
That went from hero to zero Real quick!

The show is set in the fantasy world of Arcanight, featuring various different monsters and people, like goblins and demons. A battle ensues between the Dream Kingdom, created to defeat the collective identity for players who once used to abuse NPC, the Player Clans, who have revolted against the newfound power, and various monsters who opposes both sides, such as The United Mob Association and the Demon clan. In the chaos, the mysterious bug player Azieb begins his conquest to control the world, and a band of heroes, including the player Hazuki, NPC Boop, and MrGrian must stop him.

TeamBadNovel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 12: A faithful Encounter

Somewhere in an abandoned village a villager in the blue robe walks through and mocked the dead villagers for praising the wrong God.

"What foolish creatures these players are. They thought they could win. They thought they could fight. But in the end they all gonna die. They praise their god. They thought he was strong. But in the end they were all wrong. A battle of gods. Whoever will win... But in the end... It will be me.."

After that, the red-shirt demon commanded the Advanced demons to search for hidden chests in the abandoned village. As a demon pees the red-shirt demon suddenly noticed the villager in a blue robe and commanded the demon to kill him. As he goes nearer the villager in the blue robe became more increasingly desperate but Alex shot the weapon on the demon. Then Jeb showed up and praised Alex for being excellent at combat and believes that she is the best fighter in the whole world. He brags the pickaxe hook gun that he invented for Alex. As she kills the demons one by one the red-shirt demon decided to retreat. Alex then noticed that he is running away she tried to kill him but its too late because the demon already teleported. The villager in a blue robe was very happy that he was saved by Alex and called her a hero. But it shocked him that Alex asked for compensation and reveals that she is a bounty hunter. Alex and Jeb tried to force him to compensate but all efforts are in vain. Jeb suggested to kill him but Alex says that it is not her style. As they went away the villager in a blue robe was very happy that they freed him and brags to himself that nothing can stop him to revenge to the Villager King while having the Azathoth's eye that was stolen from Azieb.

Meanwhile, in the NPC Kingdom where the NPC sell cakes, noob squids and pumpkins, Green who was lost ended up in the NPC Kingdom asks Sir Iron Nose to go with him on a journey. Sir Iron Nose refuses twice but Green ended up in the back of his horse. The horse said that its ok to bring him because he has a strange power and can make him a sacrifice later Sir Iron Nose liked his idea and allowed him to ride. As they walk away Sir Iron Nose's Mother tries to stop him because he is born to be a blacksmith and all of his relatives are a blacksmith. But he explained that he cannot leave because it is his sworn duty and he always wanted to be an assassin. His Mother tried to force him to be a blacksmith but Green punches her away and let him achieve his dreams. Sir Iron Nose's Horse made him inspired and told him to always follow your heart, Sir Iron Nose agreed and he will continue to assassinate the villager in a blue robe. As they were talking a villager scout was entering the isle to deliver a very urgent message to the king. Unfortunately, the NPC King wasn't there and told him to leave a message.

Later in the woods, While Azieb was conserving his energy he encountered Grave and Moist Burrito. Grave became furious and thought he was a player from another player tribe and is trying to find their base. Grave attempts to attack Azieb....