
Chapter 2

~Ivy's dream~

Someone knocked at the door. I looked at the person, I had no idea who the person was, I couldn’t sense anything coming from the person. I got off the bed and held a ball of fire in my hand Noah partly wolfed out and came over next to me, my eyes were the blue color they were before. I could feel them change but this time it was different. It didn’t hurt when they changed like they did before, "Who are you and what do you want?" She smiled at me and tried to walk in the room. I can see that Mama put a protection spell on the room for unwanted people to not be able to walk in.

"I know what and who you are, what and who both of you are." I looked over at Noah who was still wolfed out.

"What do you mean? We don’t know who you are." the woman smiled and nodded, she snapped her fingers and entered the room. There is something about her that seems so familiar, her smell, the way she looks. But I can’t put my finger on it.

I was in complete shock, I mean don’t get me wrong, I am excited but at the same time I don’t understand how this could even be possible. "Don’t come any closer or I will rip you apart." I heard Noah growl, I put my hand on Noah's arm and shook my head.

There is something about me that trusts her, I don’t know why but I do. "Un-wolf," he gave me a confused look as his facial features went back to normal. He never left my side, "So who are you? How did you even get into this house?" The lady walked in and sat in the chair directly in front of Noah and I.

"Well I guess you don’t really recognize someone who has been a part of your life since day one." she snapped her fingers and the picture of my parents was in her hands. How did she do that? Who is she?

"How did you get that?" I didn’t grab that from my room before we left to come to the safe house, how did she have it?

She smiled, "I did look a lot younger back then, but I also think I look a lot better now." She was confusing me very much. It can’t be her. She can’t be here, it’s not possible.

"Who are you?" she looked up at me and smiled, I was starting to get very annoyed with this woman.

"You should know your own mother," I shook my head, "You have grown up so much since the last time I saw you." I shook my head again.

"Y-you can't be my mother. You shouldn’t be here. You didn’t want me, you gave me away." she shook her head and frowned. Shouldn’t I be the one who's sad? Not her.

"So that is what the organization told you, well it is time you knew the real story." I shook my head. How is that not the true story? Did they lie to me? Did my parents lie to me all of this time?

"How did you even find me?" she smiled and tried to come closer to me but I stopped her by igniting a fire ball in my hand again.

"We are blood Ivy, it’s called instinct." I nodded, "Well, when you were born I had just been discovering all the powers I could control. Your biological father and I were two of the most powerful creatures that possibly walked the earth, he was an Alpha of his pack.” Mama told me that my parents had been powerful but she never told me what they were.

“Him being the Alpha gave him special abilities and I was a siphoner, I could pretty much take power from anything or anyone. Along with all of the other powers I had yet to discover. Your father and I were a forbidden love, he was supposed to marry someone else which he ended up doing but when he married the other girl I had you." My father was an Alpha, Mama taught me about alphas. She taught me how they had powers to control when they turn.

How is this happening? Why is this happening?

"The organization took you from me because you were too 'special and too fragile for someone like me to take care of you', when you were born you were basically ripped from my arms and I only ever saw you from a distance after that. Once I found your parents or adoptive parents and asked how you were, at first they were confused but then you came up behind them and I saw you. You were beautiful and you still are, you have so much of your father in you. Ivy, you are so much more than you think. You have so much more that you need to know." my phone rang and it was a number I did not know.

I picked it up, "Hello?" I heard a man clear his throat. I don’t know what is happening anymore. All of this feels unreal, like a dream.

"Is this Ivy?" I was so confused but said yes, the guy sounded happy. Nobody has this number other than my parents and Oliver. How did he get my number?

"Who is this?" I looked at the lady who claims she is my mother, is she planning something?

“My name is James and I am your father." I looked at the lady in front of me who heard the man say what he said. This is impossible, this can't be happening, something is up.

"James, what was my mother's name?" The woman mouthed her name to me and I nodded, he said the same name. This has to be a dream but it feels all too real to be a dream.

How is this possible? I looked at Noah who was looking at me in shock. I muted the phone call and looked at Noah, "What is wrong Noah?" he looked into my eyes. He gave me a scared but hopeful look.

"My original Alpha’s name was James, he died a few years ago disclaiming being the alpha and my father who was a close friend of his, also named James took his place and that is how I’m an alpha." I looked at the woman.

"He can't die, he’s immortal, he and I both are." I looked at her and back at Noah. I was about to do something which I had never done before but I read in the books Mama would give me that it is possible.

I was going to teleport James here, I took a deep breath and thought about my father, my biological father and closed my eyes. "Pro eo" (Translation: Bring him forth) the next thing I knew a man was standing in front of me. He looked similar to the guy in the picture.

"Where am I?" He looked at me, then at the woman. He looked around the room and met eyes with the woman.

"Amelia?" That was the woman's name, it was really him.

"James?" Amelia got up and walked over to James and smiled, "It is nice to see you after all of these years." he nodded and looked back at me.

"You must be Ivy." he saw Noah and he was so confused. "Noah? What are you doing here?" Noah's jaw had been dropped since James appeared.

