. He doesn't remember me. I sighed and put the truck in reverse, I pulled out of the driveway and drove to school thinking about Noah still.

I am pretty sure if I touch him the spell will go away but I won't do that. So it is time to just forget about Noah and worry about myself. As hard as that may be because I have to focus on trying not to get into physical contact with Noah or Oliver and Chris.

I pulled into the parking lot and sat in my truck for a little while. I’ve gotten used to being in public since Amelia would take me to the store with her and she taught me how to control my powers in a public setting like school. I grab my bag and get out of my car, I walk to the front of the school and see a bunch of girls surrounding something. Over the top of the girls' heads I could see the three guys who I knew just a year ago. Noah, Oliver and Chris.

I sighed and continued to walk into the school, I already had my schedule. So I went to my locker and just waited for the bell to ring. The three guys walked into the school with a stampede of girls behind them, they are like superstars, what happened last year? I shrugged and heard the bell ring. I closed the door to my locker and started to walk away.

I heard girls whisper that I should be swooning over these boys, I just rolled my eyes and the next thing I knew I was on the ground. You would think that I could sense whatever it was coming but my brain was slightly preoccupied with all of the voices. I took a deep breath and saw that I had tripped over a skateboard.

I saw Noah run over to me, the girls were laughing but stopped when they saw Noah crouched over next to me. He handed me my phone and smiled, "Are you okay?" I smiled back at him and nodded. I made sure not to touch him even in the slightest.

"Yeah, thanks." I took my phone out of his hand and he stood up. He held out a hand to help me up and I was about to take it but I shook my head and got up myself. I can't touch him or any of the boys, as much as I wish I could, this is for his own safety and his own personal well being.

"Well it looks like our paths are just destined to cross wouldn't you say?" a small smile played on his face when he said that. I shrugged. You have no idea Noah.

"I guess so." We both smiled, I can tell by the look in his eye that he has no idea who I am. But I can tell that as an Alpha he has gotten stronger. Especially since I can’t read his thoughts.

"You guys go ahead, I’ll meet up with you later." he said to Oliver and Chris. The two of them nod and walk ahead while all of the other girls are glaring at me.

"You can go with them you know." he nodded, and gave me a smile. Not the type of player smile, the smile he gave me a year ago.

"I know but I don't want to. So you must be new here, I have never seen you here before." I nodded, you would be surprised.

"I've been homeschooled my whole life. My parents let me spend this year in public school." Noah nodded, and held out his hand for me to shake. I started to reach for it, if only I could.

"You must be germophobic or something if you won't even give me a hand shake." I frowned and shook my head. I would if I could Noah. But I can’t and you don’t even get to know why. I took a deep breath and continued to frown.

"I just don't like hand shakes." he nodded and we continued to walk, I wish I could just wrap my arms around him. More than anything I wish I could. I have somewhat been okay with everything and after being with Ryan this just makes everything so much harder.

"So new girl do you have a name?" I smiled, you know my name, you just can’t remember.

"Yeah, Ivy." he smiled, he gave me a confused look as if he knew that already but he shakes his head and lets out a deep breath.

"It is nice to meet you Ivy. My name is Noah." I nodded, I know, you helped me more than you know. You are the reason I wanted to come back.

"I know. I mean I heard the girls earlier saying it so I know your name." I put my head in my hands out of embarrassment and Noah laughed. I moved my hands and let out a little sigh.

"We should get to class, what class do you have first?" I showed him my schedule and he smiled. "I wish I had Math first. I would want to get it out of the way first. So you are lucky." I shrug and he nodded, "Well talk to you later Ivy, it was nice to meet you." I smile and nod. I watch Noah walk away, he walks right across the hall. I saw the girls who were whispering when he was helping me up earlier. They were staring at me with jealousy in their eyes, I sighed and focused on the class. They have no idea who they are messing with.

It’s finally time for lunch, the day has gone by okay so far, I haven't used my powers at all which is good. I haven’t really talked to anyone or tried to make friends with anyone because I don’t need anyone questioning what I am. The last time I was here, I had Oliver and his group to sit with but now I have to try and avoid them at all cost.

