
The 25th

"It's just a job that I can handle," Elizabeth stated. Or something, she thought. After being fired, Elizabeth takes a job as a secretary for the impious billionaire Ryan Wilson. But when she arrives, she finds that Ryan is a dictator who has complete authority over his staff and his company. However, when Mr. Dictator encounters someone who doesn't mind standing up to him. What happens next ? After a drunken night on a business trip where they get married and have to stay married for a year ,lines start to blur and their work relationship starts to bleed into a real one. Will Elizabeth succeed in softening his heart? Or will Ryan break Elizabeth's soft heart?

dorichichi15 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

After dinner, I go up to my room, pull out the card and my phone and start researching,

I type the company name in my browser and go through their page.

I'm looking for the guys that I saw today but there's nothing on the page except for numbers and stuff I don't even understand, I sigh.

I contemplate on whether to go there tomorrow or not,I mean up until this day I've never heard of this company, I don't even know this guy but I need this job if there is a job to offer anyways there's no harm in trying I guess.

I wake up extra early the next morning to get Victoria ready and after deciding on a navy blue pencil skirt,white long sleeve chiffon top and a pair of black heels I found in my mom's wardrobe, I brush my hair and we leave.

By the time I got to the building I'm already regretting wearing heels.

I enter the building and head to the reception, where I meet a lady with a name tag Sarah typing away on the keyboard.

"Good morning,I was asked to come her by 8"

"Mr Wilson is expecting you,hold on a minute" she says and picks up the telephone by her side.

"Okay sir,right away sir" I hear her say 

"Take the elevator to the first floor,the first office by your left,"she says.

"Thank you Sarah,have a wonderful day"

"You too," she says with a smile.

I make my way to the elevator and press the button with the number one beside it and take a deep breath to calm my nerves and place my hands on my chest to calm myself.

The elevator door opens,I turn left and make my way down the hallway. You can do this. I tell myself and take another deep breath before I knock on the door.

A few seconds go by and I hear the same voice I heard yesterday say "Come in".

I open the door and the first thing that gets my attention is the brown oakwood desk.The office seems to be brown themed.

"Good morning,I am James Wilson"he says 

I look at him sitting behind his desks and today he's wearing a black Armani suit and still looks as good as he did yesterday.

I enter the office and close the door 

"Elizabeth" I say and he offers me a seat 

I sit down and he gives me a smile to break the ice. He can probably tell how nervous I am.

"I called you here today to offer you a job. I was there yesterday at the consulate. I overheard everything, "You do need a job don't you?"

"Oh yes I do ,yes"

"Okay then ,it's an executive assistant/ secretary position.

"You'll working for the CEO of our company"

"Do you have a rèsumè?"

"Yes I do" taking it out of my bag,I hand him the piece of paper and he looks over it 

"You've never been a secretary?"

"No I haven't but I am a really hard worker and I learn fast" I say with determination 

"Let's hope so ,your job is very demanding and your boss won't tolerate any mistakes,let's give this a try and see how it goes"

"Welcome" he stands and stretches his hand for a hand shake and I take it.

He leads me out of his office and we go to the other side of the hallway. There's a lady seated at a small desk beside a glass office. I look into the office and no one is inside.I wonder who my boss is. I thought it'd be James.


"This is Elizabeth,Sharon's replacement" James says to the woman seated 

"Oh thank God,I can't work with him anymore" she says with relief

"This is Chu my assistant she's been working as a temp for Ryan while we were looking for a replacement" James explains

Chu is a Chinese lady with straight black hair,black eyes and has almost the same body structure as me but has smaller boobs and is a bit taller than I am .

"Nice to meet you" I say 

"Likewise" she says with a smile 

"I'll leave you guys to it then" James says and retreats back to his office.

Chu tells me about the job and tells me my boss is Ryan Wilson, CEO of Greenguard. She's quite chatty,she gives me his schedule and fills me in on the contracts that are coming up and meetings that need to be planned,tells me he's a hot head , is always grumpy and never ever smiles.

I wonder who this guy is. I think to myself,she tells me about the dress code and working hours. Thankfully I can still take care of Victoria and also lets me know that I can be called at any time so my phone always has to be on.

Then she goes ahead and tells me about one time she was in the middle of sex with her boyfriend and Ryan called and demanded she come to the office by 12 am in the morning and didn't even apologise for the interruption.

"I mean what is he even doing here by that time anyways doesn't he have other engagements"she says.

We talk a little bit more about ourselves and she tells me she has to go back to the job she loves, that James is a good boss and she's been his secretary for a while.

"We'll see each other around,and don't forget don't allow anything he says to get to you"

"You can call if you need anything,good luck baby girl".

She blows me a kiss and goes in the same direction James went a while ago.

I get myself familiar with the laptop and arrange the schedules and the desk as I wait for "my boss" to arrive.

After what seems like hours as I'm about to take off my heels when I hear the elevator ding so I stand up and adjust my skirt and as I look up that's when I see him.

He looks about 6ft and his suit is like a second skin that fits him perfectly ,you can see the outline of his muscular figure. He's typing something on his phone, he doesn't look up, he just passes by.

He's about to enter his office when he stops and says "Chu,the legal department sent a document for review, bring it to my office and get me a cup of coffee" he says in the deepest voice I've ever heard.

I clear my throat 

"I'm not Chu"

He looks away from his phone just for a minute to look at who is talking and goes back to whatever he was doing.

"Well,whoever you are, get me the documents from legal and bring them to my office now and I'd still like my coffee while you're at it" he says entering his office and slamming the door shut.