"Is it really you?" James nodded and hugged Noah, I looked at Amelia. Noah and James pulled away from each other and they both looked at me, "Does this mean Ivy is a part of the pack?" James looked at Noah and nodded his head.

"You both are a part of my pack which means you will both feel some sort of connection with each other. If that makes sense." I nodded and felt the pain of what happened, of what they did to me weighing on my chest.

I had to ask. "Why did both of you only try to find me now? Why didn't you fight for me?" I asked as I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Ivy, I told you I watched you grow up." I heard Amelia say, I nodded but then I looked at James. But why didn’t she come find me sooner, why didn’t she try and take me back?

"Why did you call me?" James walked over in front of me and smiled, he had kind eyes. I feel like I have looked into his eyes before. But I never have.

"I wanted to meet my daughter, the most powerful creature to walk the earth." that didn't sound right.

"James, what creatures am I exactly?" I told Amelia to not answer, she nodded and gave me a confused look, but after a few seconds she knew what I was doing.

"Well you are part werewolf, you have witch in you as well as you can control more than you think, you are more powerful than you know. Especially if you have the powers I had when I was Alpha." I nod and look at Amelia.

"I need you both to leave.'' They gave me a confused look. I closed my eyes and James disappeared and Amelia walked out of the room.

Noah and I looked at each other, "I watched the car crash, I was in the car behind James, I watched it burst into flames. How is this possible?”

"At least you didn't find out that both your parents are alive and you are some sort of creature that is more rare than anyone realizes." I stood in the same place I had been and felt my hands start to shake. I don’t know if I should believe this. How can this even be possible?

I just remembered that Chris and Oliver were still in the room, so I turned around and looked at them. Their jaws dropped and they just stared at us, "You two are probably the most confusing people we have ever met in our entire lives." Noah and I looked at each other and laughed.

“Yeah I guess you could say that." Noah said before I felt my legs give out on me, Noah caught me. "You have to stop doing this to yourself." I shook my head.

"I’m fine. I will be fine, I’m just a little woozy." I didn’t have any strength, I tried to stand up again but I couldn't. Noah sighed and looked into my eyes, "You remember how James said we have a connection because of our shared pack?" I nod weakly, "What if I can share my strength by just giving you some and keeping some for myself?" I shrug, or at least tried to. "I don't know, how would it even work?" he shrugs and picks me up and puts me on the bed.

"I am going to try something, it’s going to be weird since we don’t really know each other but I am still going to try." I nodded and he kissed my head. I felt a rush of energy go through my body.

But it was not enough to get my strength up, "I feel better, I think I just need to rest as well as some food." Noah sighed and shook his head.

"I can't just let you spend all day here without your strength, what if something happens?" He sits down next to me on the bed and puts his hands on my face.

"Noah I will be fine." he shakes his head, “I just need some sleep.”

"Let me try one more thing." I nodded and then he kissed my cheek. I felt energy and strength rush through my body. It could also be the fact that the rest of my body feels like it is up in flames from the fact that his lips were closer to mine.

I sat up and pulled away, "It worked." Noah smiled at me and I hugged him. We both laughed and nodded as we pulled away. I just met my biological parents, how is this even possible?

The guys are all sitting around me, I sigh and close my eyes. I can hear the boys go silent, but when I think I would be able to hear their thoughts everything goes quiet and still.

~End of Ivy's dream~

I open my eyes and Oliver and Chris are gone, Noah is sitting in the chair next to me. He passed out of course, I smiled at him. Why did I dream that? Are Noah and I a part of the same pack, we can't be. I don’t even know if that was true. I sighed and sat up, I heard Noah take a quick breath and his eyes shot open.

His eyes were red again, he was looking right at me. "Please tell me you didn't have the same dream I did?" I gave him a confused look, I saw our hands were holding each other, I sigh and release his hand.

"You weren’t supposed to dream the dream you had, that is just a 'bonus' to my powers." Noah gave me a confused look.

"What do you mean a bonus?" I shook my head and sighed. I had a feeling this would happen again.

"I mean that it wasn’t supposed to happen, my dreams or nightmares can travel person to person if I am in contact with a person while I’m sleeping."

Noah nodded, and sighed. "My father's name was James." I sighed, taking a deep breath hoping this dream does not come true. “But at least we know it might be true. That is why we feel this sort of connection. Unless I am the only one who feels it.” I shook my head.

"No, I feel it too. I never knew my parents' names, so I have no idea if that dream was true on my part or not. But we can’t tell Oliver or Chris about the dream, not yet anyway." Noah nodded. Just then Oliver and Chris walked into the room.

"Ivy, the woman from last night is here, she said she wanted to speak to you when you woke up." I nodded looking down at the clothes I had on from last night.

"Can you guys get out so I can get dressed really quick?" They all nod and walk out of the room. I walked to the closet and picked out a T-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. I changed into them and walked out of the room. I walked down the stairs and saw the boys talking to my Mama. I smiled at her, "You always seem to find outfits that I actually am okay with wearing." She smiled at me.

"I know dear. We need to talk about what happened last night, tell me exactly what happened." I nodded.

