
That time i got reincarnated as Nappa

Before you start to read: Nappa is, at least at the start of this novel, a good guy here. So move along if you're not interested in that or if you can not wait for later chapters. ----------------- Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated as Nappa is a Dragon Ball spin-off Novel. An ordinary Dragon Ball fan finds himself reincarnated as Nappa (during the Vegeta Saga), but is very overwhelmed with the situation. But after getting his bearings (the reincarnated) Nappa realizes that with his knowledge of the Dragon Ball events that are to come (such as his death by the hand of Vegeta) he can change history.

SkyThaKid · Others
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13 Chs

Vegeta Saga 1

"It is a beautiful day, isn't it?" Me and my best friend were walking down the street. The sky was cloudy, and the weather was pleasantly warm.

"Man are you serious?" He looked at me confused. "It's too cold to swim, or do some summer activities, and too warm to any winter activities. This weather sucks!"

"Nope!" I grinned at him. "It's just about right to stay home and play Dokkan Battle all day long!"

He sighed. "You can't be serious…" He walked a bit faster, turned and stopped right in front of me. "You can't waste your time like this, stop playing this dumb game all day long and come out of your house!"

I just looked at him for a few seconds and walked past him. "Let me do what I want bro, I don't care about being outside okay?"

He had to walk a bit faster to catch up to me again. "Why are you wasting your life like this, I just can't understand it."

"You said it yourself. I just can't do anything else but staying home when it's like this. And now please stop annoying me with this, I'm sick of this 'stop wasting your life thing', okay? You say that to me every day. It's just how I wanna' live."

"I just want the best for you man, why can't you-"

"Stop. Annoying. Me." I stopped and looked him in the eyes. "Please."

He sighed once again. "Man, you're so stubborn, it's unbelievable."

Suddenly I heard someone screaming from somewhere. "Google Play Gift Cards on sale! 5000¥ für nur 4000¥!" I ran to the edge of the bridge, which was crossing a not really busy road. "Did I really just hear that?! Dragon Stone Sale would be perfect!" I leaned over to hear the woman who was screaming better.

And then…

"Huh!?" I leaned over a bit too much and I tripped over. "Ahhhhhhhh!"

When I hit the ground, I just felt a big jolt, like nothing really happened. "Huh?" I tried to open my eyes, but everything was blurred. "Wh-What happened?"

I seemed to be in a tiny room, with almost no light. I was surprised that I didn't have any pain, just my neck was hurting. 'Wait, am I in heaven?' I felt a bit dizzy, so I started to rub my head. But then… "Wh-WHAT?!" I couldn't feel my hairs… I was bald. "H-How could that happen?" I started to touch my face, and I felt a moustache and glasses, but just for one eye. Also I seemed to have big shoulder plates. "Man, what is going on here?" While I was touching the shoulder plates my left hand slipped and landed on my arm. "Huh?" I seemed to have big muscles. I started to touch my leg and my other body parts. "Why am I so muscular?"

Suddenly something in front of me started moving, and I could see a glimpse of light. I slowly opened the small space that was in front of me. The light outside was so bright that I had to put one arm in front of my eyes, so that I could see something. The small thing in front of me started to go down by itself. I stood up and walked a step forward, so I could see where I am, and what was going on. I seemed to be in a small crater, and the thing behind, the little room I was in looked like a small space capsule, almost like it's out of Dragon Ball. All around the crater were people, which were looking at me anxious. I looked at them all around me. The city in which I was looked pretty futuristic, but all the people seemed to be huma- 'WHAT!?' In between of all the humans seemed to be a Dog-like person… 'The Spaceship, the dog persons… Am I in Dragon Ball?' While I was staring at all the people I tried to figure out how I came here and why I was here.

Then, all of a sudden, I heard someone nearby shouting. "Nappa! Where are you!?" 'Nappa? Is he referring to me? Wait… The bald head, the mustache, the muscles, the Spaceship, this place and… this voice… Vegeta? Am I really Nappa!?'