
That went from hero to zero Real quick!

The show is set in the fantasy world of Arcanight, featuring various different monsters and people, like goblins and demons. A battle ensues between the Dream Kingdom, created to defeat the collective identity for players who once used to abuse NPC, the Player Clans, who have revolted against the newfound power, and various monsters who opposes both sides, such as The United Mob Association and the Demon clan. In the chaos, the mysterious bug player Azieb begins his conquest to control the world, and a band of heroes, including the player Hazuki, NPC Boop, and MrGrian must stop him.

TeamBadNovel · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 13: Grave vs Azieb

As Grave tries to attack Azieb, But Azieb blocks the attack with his Obsidian Poles. Grave begins to question his powers at this point. While that was happening a voice is talking to Azieb indicating An another Azieb exist.

[You should leave them be. They are still an asset to out cause..]

"Who ever gets in my way shall be eliminated!"

[You're quite the stubborn one... Aren't you... They're quite strong. You should keep your guard up..]

"Their power is nothing compared to what i posses.."

"Who the heck are you talking to?"

[He thinks he's so strong.. I want to prove him wrong!]

"Grave, we should get out of here. I've never seen someone do that before.. Maybe it's a part of a new update we're not aware of?"

"I never back down from a fight. Plus he reminds me of him.."

It show's a glimpse of Hazuki fighting Grave in the past. Burrito decides to buy Grave some time but Azieb is smart and attacks Grave while Burrito was shooting arrows at him.

Azieb begins to think that the players are more powerful than he expected. He attacks Burrito and burrito "retreats". Grave tries to attack Azieb but fails. At this point, Grave was beginning to get power hungry and wants Azieb's power. Burrito comes back and shoots Azieb in the back.

Azieb was beginning to lose here, so he calls in his Zombie Villager Scout to save him.

Grave and Azieb have a 1v1 and Azieb stabs Grave in the heart, although surprisingly, Grave survived. As he was in deep pain, he tries to shoot Azieb but a suspicious Invisible Archer blocked the arrow. Grave turns his head to see the Zombie Villager Scout beating Burrito in battle, so Grave pickaxes the obsidian poles out of his body to save his best friend. He knocks the Zombie Villager Scout unconscious but Azieb got the chance to kill Burrito. Grave decided to retreat but he couldn't run. He thought this was the end of him as Zombies were slowly walking towards him but just in time, WilliBear came to save him.

After that long battle, Azieb Ren tells his zombies to enter phase 3. He finds Tommy spying on him and decides to go with him to the resistance base for a meeting. They find Napalm and Skymint and bring them too.

At the meeting, Grave explains the situation with Azieb and the death of Burrito. Napalm realises Azieb and explains to them about him.

Azieb was originally a myth until players and villagers saw him. Some say he was a virus, or maybe a hacker trying to get some attention.

The story gets ruined by Skymint, who was admiring Graves skin. Grave attacks him with a diamond sword