"The guys and I had just started to talk and Oliver ordered pizza, so a car pulled up and he thought it was the pizza guy but I told him it wasn’t. I could hear the guy say or think that he wanted me to come out or he would destroy the house. After that I called you and asked for the entrance." Mama nodded and walked to the kitchen.

I followed her and the boys wandered around the house, "Why were you with the wolf boy?" she asked me right as the boys were out of ear shot but I knew that Noah heard cause for one he is the wolf boy.

I sighed, "I had no idea he was an Alpha till last night when I used his strength to block the entrance." she nodded. "Mama, I had a dream where I met my biological parents and how apparently Noah and I are from the same pack. Is it true?" she nodded her head.

"You are from the same pack but Noah is not a biological Alpha, at least not to your father. Your father was the original Alpha and Noah is your fathers best friend's son who's name was also James. Your father and James did some sort of blood ritual to bind themselves to each other. That is how Noah is an Alpha but you are actually the next in line to be Alpha." I nodded and had no idea what to say.

"So you're saying that my biological parents are still alive?" she shook her head. I don’t know how to react to this. I mean how could anyone react to something like this?

"I have no idea dear. I have to get back to Papa, I will be back tomorrow to check on you. Please try not to overdo yourself today, there is a training room around the corner if you need or want to train." I nodded and hugged her goodbye. She walked out of the kitchen and out of the house, the guys walked into the kitchen as Mama walked out of the house. Noah looked at me and smiled, he heard it all.

I nodded and looked at the boys, "Well who wants to train with me today?" Chris shook his head and put his hands up.

"You two can go ahead. I’ll sit this one out." I laughed and nodded. I have never tried this but I snapped my fingers and my clothes changed into the training clothes I thought of. I smiled and was relieved that it actually worked.

The guys looked at me in shock, "To be honest I had no idea that was going to actually work." we all laughed and I looked at Oliver and Noah, "So you two ready?" they look at each other then me and nod. Noah and Oliver drank the drink they had which made them immune to my powers, we walked into the training room and Chris sat on the ground near the door so if anything backfired he could be the first one out.

Noah and I went first. I was going to try and pin him down using just my powers. "Come on princess." was he really trying to trash talk me right now, at least I think he was. I have never trained with anyone other than Papa and he would always be yelling at me and telling me to do better. I sighed and closed my eyes and thought about a puddle of water at Noah's feet, then he slipped and sat on the ground.

I opened my eyes and looked at him, "Coerceo" (Translation: Stay down), his hands were stuck to the ground and he could not get up, "I believe that means I win?" he looked up at me and his eyes changed color again, he mumbled something to himself and stood up. "H-how did you do that?" he smiled.

"There is a lot you have yet to learn about me." I took a deep breath and nodded. "Oliver your turn." he dropped his jaw, I could sense a slight panic around him now.

"I umm I think I will sit this one out too, you two are so weird." I laughed and nodded. I could hear people at school yesterday whispering stuff about how I looked weird and acted weird. But I tuned them out mostly. I figured people would call me weird.

"I know." Oliver shook his head and frowned, I can tell he felt bad which he didn’t need to but I know why he does.

"I didn't mean it like I was trying to be rude, I just meant it that I don’t understand you two and I have known Noah for my entire life." Noah frowned and nodded. I wonder why Noah didn’t tell them anything about this.

"I guess I never really showed you guys this side of my life." Oliver nodded and sat next to Chris by the door. "You used water, now try air." I nod and close my eyes, I think of a gust of wind strong enough to knock him on his feet and when I open my eyes he is once again on the ground so this time I go over to him and pin him to the ground myself using myself.

He smiles at me and pushes me up so I am no longer on top of him, damn he’s strong. He gets off the floor, and I get that sharp pain in my stomach again but this time it is also in my legs. I scream in pain and fall to the ground, the guys all rush over to me. I looked into Noah’s eyes and saw that my eyes changed color again, "Noah, why is this happening?" he shook his head.

He looked slightly panicked, "I don't know, Oliver go call her mother again." Oliver nodded and rushed out of the room. Chris and Noah both sat with me, I was in Noah's lap trying to not have the pain faze me but it did. When Oliver came back into the room with my parents on the phone the pain happened again and I screamed.

"Ivy she said to tell her to come forth." I nodded, I let out a slow deep breath trying to breathe through the pain.

“Eductam" (Translation: Bring her forth), Mama appeared next to Oliver and I screamed. "Mama I don't know what is wrong with me." she frowned and looked at the boys.

"Get her back to her room." Noah picked me up after he got up himself and we walked back to the room. Mama only allowed Noah in the room, Oliver and Chris stayed out in the hallway. Mama was kind of like a supernatural doctor, she knows how to take care of me. "Dear how much have you used your powers since I left?" I shook my head.

"I didn’t use them for anything but training. I swear." I left out the fact that I magically changed into my training clothes but that was only a small amount of magic, she nodded. She let out a small sigh while looking over the rest of my body. The pain was more than I have ever felt before.

"Dear you are going through your first transition, Papa and I didn’t think it was time yet. But we were wrong, you are going to become your wolf tonight and there is no stopping it." I shook my head.

