
That time I was reborn as an Uchiha in Naruto

Ordinary kid gets reincarnated into the Naruto world in a not-do-ordinary way. "I can't believe I died... I feel like I died too young." "Well, looking at this place, I think that I'll get reincarnated soon enough. Great! I'll think of some wishes. Be op from the start!" Just then, a cough broke his thoughts. Standing in front of him was an old bearded guy with a cane. "Boy, you have good karma. I'll reincarnate you into a world of my choice." "Great! I choose to be reincarnated in... wait what?" "You shall be reincarnated in Naruto!" "Well, not my first choice but meh, I can work with it. So, my wishes are..." "Alright! Good luck mortal, off you go!!" "Hey! What about my wishes, my insta-op cheat!!" The old man ignored him. Instead, he raised his cane. "Oi Oi, what are you..." In a single swift motion, he smashed the kid on his head. Poor kid never stood a chance.

Narutotsutsuki7109 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Flames of silbling rivalry: Part 3

Uchiha clan main training grounds – Time – 8 a.m.


3rd person POV:


Itachi calmly leaned on a tree. He had his eyes closed and seemed to be enjoying the silence. So, when the enemy of his silence appeared, loudly proclaiming of how she was going to "Kick onii-Chan's butt to Suna and back" and "Become the strongest Kunoichi in the world". Itachi was understandably pissed.

That's why, it wasn't a surprise when he took an apple and threw it right at Izumi. The girl never saw it coming. The apple met its mark and Izumi's loud voice was silenced.

Itachi let out a happy sigh as his enemy was gone. His peace had returned. Unfortunately, it did not last too long.

"Oi!! Itachi-Teme!!! Why the hell did you throw an apple at me!!"

"Sigh, you're too loud Izumi. Calm down."

"What! I'm not loud!

"Eat up. You're need all the energy you can get. We're up against the strongest kid in this generation."

"Hmph, whatever." Even though she said that, she ate the apple within seconds.

15 minutes later:


"Huh, you're here already. What a surprise!"

"Took you long enough, I thought you were never gonna show up, nii-san."

Indeed! A wild Shisui appeared.

"Ha-ha, sorry I was late. I was preparing myself to kick your ass." Shisui smoothly replied

"Hn, I'd like to see you try."

"Well, since everyone's here…"

"not yet, Shisui"


"Yeah, Arata isn't here yet" Izumi answered

"Well, I guess we can wait for a while."

"Sure!" Izumi chirped


Yeah… I don't think I need to tell you guys who said that.

30 minutes later:


"Is he here yet?"


"Is he here yet?"


"Is he here yet?"





"Is he here yet?"


30 Minutes later:


By now, everyone had already come to the ground. Fugaku thought that it would be over but found out that it hadn't even began. Mikasa was scolding Kenta for not bringing Arata with him and Mikoto wore her gentle smile.

10 Minutes later


Arata cheerfully walked over to where they stood.

Instantly, Izumi screamed, "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!!! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!!!"

Though the others said nothing, they silently agreed with the young ravenette.

Arata smiled at them and cheerfully spoke:

"Sorry I'm late. I got lost on the road of life."

Itachi's eyebrow twitched. Shisui took a deep breath to calm himself and Izumi reigned her thoughts of bashing Arata's head in the ground. Fugaku's ever-present stoic look switched to one of irritation. Kenta and Mikasa sweatdropped at their younger son's antiques. Mikoto's gentle smiled twitched ever so slightly.

Fugaku cleared his throat. Instantly, everyone was paying attention. "So, now that everyone is present, it's time for us to begin this challenge.

"The rules are simple: The person who makes Shisui submit will be granted the chance to join the academy. Also, if we feel that your performance was lacking, we may not allow you to join the academy. For example, if Izumi tired Shisui and impressed us while Arata and Itachi did nothing but knock him out at the last moment. Then, it will be Izumi who will be allowed to go to the academy. If your performance is truly displeasing to us. We might not let you into the shinobi program at all."

Itachi, Sachiko and Arata looked shocked at his last statement. They were expecting the first part. But not allowing them into the shinobi program at all! Suffice to say, they were dead set on winning.

Looking at their expressions to see any hesitance, Fugaku was surprised to see looks of determination etched on their faces. They would not fail, their hark work was a testament to that.

Once again, Fugaku probed, "If you don't want to do this, you can back out now."

The three looked at his as he was an idiot. It was only Fugaku's masterful control over his emotions that allowed him to stop himself from beating them up himself.

"Oh well, Shisui will beat them up anyway. Hopefully, this will show them the reality of the shinobi world. If not, I will have to take drastic measures." Fugaku thought grimly

That's right, this test was only to show them the reality of the shinobi world. Originally, Fugaku was going to take Itachi to the battlefield directly. However, his talk with Kenta showed him that maybe it would be better to prepare them and then drop the bomb.

It was Itachi who spoke, "I will not back down Otou-sama. I will become a shinobi." He spoke, conviction filled in his voice.

Izumi nodded, "He's right. I wot let this threat stop me from becoming the kunoichi in the world."

Arata, on the other hand, remained silent.

Fugaku looked at him, "Arata, do you want to forfeit. Maybe you aren't ready to be shinobi."

Mikasa looked at him with worry. Kenta, on the other hand, was silent. No emotions could be seen in his eyes.

A few seconds later, what Arata said shocked them all.

