
The 12 eyes Within The Cultivation World

Everyone knows of the 6 eyes, powerful eyes which turn one mind into a super computer, giving them a nearly unlimited amount of energy due to how little energy they waste compared to the amount of energy they regain, the power to be pretty much all-seeing, and the list goes on... so the fuck is the 12 eyes? well, its my creations.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Nalan Yanran

"Ladies and gentlemen, today is the day you have all been waiting for. the finals!" A man yelled while standing in the middle of an arena and looking at the crowd of people who had gathered. As the crowd cheered, the man's smile grew, and after the cheers calmed down, he spoke once more.

"Today, Gu Long would be facing this secret genius the sect leader has found. a talent who is so talented that he could skip every part of the exam and jump straight to the finals." He said to which the crowd let out boos, which caused his smile to grow even more. rumors have spread of this genius being the sect leader's illegitimate child, who just entered the sect through a back door.

Without wasting any more time, Gu Long was called to the stage, and so a young handsome man stepped onto the stage. everyone cheered, as they had seen this young man. he was a genius with the power to fight a level above his cultivation, something which was rare within the sect.

Ling Han was called onto the stage, and there everyone watched a young man wearing a jacket, long jeans, and a blindfold stepping onto the stage. everyone watched this scene in shock, such clothing was considered mortal clothing. such clothing limited an expert movement and brought no enhancement, other than looking cool, they were dumb. instantly, everyone's impression of Ling Han dropped, it dropped even more seeing that eased smile.

Although the question of how he could see seemed perfectly popped into their hands, their attention was caught by Ling Han who pulled a seat in the arena and went on to sit down. Gu Long looked at me for some time, a deep frown growing on his face,

nothing was said for some time, everyone just watched Ling Han who was sitting in the opposite way in his seat, resting his head on the backrest of the seat. it took a moment, but the crowd suddenly began to boo, 

"Alright, go and begin." the announcer said softly seeing how these two were not going to say anything. With the match started Gu Long took a step forward while swinging his spear toward me

everyone watched as just sat there, seemingly asleep. but when the spear was near me, it suddenly came to a stop, shocking Gu Long. Gu Long looked at me, only to see me with a mocking smirk, his eyes narrowed before she stepped backward, and with a flash, a rain of spears stabbed forward, but they all paused before me

"H-how?" Gu Long asked in shock while taking a few steps backward, looking at me in shock. he looked at my finger which was crossed, seemingly making an infinity symbol. I smirked slightly at him before waving forward

Gu Long was suddenly pulled forward, unable to control himself. but Gu Long acted quickly, waving his spear, stabbing forward towards me. but I flicked my finger into the sky, and suddenly Gu Long shot into the sky, everyone was in shock seeing this, but before Gu Long could fit the floor, everyone watched as I reached out, and slowly Gu Long landed outside of the arena,

"well, that looks like my win," I said lazily, getting up, I picked up the chair and left, leaving everyone there too shocked to say anything for some time. by the time they came back to reality, they found that I had disappeared.

"T-the winner is Ling Han..." The announcer said softly, but no one could say anything, just what happened...

meanwhile, the sect leader ran up to me, he too was shocked by what happened, I simply explained the 4th path of enlightenment, which left the sect leader shocked. I answered a half-ass answer as if it was common knowledge which only increased the weight within the sect leader's heart.

I asked the sect leader about any upcoming event, and what he told me was that in 2 years, the sect games would begin. held by the kingdom itself, every 10 years, sects all take part in a game to rank the sect, and after the games are the sect tournament to pick the top 10 strongest people within the kingdom, after which these 10 would represent the kingdom in a journey into an inheritance realm felt behind by a powerful expert.