"Wait, I can't, I don't want to hurt anyone." Mama shook her head, I winced at the pain. I felt my whole body tense as I bent into the pain.

"You won't as long as you trust the person now as your human self your wolf will recognize them." I nodded and sighed.

"Mama I’m scared." the pain happened again, I screamed and Noah sat right next to me. I felt tears fall to my cheeks, When it came to pain I don’t normally cry but with this I feel like I can’t control it, I can’t stop it.

"Ma'am I have gone through this before, I can help her if you want me to." Mama nodded and sighed.

"Please do, I have never had to go through this. You will know how to handle her better." Noah nodded and looked back at me.

I’m still really scared, I didn’t think this would happen now, right when something big happened in my life. Mama walked out of the room, Chris and Oliver walked into the room. I knew I could trust Oliver, "Chris I need you to stay away from me tonight okay?" he gave me a confused look but nodded. "Noah, tonight is going to be bad isn't it?" he nodded.

"It’s been a few years since I went through my transition, but since then at a full moon I have never had to change, I guess you could say there are perks of being Alpha." I nodded.

"What will happen to me though, I am the descendent of the original Alpha." Noah shrugged and gave me a sad look.

"I have no idea." I nodded, I had forgotten that Oliver and Chris had come into the room. They both gave me a shocked look, as if they were impressed about what I was talking about.

"Wait what? Descendent of the original Alpha?" Chris and Oliver said in unison, "You’re talking about the god of all mythical creatures?" Chris sat down on the bed, I could feel the hairs on my arms stand up. I backed away more like shifted toward Noah who was farther away from Chris, "The original Alpha has never been seen as his wolf. He has been claimed as a myth, like one of the greatest creatures to have ever lived. But he supposedly fell off the face of the earth over eighteen years ago." I looked at my bed and then looked back at Noah.

"So my biological father isn’t dead?" Noah shrugged.

"How do you know he is your biological father Ivy?" I looked at Chris and a sharp pain happened again, I screamed and felt the hairs on my arms stand up again. Chris jumped back and Noah grabbed my hand, the pain stopped for a few minutes and I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"I don’t know how much more of this I can handle. Noah it hurts so much." he nodded, continuing to hold my hand.

"I know but you’ll get through this, you are strong. I can feel it." I nodded and sighed. Oliver and Chris looked scared of me, I sighed again. My body was aching and I felt like each bone in my body was breaking.

"I don’t know how he is my father, all I know is that he is my father, because that is what my parents told me." Chris nodded, and sat back onto the bed.

"I used to study mystical creatures in middle school. Oliver, you remember me doing the research paper on the original Alpha in the seventh grade right?" I looked at Oliver and he nodded.

"Do you know how to contact him?" Chris and Oliver both looked at me like I was insane.

"Are you insane?" I frowned, I was and am hoping if I were to contact him there was a way he could show me how to do this. I know I have Noah but I feel like having my biological father would help in some way.

"I’ll take that as a no." Chris frowned, I can sense the fact that Chris is excited but also scared about what is going on which makes sense. I would be afraid to.

"He is the most amazing and dangerous creature on the face of the planet and you want to bring him here?" I looked back up at Chris and nodded. He nodded and got off the bed, he walked out of the room and the sharp pain came back and I screamed. More tears fell to my cheeks and I gripped onto Noah's hand which made him wince. I let go and tried to get up from the bed.

"I can't lay here any more, if this is going to be happening all day then I’m not going to try and be a wimp and sit back and let this take control over me." I felt the pain coming back and I looked at the clock, it was only noon. "When does the transformation happen?" Noah looked at me and walked over to me, I had made it all the way to the door.

"It doesn’t start until the moon comes out, which isn’t until around six-thirty tonight." I nodded, and looked at the stairs outside of my door.

"Those are going to be a pain," Oliver and Noah laughed, the pain came full force and my eyes changed, I screamed and griped my side. "I can't do this anymore!" Noah wrapped his arm around my waist and picked me up.

"You need to stay sitting. Walking or trying to walk will bring the pain even faster." I sighed and nodded, he put me back down on the bed.

"I don't want to be so helpless." he nodded, putting his hand in mine. It felt so comforting but also so foreign.

"I know, but you need to rest because tonight you will most likely be staying up until midnight, maybe even later." I nodded, "This house is on a lot of land so you should be able to go around without being seen." I nodded, "You will get through this." we both nodded this time, my phone went off. I asked him to grab it for me, it was a text from Papa.

Papa: Come ti senti principessa? (Translation: How are you feeling princess?)

Me: 1 nel dolore, ma sarà a posto. (Translation: In pain but I will be okay.)

The sharp pain came back and caught me off guard, I screamed and startled Noah. My phone flew up into the air and Noah caught it, I felt tears running down my cheeks. "1 non può gestire più questo" (Translation: I can't take this anymore) I screamed in Italian, Noah looked at me in confusion. "I said I can't handle this anymore." he nodded. I sat back onto the bed and looked out the window on the other side of the room. "This transition better hurry up." Noah and I both laughed, he handed me my phone and I saw a text from Papa saying that he would be back here at the house tomorrow. I sent a thumbs up and set my phone down. Chris came back into the room and smiled.

