
Finding Herself

Have you ever felt lost in the world? Like there are people in this world but no one notices you? Well let me introduce you to Aniya , who is now fourteen but has lived to be 40. That all happened back in 2004 , her Father just moved to Dallas from New Orleans and he was 16 years old at the time. Her mother was a booksmart , very bodacious girl that was until she met Aniya's Father. When the two met people said they couldnt be seconds apart without going crazy they were like Martin and Gina. Now dont get me wrong they were not at all perfect , their lives outside of school and love was crazy. See , rumor has it that both of them did drugs and had family issues and when you put the two together it makes a mess. A mess you can't really get out of , like 1 year after you meet you get caught up with a child. Everyone's little fantasy of having a partner and children is all fun and games until it actually happens . Aniya came unexpectedly and was hidden for a very long time , if this got out life would go left for both of them . Trying to cope with the fact that you have a child and nobody knows is stressful and to most people marijuana removes that stress. So Aniya still in the womb of her Mother and nobody knows is trying to find herself , it's been 3 months of hiding and Aniya wants people to know but her parents want to shove her right back in the closet. They had to go to appointments , and things for the baby but being young and naive you have no clue how you are going to do all of this without someone's help. A month later , Aniya wanted someone to feel as much pain as she does being hidden , she starts moving and kicking. So they finally decided to come out and tell Aniya's paternal grandparents , who promised to keep it a secret as long as they can and would secretly take them to appointments. Aniya hated this so she began to cause more pain and suffering , until her paternal grandparents no longer could keep secrets . So now Aniya's maternal family now knows and then friends and soon everyone. Something about this baby was unique , when no one knew about her sometimes even her parents she found herself and shined so bright people found her.