
That time I was reborn as an Uchiha in Naruto

Ordinary kid gets reincarnated into the Naruto world in a not-do-ordinary way. "I can't believe I died... I feel like I died too young." "Well, looking at this place, I think that I'll get reincarnated soon enough. Great! I'll think of some wishes. Be op from the start!" Just then, a cough broke his thoughts. Standing in front of him was an old bearded guy with a cane. "Boy, you have good karma. I'll reincarnate you into a world of my choice." "Great! I choose to be reincarnated in... wait what?" "You shall be reincarnated in Naruto!" "Well, not my first choice but meh, I can work with it. So, my wishes are..." "Alright! Good luck mortal, off you go!!" "Hey! What about my wishes, my insta-op cheat!!" The old man ignored him. Instead, he raised his cane. "Oi Oi, what are you..." In a single swift motion, he smashed the kid on his head. Poor kid never stood a chance.

Narutotsutsuki7109 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Flames of sibling rivalry: Final

In the east side of the forest


Izumi Pov

"Ugh! This is so boooring!" I spoke loudly to no-one in particular.

"Sigh, I wish something interesting would happen."

"Well, imoto-can, looks like your wish has come true!!" Nii-sans cheerful voice rang in the clearing I was in. Instantly, I was on guard. I looked around yet saw nothing. Suddenly, my instincts told me to duck.

So, I listened to my Instincts and ducked. It was a good thing that I listened, because a tanto swung where my head was. Without wasting any time, low-sweep kick, intending to make him trip and end the battle quick.

After all, I didn't like my chances if the battle was dragged on. Nii-san jumped and tried to kick me in the face. The attack connected as I was sent flying back into the trees.

I heard Shisui-nii's voice taunting me, "Come on little sis, don't tell me that's all you got." I growled and got up. I brought a hand to my face as a trickle of blood ran down my nose.

(He broke my nose!)

I dashed at him full speed as the two of us engaged in a full-out Taijutsu battle.

I ducked as one of his punches passed over my head, in retaliation, I punched him in the stomach as hard as I could.

Nii-san doubled over in pain, opening his guard slightly.

Taking advantage, I kicked him as hard as I could with a chakra-enhanced kick as he was sent flying. Quickly jumping above, him, I gave him an axe kick right on his head. He was barely able to bring his arms above to reduce the effect of the blow as he descended to the ground. Nii-san landed on his legs as he growled as he took a kunai and charged at me.

(Damn he's fast!!) I could barely see him move as I feebly attempted to block his overhead kick. My block reduced the damage however the damage was done.

I weakly got up as everything seemed blurry. I tried to focus but couldn't. So, it didn't come off as a surprise when everything turned dark as I faintly saw the figure of my brother looming over me.

The last thoughts that came to mind as I slipped into the realm of sleep were, "I lost…"

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shisui POV:

I watched as Izumi slowly slipped into the realm of unconsciousness. She had tried her best. I definitely didn't expect Chakra-enhanced attacks of all things from my cute little sister.

I was proud of her.

"The amount of chakra control required to perform something like that is very high. To perform it at such a young age… her chakra control is amazing!!"

Carefully, I picked her up and carried her to the center of the training grounds. Where the adults were. As I gingerly placed her unconscious body on the grass. Mom and Dad came rushing over to us.

"You could have held back!" Dad scolded me.

I sighed, "I was holding back. While her strength was impressive, her reactions weren't as fast as they should have been.


In the northern part of the forest



In an empty area near the river, a young boy, about 9 years of age, suddenly appeared. He looked around him warily and took in his surroundings. He took a step ahead but suddenly leaned his head back as a Kunai sailed past him and lodged itself in a tree trunk near him. He instantly looked at the direction where the kunai came from. He froze when he heard an oddly familiar sound. He looked at the kunai and saw a paper bomb attached to the hilt.

"Shit!" reacting instantly, he performed his signature jutsu without any hand signs to escape the blast. He barely made it on time as the moment he regained his balance, a loud explosion was heard in clearing.

Tentatively, he stole a glance at the area and saw nothing. Letting out a sigh of relief, he slowly walked ahead when the sound of a wire snapping was heard.