"So I didn’t think this would actually work but I posted something saying, 'looking for the original Alpha, can any one help?" he walked over to me and sat on the bed, "Within a minute someone replied, and said that they had a way to contact the original Alpha but there has to be a member of the pack or a blood relative present. And according to you we have one." I nodded and looked at Noah who was looking at Chris with concern. "So I need you to think about the original Alpha and you have to say the original Alpha four times." Noah looked at Chris.

"Are you sure you don't mean to summon Beetlejuice or something?" Chris laughed, and I was confused. Chris shook his head.

"This is what the guy said to do. I am just following directions." Noah nodded, the sharp pain came back and I screamed. Noah jumped a little and looked at me, Chris jumped off of the bed and looked at me. My eyes changed again, I looked at Noah. He frowned and nodded. I could tell Noah was hesitant about calling my biological father but at the same time he knew what he had to do.

"Only saying his name works correctly? We don't have to do some blood ritual or anything right?" Chris nodded, Noah nodded and stood up next to the bed, he said 'Original Alpha' four times. A note appeared out of thin air in front of him, he brought it over to me because it was in Latin.

I read it out loud in the best translation I could, "Whoever is trying to reach me, don’t because I can not help with whatever you want. So leave me alone." I looked up and looked at the boys, "Someone give me a piece of paper." Noah handed me a piece of paper. I took a deep breath and wrote out my message.

Dear Original Alpha,

I am going through my first transition and I do not have anyone to help me. Please I need you, I am in a lot of pain and if I hurt someone without trying I will never be able to forgive myself.

If you can help me please come.

Sincerely; a pack member.

I did a spell to send the letter back to the original Alpha, it was sent and after a few minutes there was someone standing in my room. His back was turned to us and when they turned around and looked at me then at Noah and Chris. "Who are you?" I tried to get off the bed, but I could feel pain going down my legs. Tears welled up in my eyes, the guy looked at me and frowned, "What is your name?" I looked at Noah.

"I don't know if your parents want you to tell him because they don’t even know he is here." I frowned and looked back at the guy.

"I will tell you that after you help me tonight. I am sure by tonight you will be able to figure it out but if you don't I shall tell you then." he nodded. That was easier than I thought it would be.

"How long have you been feeling the pain of the transformation?" I looked at Noah. Who was giving the man a confused but longing look. I can tell that this guy is real because of the way Noah is looking at him.

"Most of the day." The original alpha looked at me and nodded.

"Well in a general transformation the pain and transformation does not start until the night falls." I nodded.

"Yes I know I have done my research." he nodded and walked over to the bed. I could feel the hairs on my arms stand up, when he walked closer. My eyes changed color, the pain started to come up again. I looked at Noah, he nodded and told the guy to get off the bed. He did just that, the pain came and I screamed again. "It is coming more frequently now." I said to Noah, he nodded and looked at the guy, "Is it possible to stop the pain?" he shook his head.

"The only way the pain will stop is to complete the transformation." I frowned and nodded.

"Then this transformation needs to come quickly." Noah smiled at me and grabbed my hand. The guy sat down on a chair across from the bed.

"The only other time I have seen a transformation last this long was when I had my first one. Who are you?" I shook my head. You would think an Original Alpha would be able to smell the blood of his own in the person he is staring at.

"I can't say just yet, after tonight remember." he nodded. I squeezed Noah’s hand out of pain again which made him wince. I felt my body tense as I tried not to scream. I feel bad for hurting him but he didn’t let go, he kept a hold of me as if he didn’t want to let go.

"So why did you call me this early? It is only four o'clock." I looked at Noah who was frowning.

"We thought you would know how to stop the pain but we were wrong." he nodded and looked at Noah.

"Who are you?" Noah looked at me, then back at him. I felt Noah tense up so I tried to give a reassuring squeeze until my hand gave out.

Noah took a stuttering breath as he spoke, "I am the current Alpha of your old pack." He stood up and looked at the guy.

"You're James's son?" Noah nodded and the guy stood up. "How are you the alpha now? What happened to James? Is he okay? What happened while I was away looking for my daughter?" Noah looked at me then back at the guy standing in front of him.

"My father died in a car crash a while ago. I became Alpha because I’m his only son." the guy nodded. Noah pulled away from me and stood up in front of the guy.

"If I knew that happened I would have been right by you and your mother's side at the funeral." Noah nodded. The two of them hugged, after they pulled away Noah sat next to me again.

"You said you have a daughter?" he nodded, is he talking about me? Has he really been looking for me for this long?

“She was taken out of her mother's arms after being just born. I have been looking for her for seventeen years now. Her birthday was a few days ago and I thought I found her at this house but the only person I saw was someone trying to break in cause I guess they forgot their key or something." I frowned and looked at my hands. He did find me, they did want me. They didn’t want to give me up, what would happen if they did keep me?

I felt the sharp pain again, I screamed and made everyone jump. Noah looked at me and frowned, he was about to get up but I shook my head.