With that, I remembered about this. My former host was expected to take part, but since his talent was stolen, he was of course not going to take part... well, I was going to take part, and go on to kill that talent thief.

putting that aside, I went on to look at my rewards for taking first place. the sect leader using his power, he allowed me to become a core disciple, where I was given a whole city block under my control. Normally, others would be given a chance to join a group within the sect or create their own group, and of course created my own group. Why? Because there were things called sect credits

the sect credits are useful and capable of being used for all types of stuff, one could buy techniques, cultivation resources, and so on. They were all of course useless to me, I simply wanted the point of exchanging them for spirit stones.

with Qi filling the world, in areas where a huge amount of Qi gathers, it would compress to form spirit stones. this is due to ores absorbing the Qi, causing them to transform into a crystal-like form. I planned to have my group do all the world, while I sat back and comprehended the law, and honestly, I might need more than 1 year to master the 3rd level of space.

So, time passed. creating my group led to me having to face others' suppression... I of course just beat them all up as it was the simplest way. in a matter of months, I became known as the most talented sect disciple. My faction went on to become number one, with us taking up almost all of the missions and leaving almost none for the others, forcing the other sect disciples to join my factions due to just how fast we took the missions. of course, no one would join my factions if the benefits were not high 

the benefits were worth it, as I took 10% of the mission reward... that was of course high, but in return, everyone gets 1 pill of their choosing every month. how was I capable of doing such a thing? simple, Shi Ying's grandmother had a unique alarmist Condron which could create pills on its own. Of course, such a treasure couldn't create high-grade pills, using that treasure, all I needed to do was give the pill treasures and sit back, acting like an alarmist.

so 2 years passed, and at the entrance to the city, a young man with long black hair, and lightning-blue eyes stood. he was handsome and charming to almost rival Ling Han. but he was younger, Ling Han being 22. He was only 17 years old,

"Master, are you sure if I take first place you would give me something good?" The young man asked softly while looking at the necklace, around his neck which held a weird scale

"Boy, are you calling me a liar? this is a low-grade sect, if you can't take first place here, then... boy, there is an expert nearby. form my senses, it is nothing more than an injured old hag at the martial emperor realm." a deep voice entered the young man's mind, shocking him.

"why would such a powerful expert be here?" the young man asked in shock, but the voice was quiet, not answering

"boy, you are your own. She could sense my existence if I'm not careful." the deep voice said, making the young man frown deeply. he was from a village, the young master of that village. he was born with unmatched talent, but one day he found his cultivation dropping, he tried absorbing energy, but it would just disappear. this caused everyone who was envious of him to mock him.

the woman he was going to marry canceled the marriage, his parents disowned him, and he was left all alone until a few months ago, when the strange necklace his mother gave him before her death suddenly began speaking to him, telling him the truth behind everything. it was it sucking all of the energy he had been absorbing to recover its strength, of course, he was enraged, but the expert in the necklace made promises for a brighter future, and he was all for it.

for the past few months, he had trained hard under these experts, shattering his cultivation and cultivating up to level 3 Houtian in just these few months, which was shocking for how low resources he got.

Now, he shall find that woman he was engaged to and get payback... but this hidden expert made him uneasy...

"It's a bit surprising, Iron grade talent. Nalan Yanran was it? So, what's up?" I asked lazily while eating honey bread before I saw a beauty with long black hair tied into a ponytail. She had a beautiful blue dress, and at her side was a sword. she was a level 3 Iron grade talent, honestly, even the kingdom would find such talent eye-catching.

"Sir Ling Han joke, my talent is nothing compared to your greatness. I simply wish to follow by your side, as a servant." She said with a slight bow, making my eyebrow raise, although it couldn't be seen behind the mask, the mask movement was enough for her to tell I was caught off by my request.

"I'm not worthy of being lord follower, with my low talent, then being lord's servant would be a position barely worth watching young master's attention," She said with a gentle smile, to which I nodded in agreement, leaving her at a loss for words for a moment.