Instantly, two smoke bombs went off in the clearing as it became impossible for any normal eye to see. Shisui unsheathed his tanto and prepared himself for the inevitable battle.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared under Shisui with a kunai in its hand while Shisui seemed to be off guard. Right when it seemed that the shadow's blade would make contact, Shisui swung his blade downwards as the kunai clashed against the tanto.

The force of the two weapons clashing blew away the smoke as the shadow revealed itself to be none other than Arata himself. He had a look of concentration on his face as their eyes met.

Shisui continued to apply force on his blade as Arata was forced to bend, reacting quickly, Arata quickly changed the direction of his kunai as Shisui's tanto smoothly slid down the kunai.

Arata used his second hand and sent a punch right at Shisui's face. Surprised by the unexpected move, Shisui was unable to dodge as he was sent back with a punch.

Instantly regaining his balance, Shisui braced himself as Arata rushed at him, kunai in hand. Prepared to stab him at a moment's notice.

From that point on, it was blur as Shisui and Arata relentlessly tried to find an opening in the other's guard. Finally, Arata seemed to give an opening. Not wasting any time, Shisui stabbed his tanto forward. Arata tried to dodge completely and was partly successful.

Arata jumped back covered in scratches and thought to himself. (Tch, that was close. I can't waste any more time. I have to end this fast!!!).

Once again, Arata rushed forward. Shisui prepared but Arata was already under his guard. Kunai ready to run him through. Shisui used his tanto to deflect the charge but even so, he winced and held his side. (Damn! It's nothing more than a cut, but it's still impressive that he was able to injure me.)

Shisui straightened up and grinned at Arata. Arata, seeing that Shisui had stopped, paused in his tracks. His serious expression turned into a full-blown grin. Shisui had an impressed look on his face, "Not bad! You've really grown, haven't you?"

Arata rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. Shisui continued, "This kind of growth in just one week. You're probably some kind of genius, ototo."

At that, Arata laughed, "I'm no genius, I just work really hard."

Shisui shrugged, "Fair enough. Let's end this in one last move yeah?" Arata looked at the ground pensively. Eventually, he nodded, "Sure. Don't hold back, cuz I won't."

The brothers jumped back to create some distance. Shisui and Arata went through a set of hand signs.

At the same time, the boys cried out,

"Katon: Goukakyuu No Jutsu"

Two fireballs soared at each other. Both of them met at the center of the clearing and stirred up a mass of fog. A few moments later the fog cleared to show a panting Arata and a smiling Shisui. Neither spoke a word for a long time. Finally, Shisui spoke, "You pass." Arata smiled weakly and nodded in thanks.

He took one step forward but lost his balance, instantly, Shisui was below him. Supporting him. "You're tired." He stated. Arata said nothing, too tired to speak. Shisui sighed and picked Arata and placed him on his shoulders. "Hold on tight" Just like that, Shisui and Arata vanished in a swirl of leaves.


DONE!!!!!!! Alright! Shisui vs Itachi, Izumi and Arata. Pretty good don't you agree?

Before you say anything about how Shisui was too overpowered or how chakra enhanced punches are insane. I want to tell you that these are not the same attacks as Tsunade and Sakura. The chakra control required for something like that would take years of hard-work and nothing, not even the power of plot can stop that.

The technique that Arata and Izumi were using is simply a copy of Tsunade's that boost physical abilities.

As for Arata losing to Shisui, well, what did you expect? He was never gonna win in the first place.

In my fic, Shisui graduated at 8, and is becoming a Chunin at 9. He's already as strong as strong as a jounin. Fandom states that, by the time he was a Genin, he came to be known as 'Shunshin No Shisui'. I simply made the process slightly faster since Shisui is two years older than Canon.

He will obtain the Mangekyo soon. Not now, but soon. In fact, Id say that he's a nerfed version of Kid-Kakashi right now. And since I made that comparison, I'll also tell you that Arata, Shisui and Izumi are all stronger than your average Genin in terms of skill.

It's their age and chakra reserves that weaken them. Not even Itachi could throw around fireballs at 4. He graduated at 7. Arata can graduate at 5.

So please don't tell me that my MC is weak. I hate a weak MC just as much any of you but it simply wasn't possible. One week does not turn a kid from barely genin to almost Jounin. I assure you, by the time Arata is 12, he will be at least as strong as Itachi was at that age, if not stronger

Also, does anyone have any ideas for Arata's mangekyo? If you do, please message and inform me. It would be really appreciated.