"Please, don't make me laugh"

"Fugaku looked at him with shock, "What did you say?"

"I know what it means to be a shinobi. I have no doubts. Don't underestimate me because I will not fail." He spoke and even though he didn't raise his voice. Everyone around heard him clearly.

The adults looked shocked while the kids nodded. Shisui looked proud.

Soon, Fugaku regained his composure, looking at Arata in a new light.

"Very well then, if you are confident, I will not stop you. You have exactly 1 hour to defeat Shisui. Good luck." With that, Fugaku walked away.

Izumi grinned, "Heh, get ready to lose, Shisui-nee-san"

Itachi nodded, "Hn"

Arata smirked, "Bring it on, Nii-san."

Shisui grinned, "Don't start crying when you get you asses kicked"

Izumi tilted her head while Itachi looked confused, "What's an ass?"

Shisui coughed, "Nevermind! Just ignore what I said."

Shisui cleared his throat, "Alright then I'll give you 5 minutes to hide and lay any traps you can."

With that, he disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

Before they could say anything, Arata had disappeared, probably to lay some traps and lure Shisui in.

Itachi and Izumi nodded to themselves, both of them rushed away to opposite parts of the forest.


5 minutes later:

Shisui POV:


5 minutes were up. I went to the location where we first met up. Crouching on one knee, I saw two pairs of tracks left in the ground. One heading East while the other lead North.

Curiously, I sent a pulse of chakra through the forest and was pleasantly surprised when I could not sense the kids. "Heh, looks like they trained seriously after all." But, I wasn't called 'Shunshin No Shisui' for nothing. I looked around and saw the highest point in the forest. My lips curled into a smirk as I made my way to the tree.


Itachi POV:

I took a look at my surroundings one last time as I finished laying my traps. I was at the tallest tree in the forest, a location which gave me an excellent vantage point.

I calmed myself as I sent a small burst of chakra to the ground and spread it into the forest. I was not surprised to sense Shisui making his way towards me. I'd expected this after all.

Then, I watched as he made his way towards the tree without setting off any of the traps. Again, nothing surprising. He was supposed to dodge them. Shisui then paused. With a serious look on his face, he called out, "Come out Itachi. I know you're here."

I was surprised. I didn't expect him to know It was me. But wait, it was possible that he was doing just to catch me off guard. So, I didn't come out. Instead, I twitched my fingers. Before one could even blink, Shisui was shredded into tiny pieces as I watched on warily.

"Too slow" a voice said behind, I reacted quickly, jumping away and throwing a few shuriken at him. He dodged the shuriken effortlessly. I smirked, "Perfect" I jumped back, and spun midair as the shuriken were pulled back and almost managed to cut Shisui. Keyword being almost as Shisui managed to evade at the last moment. Not letting up any space, I weaved my hands as the wired shuriken followed my movements and Shisui evaded them all.

With a lazy smile and an exaggerated yawn, he mockingly asked me, "Is that all?"

I paid no attention to his taunts and continued to attack him with the shuriken. Finally, it seemed as if Shisui had gotten impatient as he took out his Kunai and deflected all the shuriken. The, he charged at Itachi. Fully intent on ending the fight.

However, it seemed as if Itachi had other plans as the wired and shuriken glowed a deep blue color. Smirking to himself, Itachi charged at Shisui. Shuriken met kunai as Itachi and Shisui furiously tried to cancel each other out.

Shisui growled, "That's it! No more playing around!" with that, Shisui threw his Kunai at Itachi. Surprised by the reckless move by his senior, Itachi immediately manipulated his wires to deflect the soaring kunai. He brought his attention back to where Shisui stood only to find an empty clearing.

(What! Where did he go! He isn't in front of me, nor is he to my left or right. He isn't behind me or above me. Wait a second… crap! He's -)

"Too late Itachi."

Suddenly, the ground below him opened up as he found himself unable to move. "Well, looks like that's that. Better luck next time Itachi!" he said cheerfully.

'Itachi' smirked, "Are you sure about that?" Shisui narrowed his eyes at 'Itachi' and suddenly jumped back and dodged the wire that seemingly came from nowhere.

Bringing his hands together in a seal, he cried out, "Kai!".

Instantly, the area around him changed as Shisui ducked to dodge the overhead swipe of a kunai that would have decapitated him. I stood in front of him, completely unharmed.

Shisui chuckled to himself and asked me, "When?" I smirked as I answered his question,

"The wires and the shuriken were laced in my chakra. When you thought that I was manipulating the wires, I was also preparing myself to cast a genjutsu."

"Well, color me impressed, you did a great job. Maybe if you had a bit more experience, you may have even beaten me. But you're still not ready."

I looked at him confused, "But the battle isn't over yet.." "It is now" he interrupted and before

I could blink, he was behind me, his kunai at my neck. I sighed and raised my arms in a 'I surrender' notion.

The kunai was removed from my neck and spoke to me seriously, "If I were an enemy you'd be dead. Close combat was your weakness this time. Even so, you're more than qualified to enter the academy."

I grinned at him and spoke , "Next time, you better watch out."

Shisui simply laughed and ruffled my hair. "Sure! But go get some rest for now. I'll send the other two with you soon enough." With that, he raced off to the East side of the forest. Leaving me to drag myself back to the main ground.

I groaned, "Tch, I really need a shower."


In the east side of the forest