
That time i got reincarnated as Nappa

Before you start to read: Nappa is, at least at the start of this novel, a good guy here. So move along if you're not interested in that or if you can not wait for later chapters. ----------------- Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated as Nappa is a Dragon Ball spin-off Novel. An ordinary Dragon Ball fan finds himself reincarnated as Nappa (during the Vegeta Saga), but is very overwhelmed with the situation. But after getting his bearings (the reincarnated) Nappa realizes that with his knowledge of the Dragon Ball events that are to come (such as his death by the hand of Vegeta) he can change history.

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13 Chs

Vegeta Saga 13

Vegeta started to laugh again. "Hahahaha. So much for our little game?"

Piccolo turned over to us in anger and Vegeta started to walk towards them, so I did the same. We were alive, even after Krillins attack and doing nothing to block it. It didn't even hurt that much, to be honest. Was just really warm, the shock got to me for a second, and I got a few little bruises and dirt on me, but that was pretty much it. I was more concerned about what to do next, as I had to fight now against them. 'Oh man, I really gotta do something now, there's no way I'll fight them.'

"Oh well." Continued Vegeta, while we were stepping out of the smoke, created by Krillins attack. "It was fun, while it lasted."

Once we were out of the smoke, the Z-Fighters were visibly shocked to still see us alive after that attack. I mean, yeah. It was huge and killed the Saibamen in just one hit, but it couldn't even harm us, even though we had no real protection at all.

"Surprise, surprise." Continued Vegeta. "This is our favorite part, you know? You should see the looks on your faces."

And, I mean. He was right. The looks on their faces were unforgettable. Us coming out of that smoke? After that attack? They were baffled for their lifes.

"You guys look like you've seen a ghost."

"I-I put everything I got into that shot." Muttered Krillin. "What are we supposed to do now?"

We were still walking towards them, while everyone of them quickly went into their combat position.

'I somehow have to stall everything a bit longer. There is no point in fighting Vegeta just now. We are way to weak without Goku.' "Hey Vegeta." I said, as confident as possible to bring my point across.


"There is really no point in fighting with these guys, they no they will lose, so way make ourselves dirty when we can save power for the real fun?" That was the most convincing argument to not fight right now that I could come up with on the spot.

"You'ye got to be kidding me Nappa." I thought Vegeta wanted to kill me on the spot right now, but I had to keep my cool and play it like the real Nappa would. "You wanting to miss a fight with weakling like that, that challenge us? What happened? You got rational or what?" Vegeta started to laugh.

I didn't really know what was going on right now at all. If he was mad at me, making fun of me, or agreeing. I couldn't tell. So I just laughed with him.

"We gave them enough time to wait for Kakarot Nappa." He continued. "You may be right, if he would show up. But he doesn't so they probably just wanted to stall us out or something."

I couldn't disagree with that. We already waited a long time for him, and there was no way how I could prove that he was really coming, so I didn't know what to do... But there was probably only one thing left to do... Fight them and stall it out until Goku arrives.