
That time i got reincarnated as Nappa

Before you start to read: Nappa is, at least at the start of this novel, a good guy here. So move along if you're not interested in that or if you can not wait for later chapters. ----------------- Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated as Nappa is a Dragon Ball spin-off Novel. An ordinary Dragon Ball fan finds himself reincarnated as Nappa (during the Vegeta Saga), but is very overwhelmed with the situation. But after getting his bearings (the reincarnated) Nappa realizes that with his knowledge of the Dragon Ball events that are to come (such as his death by the hand of Vegeta) he can change history.

SkyThaKid · Others
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13 Chs

Vegeta Saga 5

Gohan trembled in fear, while staring on the Saibamen. "Gohan!" Said Krillin. "Pay attention, your thoughts are unfocused!" Gohan went back in attacking position and looked a bit confident again. "O-Okay!" – "You don't have to be scared." Piccolo tried to calm him, against such opponents he had to be focused as much as possible. "Right!"

Suddenly the Saibamen started to attack them. Piccolo and Krillin tried their best to fend them off, while Gohan couldn't move from his place, now trembling in fear again, and looking around him. He watched Piccolo and Krillin fighting, and they for sure moved amazing. They were so fast that you couldn't even see them.

One Saibaman landed behind Gohan, and started to sneak up on him, but he noticed it and turned around. The Saibaman jumped on him, and hit him in the face, flinging him through the air, and back on the ground. "Ahhhh!"

'Oh man, they will never believe me if I just stand here and don't do anything.' I looked over to Vegeta. His malicious smile was still there, and looking at a fight like this, it will not go away that soon. 'But he's just way too strong… I will have to wait until Goku is here, I'm sure even with Tien an Co. we're too weak to handle him. But I can't wait… Yamchu, Chiaotzu, Tien and Piccolo will die, if I won't act. I have to think of something!'

As soon as Gohan hit the ground, the Saibamen charged on him for another attack, but Piccolo jumped between them. "Believe in yourself Gohan!" – "I try…" – "Don't try! Do it!" He jumped up again. "Right!"

"Awww." Vegeta looked at them, as if he sees a Kitten. "This really warms my heart." Gohan looked at Vegeta frightened again. "Don't listen to those jerks Gohan!" Krillin stepped in. "They'll get what's coming to them soon enough!"

"Krillin!" Someone shouted from a far distance. Everyone looked in the sky. And there were Tien and Chiaotzu. They landed right besides Gohan, Piccolo and Krillin. "Hey guys!" – "Hi Krillin!" – "Thanks for dropping by!" Chiaotzu nodded towards him. "We could use the help."

"Enough!" Vegeta seemed to be a bit annoyed. "Saibamen! I wanna her them scream!" All the Z-Fighters went back to their attacking positions, and all the Saibamen made their sounds again, and seemed to be ready for an attack.

"Wait for me!" 'Another one?' The Saibamen looked all around them, same for Vegeta. In front of all the Z-Fighters landed Yamchu. 'Oh right, Yamchu...' "Sorry, I'm late!" – "Hey Yamchu!" Krillin seemed to happy to see him here as well. "So, why is everyone acting all serious around here?"

"Look, Nappa. Now it's six against six. Their Warriors against our Saibaman. How perfect! This my just proof to be interesting after all!" – "Yeah Vegeta, I can't wait." – "Gentleman! How would you like to make a match of this and fight our soldiers one by one?" He waited for an answer but there seemed to come nothing. "Well, answer!"

Piccolo doesn't seem to be happy. "We're not here to play games! And we're not going to fight on your terms! We will take you all on at once!" – "Hey?" Said Krillin with a calming voice. "Now, easy. We're still waiting for Goku to show up. We can buy ourselves some time by playing it their way."

'Right, Goku… Nappa and Vegeta spared Piccolo, Krillin and Gohan after Vegeta thought about the fact that Goku might be Kakarot… I just have to let him think about this earlier, so we can wait for Goku to show up'