
The Abandoned Ones: Heroes are just as bad as demon kings

Acacius was an ordinary highschool student who was teleported to a fantasy world with all his classmates. When everyone in his class decides to take on the demon king he refuses. One day he is betrayed by his classmates and is left to die. Acacius survives the trap because of a mysterious lady in black, he loses consciousness for a while and eventually wakes up in a new cyberpunk world. With nothing better to do, he plots his revenge

Micheal_Serling · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 14: Academy rules


Ever since the astral hall it felt like I was losing a bit of my humanity everytime I used my power and separating that power hasn't changed that, its only slowed it down. All I can feel is the need for my revenge.

We finally made it to the academy and everyone rushes to the windows to see the view, I can hear everyone complimenting its beauty and stuff, to compliment walls and floors is idiotic. Riza walks off with Lucian, I overheard that he was the son of the "big bad wolf" which means fairytales must also exist here.

I activate my shadow eyes, I can see through the ship and can see the city, they're getting excited over nothing.

Everyone finally gets off the ship and meet in a giant courtyard waiting for the principal. I recognise him instantly, he's the king from the other world, he looks different though, his hair is slicked back and he has glasses. He doesn't seem to recognize me.

After the introduction we were all forced to do written exams, each test is easy since I had studied before arriving but the written exams only make 20% of your grade. ID bands were distributed after the test so that we can 'get to know each other.'

In this school anything thing goes, you can kill, cheat and rob people, all that matters is if you survive till graduation. Every ID band starts off green but if you're caught committing a crime it turns orange and if you're caught committing murder it turns red.

These ID bands also have faction settings, so if you join a faction it will appear on your ID band. There are 7 major factions but the biggest are the demon lord faction and the faction of heroes. both rivaling each other in power and members. Anyone can start a faction but you need 10 members and small factions are eliminated fast.

There is law enforcement but they only stop fights and don't actually hand out punishments, they only make sure events, guests and rules are protected. Each guard is more experienced then the average student, each around S class.

We walk out of the courtyard and into a giant hall, It sort of looks like a throne room, there are students standing around watching us, there's a long red carpet leading towards a giant crystal.

"Everyone will now be ranked!" the principal said it and the crowd errupted with cheers, the ranking ceremony is being broadcasted across the school since everyone can't fit inside the building.

Everyone one by one start putting their hands on the crystal. The crystal shines and starts displaying the information to everyone, although this is good, it can also make you a target. Riza, Lucian and Ignis, I wonder who is stronger out of them.

Some time passes and Lucian and Ignis touch the crystal


Name: Ignis Cyborg

Rank: A

Class: Cyborg

Element: Ice

Age: 16


Name: Lucian Wolf

Rank: A+

Class: Alpha Werewolf

Element: Dark/Wind

Age: 16


The crowd errupts again, everyone cheering and placing bets on who the think are stronger. It doesn't take long till people are already scouting them for factions, they have great potential. The crowd settles and Riza begins to walk down the isle. Riza has her same emotionless face as always and I can hear people complimenting her beauty, I wonder if Valak recognises her. Riza finally puts her hand on the crystal.


Name: Riza Nox

Rank: A-

Class: Abandoned One

Element: Fire/Lightning

Age: 16


The crowd starts chattering quietly until someone yells out "WHAT THE HELL IS AN ABANDONED ONE!?" everyone begins yelling and begin demanding answers. Riza stands there quietly and then walks away, I guess its my turn.

The crowd is still in an uproar, so i walk slowly to the crystal and place my hand on it.


Name: Acacius

Rank: S

Class: Abandoned One

Element: All

Age: 16


Everyone goes silent and I suddenly feel it, a massive amount of bloodlust, jealously and curiosity directed at me, I think I'm the biggest target here now. The crystal shines brighter than it ever has and an announcement is made.

[Title Gained: Omni Art Drangon Slayer]

I'm definitely the biggest target now.