
Chapter 3

I fluttered my eyes open and saw that I was in my room at the safe house, I saw Mama and Papa standing by the bed and Noah was sitting in the chair next to my bed. I sat up and looked around, Mama sat down on the bed. "Mama what happened?" she looked at Noah and sighed.

"You were found. Luckily Noah heard you call him and was able to get to you before the hunter did." I nodded, I don’t remember what happened yesterday.

"What happened to the hunter and why was I outside?" they all gave me a confused look. I remember the transformation but other than that I don’t remember anything else.

"You don't remember?" I shook my head, should I remember?

"What happened that I should remember?" Noah grabbed my hand and shook his head, something was different about the way he held my hand. I felt something like energy flowing through me.

"Nothing." but as he said that a vision of what happened ran through my head. I saved him last night, he was shot with an arrow and I saved him.

I frowned, "Why are you lying?" He gave me a confused look but then realized that he was holding my hand. He let go and I heard something outside and it sounded like yelling, I got off of the bed and looked outside. I saw James and a woman, I tried to listen.

"Where is she? I had her only a few feet away from me! James, where is she?" I was super confused but I ignored the yelling. James looked at me because he could hear me. The woman looked at me and she had the same color eyes as me, the same color hair and the same color of skin. "Is that her?" I backed away from the window and closed my eyes, this couldn’t be happening. It is impossible, I take a deep breath and hear someone stand behind me. I felt a hand on my arm and I knew it was Noah.

"Who’s outside?" I sighed and turned around, I didn’t want to believe it. I didn’t want to think about this actually happening.

"James and I think my mother." Noah's jaw dropped, he gave me a confused look. Is it really her?

"Why aren't you running like crazy to meet her? I thought you wanted to know your parents." I nodded.

"I did, I mean I do but at the same time I don't. I never wanted to be the way I am. I never asked to be this way, I never asked for powers for the ability to change into a wolf or any of this. I always wanted to be normal, to go to a public school, to play sports and have friends. To fall in love and have a family of my own. But none of this is possible for someone like me and we both know this." Noah put his hand to my cheek and made me look at him.

Another vision went through my head, he told me that he couldn’t be here with me. That wolves mate once and that once is for life. He can’t be with me. But the same thoughts that went through my head when we were wolves are going through my head right now, I pulled away and walked away from him.

"You said you couldn't be here. You should leave because I’m sure you would find a better mate somewhere else." I felt a sharp pain in my chest and a tear fall to my cheek. I wiped it away and took a deep breath. I heard footsteps come up behind me and felt Noah's hands on my arms, he didn't say anything he just stood there.

My heart was racing and I could feel something hit my skin, water droplets. This happens when I am really nervous or excited. Mama and Papa figured this out when I was little and they would make me a cake for my birthday.

I shake the thoughts from my head and take a deep breath and they go away, I move away from Noah. "Noah, if you want to leave then you can. I’m not going to keep you here, and I’m sure the other guys would want to leave as well but I would have to erase your memories of me so you guys don't tell anyone about me." I don’t want him to leave. That is the last thing I want right now.

I was still not facing Noah but when I turned around and saw him standing in front of me, "If you want me to go I’ll go but I have to do one thing before I go. If I’m going to lose my memories of you then I have to do this now." I gave him a confused look and he put his hands to my cheeks and placed his lips on my own. The one reason he was leaving to avoid this.

More water droplets hit my skin and I hear the door open, Noah and I don't pull apart though. I close my eyes and feel Noah's hands move to my waist. Mine are placed on his chest, I pulled away and looked at Noah. "Vim extermina memorias a me." (Translation: Erase memories of me.) Noah blinked and looked at me in confusion.

I frowned and felt a tear fall to my cheek, "Who are you and where am I?" I sighed and took a deep breath.

"You needed an extra pair of clothes because there was a huge storm and your car broke down." Noah nodded and looked at my parents.

"Who are they? Who are you?" I shook my head, he will never remember who I am or who they are so why bother him with the details now.

"Nobody you need to worry about." he nodded and we walked out of the room I walked over to Chris and Oliver who were sitting on the couch.

"Chris? Oliver? What are you guys doing here?" They both gave me a confused look. I sighed. I told Noah to wait outside, he walked outside waiting for his friends.

"I have to erase your memories to keep you safe. You need to leave." they shook their heads, I wish I had a choice in this. But right now I don’t, this is for the best.

"We aren't leaving. You already erased Noah's?" I nodded and frowned. It’s the only way.

"It’s the only way he will be happy." Oliver walked over to me. He puts his hands on my shoulders and frowns.

"He likes you, like really does." I sighed and shook my head. He doesn’t know that, I am sure he would find a much better mate somewhere else.

"I would only cause him pain." They nod and both hug me. They pull away and I say the same spell as I did for Noah, they both blink and look at me in confusion. "Your car broke down and there was a huge storm." They nodded and walked outside. I said another spell to build a car really quickly so they could all drive away. When they got in the car Noah looked at me and smiled. I sighed and closed the door as they drove away.

I looked at my parents who were standing by the stairs, "Are you okay?" I shrugged. How can someone be okay after this? I feel as if I just lost the only person I have ever loved. Maybe he and I are supposed to be together. But it’s too much of a risk.

“As okay as someone who just lost the person she thinks is the love of her life forever can be." I sat on the couch and two people walked into the house, James and the women he was talking to.

"It really is you." I gave James a confused look then I gave my parents a confused look. Is this really her? Is this really my biological mother?

"Mamma, papà chi è questo?" (Translation: Mama, Papa, who is this?) They both smiled at me.

"It is time you met your biological parents under different circumstances." I looked at James and the women who looked super surprised to see me.

"I can't believe after all of this time I finally get to see you, I get to be near you." She walked closer to me and I formed a ball of fire in my hand. "You have your fathers reflexes, and my powers." I frowned and put the fire out.

"So you're my biological mother?" she nodded and I looked at the two people who raised me my entire life. She nodded and wrapped her arms around me, her smell was so familiar but so foreign at the same time. I wrapped my arms around her and felt as if everything was fitting into place.

The rest of today I spent getting to know both of my biological parents, they also got to know me. Mama and Papa stayed as well helping James and Amelia get to know me. By telling them parts of my childhood that I don’t remember.