
The 8th Deadly Sin

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Sin Of Hatred

"What the hell?!" Isaac asked as he turned in the direction of the village. He had been helping the other men cut down trees. They ran back to the village to see it on fire.

"Jericho!" Isaac yelled as he made his way to his recently made home. It was in ruins but nobody was inside. He grabbed his Sacred Treasure and put them on. He flew into the air and couldn't see her anywhere. He closed his eyes and tried to locate her magical power and sensed her where the other Sins were at. He opened his eyes and teleported to them.

"What's going o-" His eyes widened when he saw Derieri bleeding out on the ground with Elizabeth trying to heal her. Jericho was next to them looking scared.

"Derieri showed up at our house because Estarossa had killed Monspeet and was after her! She found us by following your magical power because she didn't know where else to go!" Jericho explained as tears filled her eyes, "She saved me when Estarossa attacked the village and brought me here!"

"Isaac move!" Diane yelled as Estarossa knocked him to the other side of the battlefield. Estarossa started laughing maniacally. The ground began to shake violently making both sides stop fighting. Strong magical power made the pressure in the air increase and everyone looked at where it was coming from. Isaac stood up with his arms hanging limp.

"What have you done..." Isaac said as he put his hand on his face. They saw darkness surround him like a cocoon before it started pulsing and with each pulse it got bigger.

"Well he might be a good fight!" Estarossa said happily. The darkness around Isaac swirled like a tornado before entering him again.

"I'm going to show all of you why I'm the Sin of Hatred." He told them as he looked up with his eyes pure black except for his crimson pupils.


"Do you feel that brother?" Zeldris asked as he felt Isaac's rage fueled power.

"Estarossa has done something very stupid this time." Meliodas told him coldly a, knowing how strong Isaac could get.

~The Battlefield~

"Aw did I make you want to kill me for killing your friend?" Estarossa asked while laughing. Isaac knocked the wind out of his lungs with a kick to his gut.

"He covered that much ground in less than a second?!" King said as he watched Estarossa hit his knees.

"That is the Sin of Hatred." Isaac told him coldy. Estarossa stood and tried to hit him. "Full Counter."

Estarossa was sent flying away from the battlefield with Isaac right behind him. Before Estarossa could land and recover Isaac hit him into the ground. Estarossa stood up and glared at Isaac.

"Perfect Cube." Isaac said as the barrier appeared around Estarossa, "Now Blizzard Axel." It was like Estarossa was trapped in a freezing cold blender. Isaac released the barrier and walked over to Estarossa. He didn't move when Estarossa's power skyrocketed.

"You've been stealing the other Commandments right?" Isaac asked him, "That's why you were after Derieri. You destroyed my home because of your greed?!"

"Now let's see if you can beat me!" Estarossa said laughing like a mad man. He sent a flaming hell hound at Isaac but he just slapped it away. He grabbed Estarossa's face and threw him back to the battlefield. Estarossa bounced through the war zone before Isaac teleported in his path and kicked him into the air.

"Isaac is taking on Estarossa like its nothing and he nearly killed two arch-angels!" Jericho yelled as they all watched Isaac punish Estarossa.

"Why do you think the Captain went out of his way to make sure Isaac never got pissed off?" Diane asked her.

"We all knew that if he were to nothing would stop his rampage. We're just lucky we aren't his targets." King explained. They saw Estarossa flying towards them but a Perfect Cube appeared around them before he could reach them. Derieri finally woke up and looked at what was happening. She was in shock as she watched Isaac basically dismantle Estarossa.

"Combo Star." Isaac said as he began to beat the hell out of Estarossa. On his final hit they saw his darkness manifest on his fist. He hit Estarossa and sent him flying into the distance. Isaac followed him and everyone watched them disappear.

"Wait isn't Camelot that direction?" Elizabeth asked them as the Perfect Cube disappeared.

Estarossa flew straight past Merlin and her group and crash through the barrier of darkness. The barrier closed as Isaac reached it.

"This isn't going to stop me!" Isaac yelled as he hit the barrier and a portion of it busted open. He flew through and it instantly closed. Several demons flew towards him but the moment they got near him they were torn to shreds. He looked around and saw demons bring Estarossa in the castle. He landed in front of the door and walked in. Every demon that tried to stop him was shredded before they got close. He reached the throne room door and blew it open. Estarossa was laying on the ground next to Zeldris. Zeldris began walking up to Isaac with his arms outstretched.

"You need to sto-" Zeldris was cut off by Isaac hitting him with the back of his fist and sending him into a wall. He continued to walk towards Estarossa before Meliodas stood in front of him.

"Prince Zeldris!" Cusack yelled before turning to Isaac, "I don't know who you are but you'll pay for that."

"Stand down now!" Zeldris yelled while standing up.

"But why Prince Zeldris?!" Cusack asked him in shock.

"Because he's my son that's why!" Zeldris yelled at him. Everyone except Meliodas and Isaac were shocked by what he said.

"Isaac what happened?" Meliodas asked him calmly.

"He attacked my home when Derieri ran there for help then tried to kill her and Jericho." Isaac told him looking at the wounded Estarossa. His eyes were full of hatred and bloodlust.

"I see." Meliodas said as he looked at Estarossa himself. He walked over and grabbed Estarossa before throwing him to Isaac and he caught him by his throat.

"Brother why?!" Zeldris asked him.

"Because we need the Commandments he absorbed and he isn't going to be willing to give them to us." Meliodas explained.

"So he has to die..." Zeldris said as he looked at his son and brother.

"Once you kill him leave." Meliodas told him, "I know you're done fighting so I'm not going to force you to choose a side." Isaac threw Estarossa on the ground before making a Perfect Cube around him.

"Hell Blaze." Isaac said as the Perfect Cube became an oven and they all watched Estarossa die. Meliodas realized that Isaac didn't return to his normal state.

"You need to calm down." Meliodas told him as he got in Isaac's face and they stared each other down. Isaac stopped and took a breath before he disappeared. He reappeared on the battlefield still in his Hatred form. He looked at the army of demons before raising his hand.

"Fox hunt." Isaac snatched all of their hearts out and they fell to the ground dead. Everyone cheered before they saw Isaac point his hand at them.

"Isaac no!" Jericho yelled as both her and Elizabeth grabbed him. He lowered his arm and looked at them.

"Please calm down!" Jericho pleaded with him.

"You're our friend not a monster." Diane told him while kneeling down.

"Yeah you're the guy that used to scold us when we did something stupid." King told him as he landed next to them.

"And you're the one that helped save me and everybody in the kingdom from Hendrickson." Elizabeth said as she stepped in front of him.

"I'm sorry." He told them as he returned to his normal self, "I'm putting an end to all this."

Jericho hugged him tightly and they all began to go to Camelot.