"Please don't go." he nodded and moved so he was closer to me. I laid my head on his chest and felt comfortable, I sighed when the pain didn't come back for a few minutes.

"Which one of you called me?" I looked at my supposed father sitting in front of my bed, I then looked at Noah.

"I did sir." Noah said, "It has been a while since my first transition and I don’t remember being in as much pain as her. So I thought you would be able to help." he nodded and looked at me.

"Tonight you have to have people you trust around you, the others will not be safe." I nodded and winced at the pain coursing through my body.

"I know. But how will you be able to help me if I do not trust you?" He shook his head. He is leaving, I can tell that is what he is doing.

"I will not be with you throughout the transition, my daughter is still out there and you took me off my search so after you do start to transform I will learn your name then I will be on my way." I frowned and nodded. I am right here! How can you not sense it?

The only thing he does not know is that I am sitting right here in front of him, I felt the pain coming. I screamed something in Italian, "Aiutami!" (Translation: Help me!) The Original Alpha looked at me.

"You speak Italian?" I looked at Noah and nodded.

"It’s my second language." he nodded, giving me a confused look.

"How old are you?" He was asking quite a few questions, I thought he would ask them sooner.

"I am seventeen." he nodded again. Is he finally putting it together?

"Who are your parents?" I looked at Noah and back at the man.

"I don’t know." he gave me a confused look. You are, there is no doubt about it. How can you not see it?

"How do you not know?" I looked at Noah again and Noah started to speak.

"Why are you asking so many questions?" The man kept looking at me with pure curiosity in his eyes.

"Can't I just be curious about a pack member of my pack?" Noah looked at me, I felt the pain. This time it was stronger than before. I screamed and a gust of wind came off of my body, enough to knock Oliver and Chris off their feet. The man sitting in the chair at the end of my bed looked at me in shock, "No one in my pack has ever done that. You have exactly two hours before the full moon appears and the transition is complete so how did you do that?" I shook my head.

"I can’t tell you." he nodded, "I can’t tell you because I don’t trust you therefore you are one of the possible people after me." he gave me a confused look, I looked at Noah who frowned at me. He said in his head Why did you say that? I shrugged, "I don't know." I realized Chris and Oliver walked out of the room, and the man looked at me.

"You don't know what?" I looked at him, he gave me a confused look and looked over at Noah.

"Huh?" I knew what he was talking about.

"You said I don't know like someone said something but nobody did." I shook my head. I know he could sense something was different with me.

"I don't know what you’re talking about." he shrugged his shoulders, I felt more pain coming and I tried to fight it but I couldn’t and let out a small whimper.

“Whatever I know you’re lying there is no need to but it's fine. I understand that you do not trust me." I heard footsteps coming toward the room. Mama, she is coming.

Mama walked into the room, "Ivy? Who is this man?" the man looked at me, "Ivy?" I looked at my Mama and tried to sit up, the pain came back and I screamed, Mama rushed over to me. "Who are you?" Mama asked the man.

"My name is James, I am the original Alpha, these children called for me to help this one through her first transition. Who are you?" Mama glared at me.

"I am her mother." I frowned, I was really hoping she wouldn’t have said that because now he won’t put two and two together.

"So you do know your parents." I looked at her and back at James.

Mama sat down and frowned, "Ivy you should know why we kept this from you for so long. We didn't want this to happen." I nodded.

"But I needed to know, we all knew that this day would come, when this would happen." she nodded and looked at the man. The man was confused and I looked at Noah who had his arm around me with his hand resting on my thigh. I felt my cheeks heat up when I realized that his hand was there. Oliver had called it a blush, it feels like my face is on fire. I take a deep breath and push the feeling away.

I turned back to my Mama, "Mama, he has been looking. For seventeen years, he looked. You told me that it was for a good cause that I wasn't wanted but I was." the man looked at me, I could feel his eyes on me. "Mama please, he has to know. If this is really him he has to know." she sighed and looked at the man then back at me. Mama nodded as I felt the pain, this time my eyes changed color again, I looked into Noah’s eyes and this time they weren’t blue, they were red. The color of an alpha’s. Noah never moved his arm, he just pulled me closer, Mama put her hand on my wrist to feel my pulse, it was racing.

“Ivy, you need to try and relax. Breathe." I nodded and closed my eyes, I felt something falling onto the bed. I opened my eyes and saw flower petals.

"Mama, I didn't do anything. At least I didn't try to." she nodded and gave me a small smile.

James gave me a confused look, “Who are you?” I looked at Mama, then at Noah who gave me a slight nod.

"My name is Ivy, and let's say I’m different from the rest of your pack but I am still a part of your pack." he shook his head. He knows.

"How? No one in my pack could do that. The only person I knew who could do that was someone I have not seen in a long, long time." I nodded at James.

"I know." James nodded and looked back at Mama.

Mama nodded and took a deep breath. "James, this is Ivy. She is the daughter of two of the most powerful creatures known to the world." Mama said, James was confused.

"It can't be, she can't be." All Mama did was nod, he looked back at me and then at Noah. "Seventeen years I looked, I was close every two years then you disappeared. I can't believe I finally found you, you’re actually here." I looked at James and Mama.