I walked into the cafeteria and saw Noah, Oliver and Chris sitting with all of their friends just like they did the last time I was here. I tried to not make eye contact with Noah but he saw me and called me over. I walked over and told him that I shouldn't sit, he insisted though. I sat down next to Oliver and accidently brushed his arm with mine. I knew I shouldn’t have sat down.

He blinked and looked at me in amazement. I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the cafeteria, "You remember don't you?" he frowned and nodded. "Great, don't act any different around Noah and Chris, especially Noah please." he nodded and we walked back into the cafeteria. I made sure I stayed away from Noah. I stayed quiet and Oliver bumped my leg and handed me his phone to put my number in again. I was hesitant at first but it would be nice to know that I have him to talk to again.

I put it in and we started to text, he asked how I was and I told him I was good other than I love Noah and I can't have him. I also told him about everything that has happened to me this past year. We texted for a while during the rest of the day.

The first day of school is finally over. In the past year I had two first days of school. Nothing more than two first days. I really hope this year is different. I have the last class of the day with Oliver so he and I got to catch up during that class period. We walked to my locker so he could wait for Noah and Chris, "So you are taking public school for another spin?" I nod.

"Yeah, I have more control over my abilities now and I have to be more careful about who I show them to." Oliver nods and I hear someone come up behind me, it is Chris. He and I talked a lot at lunch and just now he draped his arm over my shoulder and remembered. Why is this happening? I mean I didn’t ask for this. This is great, just great. I sighed, "Now you remember, you both have to make sure Noah doesn't-" I was caught off by Noah walking up.

"Noah doesn't what?" I shook my head, and started to panic. I took a deep breath and pushed my powers down trying to keep them under control.

"I didn't say Noah. You must be hearing things." he shrugged, I know he heard me. He’s a werewolf for goodness sake.

"I have really good hearing but you could be right. I have to go talk to a teacher really quick. I’ll meet you guys by the car, okay?" The guys nod and we watch Noah walk away.

"Make sure Noah and I don’t touch." Chris gave me a confused look, "I love him, but I feel wrong for him and I don't want to hurt him," we start to walk out of the school, "the two of us can be with one person and that person is ours for the rest of our lives. If he and I are really meant to be then I feel like he will be in my life, but I feel like I don't belong with him. You guys heard what happened when we were together last year. He got shot for goodness sake. Plus I almost killed him again today."

Oliver laughed, "Yeah he told us about that." I sighed a little and turned to put my back on his car as I saw Noah coming out of the building.

I sighed and looked at Oliver, "I have never felt this way about anyone. I want to be with him but I can't at least not yet. At least not until I know I am who he wants to be with" Oliver and Chris both nodded. Noah walked up to us and smiled at me.

"I guess you could say you have become a part of our trio which is now a group." I smiled and felt my cheeks heat up. Noah smiled at me, I sighed and looked at the ground. "Ivy, do you want to hang with us today?" I looked up and shook my head.

"I can't. I umm I have to meet up with some people right now actually." Noah frowned and nodded. More than anything I wish I could hang out with them. I wish I could spend time with all of them but I can’t.

"Oh okay, we will see you at school tomorrow though, right?" I smiled and nodded, I walked to my car. I got in and started the car. I pulled out of my parking spot and drove back to my house. I got out of the car and walked over to my parents house. I knocked on the door and Mama answered.

"Ivy dear, come in." I smiled and walked inside. "Papa is making pasta for dinner." I smiled and sat down on the couch. "How was school?" I smiled.

"It was kind of okay. Oliver and Chris remember because we touched but I am trying very hard not to touch or be touched by Noah and I almost killed him today." Mama dropped her jaw. "I was pulling out of the driveway and he was running, luckily I saw him before I ran him over." she nodded. Papa walked into the room and smiled at me, "Ciao papà" (Translation: Hi Papa.) he smiled at me and walked over to me. I stood up and hugged him.

"Come stai principessa?" (Translation: How are you princess?) I shrugged, and took a deep breath.

"Sto bene." (Translation: I am okay.) he nodded and the oven beeped then the doorbell rang. Mama and Papa walked into the kitchen to get the oven and I answered the door, Noah was standing there holding my phone. "You dropped it in the parking lot. I followed you to give it to you and that sounds really creepy sorry. Here." He handed me the phone and our fingers brushed slightly. I took the phone and shut the door before he could say anything to me.