
The soul is born

Nine long months later , 10 days before Christmas Aniya was born. Her birth was not as exciting as any other birth yet it was toxic and dull. The shame and disappointment of the family of a 14 year old Mother and a 17 year old father not knowing the first thing about child care. There was so much tension in the room between the two families , her mother's side believed her Mother was perfect and her Father ruined her life. All of this took away the joy of Aniya being born. Especially the fact that Aniya's Father was not there at her birth because him and her mother weren't on speaking terms so he decided not to show. They were at the hospital for hours until Aniya finally decided to come into the world at 7:35 a.m . When she came out the womb she was crying as normal and was happy not even considering the tension and the drama around her. This baby had no cares in the world it was like she was born to stand out. After she was released from the hospital , three days after she was born her God Mother died. As far as custody both parents had it at that moment. As happy and joyous the baby should have been she wasn't a very happy baby , she didnt smile and didnt laugh much. People started noticing this and they thought maybe I was autistic , which was the most idiotic conclusion she could have heard. Really on the inside she knew that everything wasn't perfect and she never acted happy for anyone. Being back and forth between grand parents and parents and just family in general the baby really never got to settle in life. She wasn't an average baby , she had been going through alot since she was first born . Her parents weren't ready for a child and were uneducated on what comes with a child and how to provide for a child. Being Aniya she was born to outstand any situation and be the strongest she could be so when her soul was born at the most wicked time it didn't stop her