"Mama, it is getting dark." we all looked out the window, Noah who was still sitting with me looked at his phone and showed me the time. It’s five-twenty-five, I have about an hour and five minutes till the pain is over. "I don't know if I can handle this. I don't know if I will be able to do this by myself." Noah looked at me and gave me a kind smile.

"Who said you are going to be alone?" I gave him a confused look, "I will be with you every step of the way." I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you." he nodded, James looked at me. I can feel something in him shift, he seems happier now. Which makes sense, I guess because who wouldn’t be happy to see their daughter after seventeen years.

I looked at Mama, "What about your mother?" I heard James say. My mother, my biological mother. Did she look for me? Did she try to find me?

"What do you mean?" He looked at Mama as well, James took a deep breath.

"Her biological mother, does she know about you? That you’re still here?" I looked at Mama and she shook her head.

"No she does not because we didn’t want either of you to know where she was for her own safety, she was safer when you never knew where she was." James frowned.

"Mama, you didn't have to be so harsh." she frowned, Mama has always been very protective of me, I mean it is her job but she is my Mama. She is the only one I have ever known.

"I’m sorry, I just don't want you to be hurt. Or for them to find you." I nodded.

"I know, I will be careful." she nodded. I screamed again, the pain was traveling throughout my entire body now. I could feel one of my bones break, "Mamma fa male." (Translation: Mama it hurts.) I said with tears falling down my cheeks, she nodded.

"We have to get outside now, it’s speeding up. Noah pick her up and takes her out back." Noah nodded and picked me up, I felt tired. Everything went black, I felt the cold air hit my skin when Noah brought me outside. I was woken up by the pain of more bones breaking, Noah set me on the ground and I screamed, as my eyes changed color again.

"Ivy, just breathe okay?" I nodded and tried to breathe. It works for maybe a minute or two then I feel hair grow on my body, more bones start to break and I look at Noah.

"What time is it?" He looked at his phone, I took a deep breath as everything cracked.

“Six-o- five." I nodded, I screamed again. I heard someone walking, I turned my head and saw James standing next to Mama. James looked clam while Mama was frantic. I tried to take a deep breath and my teeth changed, I frowned, and screamed again. My legs begin to change as do my arms, I’m breathing very heavily.

I look at Noah who was no longer standing where he was before. I start to panic and scream again, I hear something coming next to me. It was Noah in his wolf form, I saw his eyes and I knew it was him. He stood next to me and winked, I smiled slightly and screamed again. I looked at Mama, "You have twenty minutes before the transformation will fully be complete." I nodded and looked at James, he was looking at Noah in shock.

I screamed and everything went black for a minute. When I opened my eyes and looked at the sky, the moon was close to peaking. I could feel every single bone in my body shifting, I took a deep breath and everything changed. I could see my hands changing to paws and my fur was white, I looked at Noah and he was smiling at me. I smiled back and let out a sigh after I felt the breeze hit my side which was full of hair. I saw my clothes or at least my pants I had just been wearing were broken sitting on the ground. I liked those pants.

"Ten minutes." I looked at Mama and nodded, my shirt was now off of my body and laying under me. My chest was now the chest of a wolf, I could feel a sharp pain coming, I was on all four legs now and I screamed which turned into a howl half way through. I blinked a few times for my eyes to adjust to the new sight they saw. I see James and my parents, they look happy and confused. James looks shocked just like he did when Noah turned.

I looked at Noah and he looked like he was smiling, I smiled as well. I could feel the ground differently than I did when I was human, I felt my fur ruffle on my back when the wind hit it. It felt amazing, I looked at the sky and the moon was centimeters from being at its peak. "Three minutes." I heard Mama say. I could feel my ears change and the necklace I always wore around my neck was laying on the ground under me just like my clothes. I felt my face change, my nose grew longer. I laughed inside my own head, I don't remember lying about anything. I said to myself.

I looked back at the sky, the moon was at its peak. I felt the breeze hit me, I was completely transformed. I looked at Noah who was coming closer to me. He picked up the necklace and walked over to my Mama, she took it out of his mouth and nodded. I looked at Mama and Papa and walked over to them. "You’re beautiful Ivy." I shake my head, "You still can't accept a compliment can you?" I nodded and she laughed. I looked at Noah who was looking at me smiling, "We will leave clothes out here for you both when you change back." Noah and I nod, Noah starts to run off into the trees.

I run after him and feel the wind on my face, it feels so cool. Noah stopped in the middle of the forest and is looking at me, he comes closer to me and nudges my face with his. Right now everything is heightened, my sense and every single feeling I have ever felt toward anything. I nudge Noah back, I have never felt like this before. I want to be with him, at least I think I do. I don’t know if this is the wolf brain talking or if this is my human brain peaking in. I look at Noah and his soft gaze staring back at me, I can tell that he is thinking something but I really can't say anything due to the fact I am currently not a human.

