
The 25th

"It's just a job that I can handle," Elizabeth stated. Or something, she thought. After being fired, Elizabeth takes a job as a secretary for the impious billionaire Ryan Wilson. But when she arrives, she finds that Ryan is a dictator who has complete authority over his staff and his company. However, when Mr. Dictator encounters someone who doesn't mind standing up to him. What happens next ? After a drunken night on a business trip where they get married and have to stay married for a year ,lines start to blur and their work relationship starts to bleed into a real one. Will Elizabeth succeed in softening his heart? Or will Ryan break Elizabeth's soft heart?

dorichichi15 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

"But I need this job!" I say

"Well you should have thought about that before you poured coffee on my face"the pervert says 

"And I need this place to stay open ,what will the customers think if this place is full of police officers."

The pervert is taken to the hospital for his wounds and Joe calls me into his office and hands me my last paycheck "I'm sorry Elizabeth"

"It was nice working here" I say 

"It was nice having you"


He stands up and gives me a hug and I leave his office I stand by the door for a while

"See you around Joe" I say and I leave.

After I pick Victoria up from school I take her to get ice cream, not for her specifically but I need a sweet treat after the day I have had.

We head back home and I make us pasta for dinner and plan my next move.

I've been looking for a new job for a week now, it's like I've run out of luck because every restaurant or cafe I go to isn't hiring.

And my last paycheck from Joe can only last us about two more weeks. I have a little money in the bank but what happens if there is an emergency, what do I do?

I applied for a cleaning job at some corporation and they said they'd get back to me in a few days for a cleaning job. Come on, I don't have the time.

As I'm leaving I pass by a restaurant with a help needed poster by the window. It's like a breath of fresh air.


I open the glass doors and head inside.

"Holy shit" I mutter to myself.

It's beautiful, the booths are purple velvet covered seats,the room is lit with amber coloured lights.

On one side of the wall it's covered with different types of artwork and the other side of the wall is covered with vinyls of different sizes, it's so lovely and I didn't know it'd be this beautiful,the outside is nothing special.

I walk up to the podium and a woman appears from behind, she was probably looking for something on the floor. I didn't even know someone was there.

She's a short white lady with ginger coloured hair, freckles and huge glasses that cover half of her face.

"Oh!"she says with shock.

"I'm here about the sign outside"

"I'll get the manager. I think it's a waitressing job, I'm not too sure" she says.

She disappears before I could even utter another word.

"Okay" I say to no one in particular.

After a few minutes she comes back out with a bald man dressed in all black which I assume is the manager.

"Good morning".

"My name is Daniel and I'm the manager of The Consulate", he says and reaches out his hand. 

" I'm Elizabeth", I shake his hand and smile and he returns the gesture.

He gives me a little tour of the establishment and it's even more beautiful than I thought it was.

He tells me about the job and everything it's going to entail.

"The pay is quite decent, but you can even get your salary just by getting tips from customers, we have a very generous clientele" he says with pride. 

"Have you ever been a waitress?"

"Yes I have for 2 years now"

"What do you think about extra shifts?"

"If necessary I can help out"

"Do you have any criminal record whatsoever?"

"No I don't"

"You're hired, congratulations".

The lady I met earlier comes by and whispers something in his ear, "I'll be right back",he says, and then he disappears.

I take out my phone and decide to search for my new place of work online, I come across their Instagram account and their page is quite impressive.

They have a large following,pictures of different types of food,a few pictures of employees in action and there's a particular picture that catches my attention.

It's a picture of the restaurant at night, it's empty and it's so alluring.

Daniel comes back out with an irritated look on his face. 

"Sorry there was a problem with the menu" he says, with a little smile.

I smile back at him. 

"So when can you start?"

"Tomorrow is fine".

"Okay see you tomorrow at 5 pm sharp".

My smile starts to fade.

5 pm, how am I supposed to look after Victoria if I'm outside working, what if something happens? 

Mrs Harris can help but I wouldn't want to burden her,I don't even know if she'll be available.Just when I thought I had found a job, I sigh with frustration.

"Aren't there any other earlier shifts?" 

"No, I'm afraid not."he says in a firm tone.

"I can't take the job" I say with sadness laced in my voice. 

"Why not ?"he says with a confused look on his face.

"Well, I have a little sister, she's 4 and I don't have anyone to look after her" I explain.

"Oh ,that's too bad the I understand" he says

I thank him and turn my back to leave and he calls and says "Goodluck Elizabeth,it was really nice meeting you".

I give him a small smile and walk out the door.

I start walking down the sidewalk and before I reach the next shop, a black shiny Mercedes Benz pulls up to the curb. A tall man in a tailored black suit and blonde hair steps out, and approaches me.

I turn around to see if there are other people here Incase this is going to be a kidnapping case.

I'm just standing there staring when he finally comes up to me. He looks like an Italian model straight out the cover of a Vogue magazine.

With brown eyes,high cheekbones and a sharp jawline, I can't stop staring at his face, he's really handsome.

He clears his throat and I snap out of my trance.

 " You're coming from The Consulate right?" he says in a deep firm voice.

"Erm, well ,Y-yes I am" I stutter.

He reaches into his pocket, brings out a card and hands it to me.

"Come to this address by 8 am tomorrow, don't be late and wear a skirt,"he says.

He turns his back and leaves and I'm just there staring like I've seen a ghost.

After a few seconds I regained my composure.

"Wait!" I yell 

"Who are you?" 

He doesn't even answer, he just keeps walking. When he reaches the door of the car he turns back,gives me one of those smiles that can make one drop dead.

And says " Tomorrow you'll find out".

He winks at me and gets into the car.

Even after the car was gone I'm still standing with my mouth wide open. I can't believe what just happened.

"Holy shit!".