
That Strange Nerd

Updates are released every Saturday and Sunday. A nerd who was always being bullied by her schoolmates found a peculiar kind of them. She felt that the guy behind the glasses is not a nerd but pretending to be one. As she continues to have her life to a school full of conceited people, it became messier because of the nerd who pretends to be one. Snow Miracle Gonzalez is a girl who has white hair that lived her life full of tragedy because of the bullying phenomenon at her school, She meets Dave Fox who will probably give her life a new adventure. But is she normal, is he normal? Is everyone by her side true or not? An adventure to determine what's truly real and to discover the real identity and their role in their world.

AriesToTell26 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

As soon as Dave held Snow's hand, she felt something from the area and quickly went out and slowly walked towards it not to leave any suspicion. His invincible device on his side chest began to sound with only he can hear. As he arrived at a certain place, he began to observe the place which is the library. The sound began to slowly quiet down. He was about to scan the place when he looked at his watch and class will begin soon. As he was walking quickly, he sends some signals to his team.

As the teacher let him introduce himself, the expected outcome began to act. A school that shelters bullies that give importance to their education and violence. He just walked towards his seat and he felt a gaze. He followed it and saw the girl he meets earlier. This day will be an information overload that will give him some clues.

Noon break occurred and Dave took this opportunity to investigate more. As he began to went back to the library floor, he encountered his classmates who throw some papers at him molesting girls in the locker room. Without a second thought, he beat them up and protected the girls. As soon as he finished, he heard a sound outside the room and it made him look. He didn't sense any presence just like earlier and concluded someone who that might be.

Snow was dazed and not in the mood to listen to any lectures. When the afternoon classes were done, she is still dazed and still shocked.

Her mind and heart are not in the right state. She began overthinking as her heart is beating faster. She went to the library, trying to be calm herself. She tried to read a book because it is one way to calm me down but it didn't work. She tried listening to some relaxing songs with the help of YouTube using the free Wi-Fi of the school's library but still no effect. She tried reminiscing fun moments and memories in my life to drive away from this feeling but still, it didn't work.

Gary and Lovely are worried about her when she arrived after going to the comfort room. They tried asking me what's wrong but she can't talk. She tried but she's too scared to utter a single word or sound. With worried eyes she saw from my best friends, she just looks down because of pity.

She pities Herself for not knowing what to do, for not sharing this secret, and because she is a coward.

She touched her necklace that holds the love and memory of her parents. She was adopted but her foster parents are the best. They gave her their love like she was their child. They said that when they adopted her, she already wearing the necklace. It's a small key with a snowflake design. She always likes the snow and ice. The coldness gives her warmth and a homey feeling.

Her hair was one of the reasons why she was bullied but because she is really fond of them. Her hair will never be a hindrance to her life yet it gives her strength to be herself. Even though people said that she looked like a granny but it didn't bother her a bit.

She knows now that she is calm and the heavy load was suddenly lifted. With a smile, she is planning to go home. She is walking to her bicycle to getting ready to go home. She was unlocking its lock when Ishe noticed a shadow. she looked back and saw the one she doesn't want to see.

"Hi Snow," he smirked looking at his opened book.

"Can we talk?" He said as he closed the book and looked at her with coldness. His eyes are like the fire of the magma of a volcano maybe because he has red eyes with coldness as he looked at her. She didn't say anything to him that she agreed to talk by giving a lead.

They are walking silently going somewhere. She will not be going to lead a strange nerd to her house but, she is leading the way towards the park. She's at the front walking with her bike at the side and Dave was at her back not knowing what he is thinking and doing. She is a bit scared of what he might do to her but there's also a feeling of safety? She doesn't know why. She is somewhat scared yet safe

She snapped when he closed his book and walk beside her with my bike at our center. She is getting nervous at the moment because she knows that they will eventually talk.

"Snow," he said

"Y-yes?! " she stutter in which it is normal for her to talk like this to someone and due to her current situation. She feels that she is a prey ready to be devoured by another prey who is actually a beast

" I think that you are a smart person, you know?" he said with a smiley and cheerful tone, not like earlier, soft voice and being nerdy. But now he's like a normal person.

"Why? " Trying her best not to look at his side.

"I believed that someone who loves science and math is smart. "

"Loving them doesn't mean you are smart. It depends on when you know how things work or how you understand them" She correcting him while fixing her round glasses.

" That's right but you understand how they work and apply them on a regular basis. " He said that confidently.

"How so? " She asked as she is curious about what he knows and how he can prove his statement.

"You used conic sections to draw your own design infrastructure. I saw you drawing a building while in class. "

It made her became still for a moment. She is shocked that it feels like he is observing her from afar and knows her every action.

" You used hyperbola for the structure but used ellipse for the base. You even draw it in 3D and the combination of colors that you apply compliments your personality. "

it made her look at him because of the last phrase that he just let out.

" Mysterious yet welcoming," he said that while looking at her like he is seeing into her soul.

" Didn't know that you're that observant. " She said trying to calm herself down.

"Well, one advantage of being a NERD maybe. " He even emphasized the nerd word.

She looked at him with a doubtful face.

"What?! " He said.

"What do you want to talk about?" She said while she parks her bicycle at the side of a tree. They already arrived at the park. She sat on the bench which is near the tree.

The park is very near to her house just a couple of miles away maybe 10-minute walk from here but with her bike, she can arrive 5 minutes earlier. The park really gives a homey feeling because every weekend, different families are gathering here to bond with their children and to have someday off. Kids also meet with their friends and play with each other and also with the playground. Elders love going here for a nice walk and for the nice clean air. In addition, some are also fond of having some exercise here during mornings any time of the week.

As she is looking at the scenery here in the park, Dave began to talk.

"Well, I didn't expect that first day of school someone caught my attention already," he said as he leans at the branch of the maple tree.

"Someone who already knows something I want to keep a secret of. " He continued and then he looked at her.

And with a cold stare, he said,

" You're in big trouble, Snow"