"Don't fue this fool arrogant, up and leave." Shi Ying said with a frown, causing Nalan Yanran to look at her in confusion. Seeing Shi Ying's average look, confusion took over her for some time, but this only made Shi Ying's eyes turn colder. It was clear this woman was shamelessly trying to get into Ling Han's good side, someone like her was a snake that was better felt far away. but Ling Han's next words left him wishing to kill him

"now now, Shi Ying, someone so wise and knowledgeable. how could I turn her away after she came so far to spit fact? Sure, you can be at my event. I will even help you awaken your bloodline." I said with a smile, showing my perfect white teeth. Nalan Yanran instantly froze at my words, she looked at me in shock, while Shi Ying threw me a confused look

"She isn't human, well, more like 50% humans. no need to be so panicked. I have no interest in this low region trouble." I said with a shrug, leaving Shi Ying stunned for some time, she looked at Nalan Yanran who was trying her best to act as if she didn't know what I was talking about.

"You fool, someone like that should stay far away from us." Shi Ying angrily reaches out to grab my shirt, yet she can't reach me. she angrily punched forward, but her fist always paused at the last moment, causing her to angrily glare at me and Nalan Yanran before walking away.

Nalan Yanran didn't say a thing from start to finish, she was a half-dragon, and she knew well that humans considered people like her a demonic child. children of the devil who are to be killed on the spot,

"the whole demonic children stuff started because of the talent half-blooded have, a beast learns they could walk a human and beast path, and humans learn to use the bloodline of the beast, this world's enemy would be in danger. so they slowly made everyone take on such a mindset." I said lazily while taking out another honey bread to eat,

"W-what enemy?" She asked in shock, she didn't know such things, to which I shrugged while half-assly explaining about the universe and stuff, which left her in shock.

"I'm too talented to care about such things, it's below me... but I can be curious. tell me, are you a spy? did the beast hear about how amazing I was and came to kill me? do I have a bounty? tell me." I said in excitement, making Nalan Yanran have a weird look, it was like she was looking at a child.

"T-the sea race also disowned me... I had no choice but to come here, human senses are not as sharp as the sea race." She said softly, to which I nodded slightly, disappointed slightly. which annoyed her slightly, she opened up, and thats his reaction? She just took a gamble on her life here.

"No need to pout, I was just expecting my boring life would brighten up, and I could use it to break this bottleneck I have," I said with a sigh, a boring life isn't the life for improvement, it through pressure one could truly show their capability, and I had not gotten such things for years. 

"We can talk later, for now, let's go and used to being at the sect. in 3 months we are leaving for the Sect Games, you will be coming with me." I said calmly, to which nodded with slight hesitation before leaving, and once she left an old woman slowly stepped out of the shadows, looking at me with a deep frown.

"Sigh, I thought I was going to skyrocket to the top, but seeing as I might need some outside help to quickly grow stronger means I might need a force... so why not get the first talent that pops up? plus, with my current strength, even you would have to take me seriously at her peak." I said calmly without looking back at her, she was quiet at my words as I was telling the truth.

with 2 years' worth of time for my body to grow and adapt to my law of space power, my strength had increased by a lot. currently, my strength was at level 9 Martial Emperor, my law was still only at level 3, but I was stuck on the Master stage, I just needed a push to comprehend it to perfection before I could start understanding the 4th law.

I could use the Infintey for 24 hours straight and travel at most 10 million miles with the Inifnity Step. Blue had the power at level 8 Martial EMperor, with Red having Strength at level 9 Martial Emepror. 

was that shocking? indeed it was, since my strength up above only listed my strength, and not my combat capability using tricks, weaknesses, and unique ways I could use my abilities to defeat others.

One should know, that without my eyes, I would at most be showing Martial King Level strength, most likely Martial Lord level strength. these eyes greatly enhance my powers, allowing me to show the true potential of the Limitless.

I had yet to step beyond the kingdoms, yet I had more than enough power to overtake every kingdom within a day.

"Just be careful..." She said softly, she was depressed, it took me 2 years of sitting back and just comprehending the law of space to rival her former power. how could she not be depressed? hundreds of years she spent cultivating, yet I just up and reached her level of power in 2 years.