
Chapter. 9

I waited. He was just staring at me. Like seriously!! I'm sure he is hates me internally. I mean you know main leads have that internal hate for villans automatically in novels. Even if the villan do not do anything, main leads will hate the villan.

"You're late by two minutes today. Please be sharp in time from tomorrow. " He said. I knew it he would complain. Isn't is just two minutes? Like two minutes! What can he possibly loose in two minutes? It is not like he will die of hunger if I delivered his lunch two minutes late.

"Yes sir. I understand." I told him and went outside. The heck! I even have to be sharp punctual now? Anyways my today's work are over. Actually this employee's position is quite nice too. I mean your only job is to buy lunch and serve them while maintaining the lunch within the money provided by the Company. But I can't stay idle like this. I have to become more stronger. If not then incase in the future Rustler and John are against me, it would be a little harder to defeat or kill me.

I really wish I could grab a golden thigh. But no one is powerful than Rustler. The other villans are capable but are nothing compared to Rustler. Even if John is second male lead, he himself backs out and gives Pearl to Rustler.

Seriously, what can I do? I was just drawing some designs thinking about all these nonsense. But right now I have kind of peaceful life (minus Rustler and Pearl).

But as expected, how can my life be peaceful? The moment I thought that my life was kind of peaceful, some cold thing which smelled like coffee poured in my hair. It even destroyed the design that I was drawing since one hour.

I looked up to find a girl around my age looking at me with a smirk holding a paper coffee cup. I recognised her. She was one of the person looking at me with distain earlier.

What the heck is wrong with these people?

I stood up. And I flipped my wet hair letting the coffee sprinkles from my hair land on her face.

"Oooops. Sorry the coffee cup slipped from my hand and poured on your hair." She said. The heck!! This is the King's Company. The employees are this arrogant and daring? She was still smiling. I was so angry.

"First of all, stop that smile. Or else I will wipe that smile myself. And second, the coffee cup slipped from your hand? You think there is 'stupid' written on my forehead?" I lashed out. She thinks I am a white-lotus girl? Clearly I am the villaness here!

I was so mad. I went towards another table where a man in forties was enjoying the show with coffee in his hand. I went towards him, grabbed the coffee from his hand and returned towards the palce where the girl was standing and poured it all over her head and face. Nobody let out a word. The girl was still left to recover from the shock.

"Oops, sorry. The coffee cup slipped from my hand too." I said with a smirk. The girl recovered and she was so flustered with anger. I was so satisfied with her response. She destroyed my drawing. How can I let her have a peace of mind?

She was going to say something when I heard Rustler's voice. He opened the door and walked out from his office. Everybody lowered their head.

"What is going on? Lily what happened?" He said in a very cold tone. So this girl's name is Lily. The characters in these world have such weird names. Oh right! Lily. Now I remembered her. She was a tyrannical brat who always defended and helped Pearl in the novel. I did nothing and she already started hating me? Wow!!

Her head was lowered hiding her expressions but I know she would just make a pitiful face and blame it all on me. So I decided to speak first.

"Mr. King, I came here for the internship as a token of appreciation from my father. And the day I arrived here, I don't know what I did that made this miss so upset that she directly poured the coffee on me. Mr. King, I never knew that the employees of your Company are so undisciplined and unmannered. Are there no rules at all?" I said all this in one breathe. Before he could even speak, I added a few lines.

"And before you ask me why did I poured the coffee on this miss too, I will explain myself. See I am new here and it is my first day of work. I was not even supposed to do this job but I accepted it. I did all the tasks given to me even without batting an eye. But I recieved this kind of treatment from the people that I thought were my co-workers. And none of them even spoke a word for me they just watched me getting bullied."

I just looked straight at Rustler. What is there to be afraid of? It is clearly his employee's fault here. But he still stood there expressionless. The fudge? Are we going to stand like this forever?

"But you still didn't explain clearly why you poured coffee on Lily too. Wasn't it just for revenge?" A man in twenties spoke up.

"Mister, as I said I am supposed to be in fashion department not here. But still I accepted this work. I had free time so I was drawing some designs. And your miss Lily poured the coffee all over my hardwork. It took me one hour to make this design and she ruined it in one second. Of course it was for revenge. But not because she poured that coffee into me but because she ruined my work. If she hadn't ruined my work, I would not create such a fuss here." I explained to him clearly. People can do whatever to me, I can still bear it. But when it comes to work, I can't bear.

All of them were silent. "Mr. King." Lily said in a soft voice looking very pitiful. I wanted to laugh. It is clearly I am the victim. Why is she acting like victim them?

"Miss Lily, please don't present yourself so pitiful. You're clearly at wrong and you're yet not realising your mistake but still seeking for help? Tsk. Tsk. How can such a big Company have employees like you?" I shaked my head. I looked towards Rustler. He was still expressionless.

"Since Lily was wrong, she will be punished. Her salary will be deducted for two years and she will not be promoted for two years." Rustler spoke after sometime. I was satisfied with his punishment. Atleast, he is good at something.

"Mr. King, I really don't want to stay in such kind of environment where everyone will be blaming me for miss Lily's punishment. Why don't I resign and quit this job? It would be better for everyone." I said. I didn't cause this rukus for nothing. If only I could resign. I would rather join John's Company or even another Company than staying here and earning glares from everyone.

"No need. Since you are here, we will not let you be treated poorly. Just do your work properly. If anyone mistreats you, that person will be held accountable." He said with the same icy cold face and left.

Lily along with all the other employees were left shocked. Lily glared angrily at me. I glared back at her. Trying to mess me with me? This is what you get in return.

I rolled my eyes and went towards the washroom to clean my hair and clothes.

But I really taught that Pearl's side loyal girl a lesson today. I am easy to bully? What a joke! I have always handled these kinds of brats in my world. These small bugs can not harm me at all. I felt very refreshed and satisfied today.