Noah and I are closer than before, he puts his head against mine and just stays there. I take a deep breath when he moves. I look at him, I smirk and race off ahead of him. I hear him coming after me but then I hear someone ahead of me, I start to back away from the direction I was going. Noah catches up to me and I am running back, he was going to go forward but I shook my head. I wonder if my powers will work while in this form, I moved my head trying to signal Noah to get closer to me and he did.

I took a deep breath and thought of a force field around the two of us, I opened my eyes and there was nothing there. I sighed, they don’t work while in this form. It was worth a try, I looked at Noah. He was laying down, I gave him a confused look and walked over to him. He wasn't moving and he changed back into his human form, I was confused. What happened?

I nudged him with my nose and he didn't move, I moved his arm to see that he was bleeding. I panicked and turned back into a human without even thinking about it. I sighed and rushed to his side, I put his torso on my lap. He was still breathing but had an arrow in his shoulder, he opened his eyes and looked at me. "You need to go." I shook my head.

"No, I’m not leaving you. I’m going to take this out." He nodded, I pulled the arrow out and he winced. I felt bad but I looked at the wound, it wasn't healing. "Why isn't it healing? It should be healing." he shook his head.

"No, not on my watch." I closed my eyes and pictured what I wanted at the moment, I wanted him to be healed. "Illi cura, obsecro, sana eo." (Translation: Heal him, please heal him.) I cried, when I opened my eyes Noah was looking at me in shock.

"Ivy, you did it." I looked at his wound and it was healed except for a scar where the arrow hit.

I felt a tear fall to my cheek, "If that didn't work I would have lost you. It would have been my fault, you would’ve been dead because I was too much of a wimp to go through this alone." Noah sat up and looked into my eyes, I realized we were both sitting there on the ground naked. I cringed in my head and looked into his eyes. It seemed normal but weird at the same time. Neither of us said anything about it though.

"Ivy, you saved my life. I wouldn’t be alive if it weren't for you. So thank you." I shook my head, I was scanning the area. There is someone out there. I can feel them closing in.

"We need to get back to the house." he nodded and looked around.

"What did you see back there?" I shook my head and looked around as well.

"I didn't see anything, I heard someone ahead of us." Noah nodded and I stood up, he did the same and we made eye contact. I could feel the heat of his body on my own, he put his hands on my arms and looked at my lips then back at my eyes. I looked down at his lips then at his eyes, I wanted to kiss him more or less, I wanted him to kiss me but I knew we had to hurry and get back to the house. I heard a noise again.

I grabbed his hand and started to run back to the house, he was running next to me. "Why are we running?" I looked back at Noah.

"I heard someone or something coming." Noah nodded and we continued to go back to the house. There were clothes sitting on the porch for us, just like Mama said there would be. I looked at Noah, "Noah, are you okay?" he looked at me and nodded.

"Yeah why?" I shrugged, something seems off with him. After what just happened it makes sense but at the same time I didn’t think what happened would affect the way he and I were at the moment. I shook the thought from my head and took a deep breath.

"I don't know, I just had a weird feeling." he nodded while starting to put his clothes on.

“Oh okay, yeah I’m fine. I will umm see you in the morning. Sleep well." he finished putting his clothes on and he rushed inside before I could say anything. I put my clothes on and walked inside. I wonder what is going to happen tomorrow.

After Noah and I split up I could tell senses were still in wolf mode because I could hear everything within a twenty mile radius. I went back inside and heard Mama and Papa talking. It is like eleven-thirty at night and they are still here and awake. I cleared my throat and they both looked at me, "Is everything alright?" they smile and nod while I shake my head, "Both of you know that since I was little I could tell when you were lying. What’s wrong?" Mama sighed and looked at Papa.

"Noah left." I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Why would he leave? What happened to make him leave? He said he was fine, was he lying? I know I can tell when some people lie but I couldn’t tell with him.

"When?" she frowned.

"A few minutes before you came into the house." I sighed and frowned again. I walked past my parents and out of the house, Noah couldn’t have gotten far because he’s in his human form. I continued to walk and I could hear footsteps ahead of me. I kept walking and started to see a figure walking away from me, I sped up and saw that it was Noah. I ran up behind him and put my hand on his shoulder, the next thing I knew I was pinned to the ground.

Noah's eyes were red just like when I used his strength to put the rock wall up. He was staring straight at me like he didn't recognize me but then he did. "What are you doing out here?" he said as he stood up and helped me up.

"I could ask you the same question." he sighed and turned away from me. Everything was fine, why is now something different?

"I can't be in that house with you." I grabbed his shoulders and turned him around to face me, I can feel the longing to be with him.

"Why not?" He didn't make eye contact with me. He stared right over the top of my head, as if I wasn’t there at all.

"Because all I can think about is what my wolf was thinking and that is to be with you. Wolves mate once and it is for life." I nodded. I didn’t think this was a mating situation, yes there are feelings and very intense ones at that but mating never crossed my mind.

"I know," I put my hand to his cheek, "If you want to leave you can, I won't stop you nor will I keep you here. This is your choice. Just if you chose to leave, please be careful." I pull my hand away from his face and turn around. I don't know what he is going to choose, most of me wants him to stay but the other parts of me want him to go because he doesn't seem happy.