
Thanos : Chronicles of The Mad Titan

A man who had everything. A loving wife. Two lovely children. A successful career. And a job that actually pays well that came with free healthcare and seasonal vocations. A man who had all those. A man who could be said to have succeed in life, mysteriously died one day. Only to find himself in the world of Marvel and in the body of The Mad Titan, Thanos. He was in despair thinking that he would forever be worlds apart form his family. But a mysterious voice suddenly propose a deal to him. He would be able to return to his family and get everything back. But there was a price he had to pay. Which was... Half of all life in the universe. So he had to commit a universal level genocide to return back home to his family. He would have to kill the innocent lives of trillions just to see them again. . . He never accepted a deal sooner. Read as he fought towards the same objective as the original Thanos did but for an entirely different reason and purpose. Read as he stand against all that is good just so he could hold his family again. Will he succeed with his future knowledge or will he succumb to fate and destiny. Will good triumph like it always did or will evil win this time. Read the story of his conquest of killing half of all life in the universe. A small price to pay, for his family. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning : Thanos will be more powerful than his MCU counterpart. He will not be a disgrace like the original who could be overpowered by Wanda and Captain Marvel. He will be able to defeat any avenger in a one on one battle. This will also contain the most vile evil things like killing children, genocide, etc. -------------

Emmanuel_Capricorn · Movies
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Titan vs Goddess

[3rd POV]

"You can't kill death."

Hela was surrounded by green tendrils of divinity that rapidly healed her broken body. Her torn limbs and broken bones fixed themselves in but an instant.

Thanos felt a shiver down his spine when he felt Hela's divinity. He could tell that it was something that could pass through his invulnerability and possibly kill him.

He was not shocked and expected Hela to be this strong, considering she used to be nearly equal to the All-Father himself. Or she was actually his equal depending on which universe you were talking about.

Not to mention they were in Niflheim which was the realm of the dead where Hela's divinity would definitely be boosted.

"I admit you are strong, purple man." Hela said as she walked regally towards him. She flipped her hair and it turned into a spiky crown that screamed elegance and danger.

"But this ends here." She said and not a moment later, she leaned back as far as possible. An invisible space slash passed her as it bisected everything behind her.

It was not even slashing the objects but the space they existed in so it traveled until the end of the realm.

Everything was cut into two and they crashed and collapse.


"Surprisingly, that did not work, maybe I should've waited until you immersed yourself in your monologue." Thanos said, holding the space stone in his hand which was glowing bright blue.

The space stone had quickly become his favorite stone due to its versatility and because he could replicate many fictional powers he knew with it.

Just like how he replicated something like cleave, a technique used by Sukuna.

"An infinity stone." Hela exclaimed, she was both equally shocked and impressed. "So that's why you could get in this isolated realm."

"Owning an infinity stone is impressive enough but to have such control over it as well. No mortal could simply hold an infinity stone let alone use it. Who-" Hela was cut off again as a spatial slash came vertically at her but she leaned to the side and dodged it.

She could not see it but her instincts were enough to know when and where the slash was coming.

"Damnit." Thanos muttered. He concluded that it was impossible to catch the villains off guard when they monologue if they are at a high calibre of strength.

"Rude." Hela said, "You have a very bad habit of cutting off people. This queen will forgive you for the last time since you are strong."

"Sorry about that your majesty but.." Thanos got into a fighting position as the space stone glowed brighter and also turned his purple eyes blue.

"Shall we finish this quickly?"

"I hope you do not bore me." Hela shot forward, divinity wrapped around her body, and increased all her physical stats. 

She reached him in the blink of an eye and she conjured a sword. She swung it at Thanos but right before it reached his neck, it stopped an inch away.

No matter how hard she tried, her weapon would not move forward.

"Oh~ Space manipulation of that extent. Such fine control."

Thanos was replicating the Infinity technique of Gojo Satoru where one increases the distance between him and an object he deems dangerous infinitely.

Just like how atoms did not actually touch, the attacks could never reach him.

"How adorable." Hela said and used her death divinity on the sword.

Space itself literally died and withered as her sword suddenly came at his neck and the tip managed to cut Thanos's neck.

Thanos used the space stone and a great repulsive force erupted from him, throwing Hela away at a speed that broke the sound barrier as she flew away like a ragdoll in the distance.

'Almighty Push.'


Thanos touched his neck and noticed the lack of blood from the cut. It was not bleeding, instead it was rotting away and he was not healing as he should be.

"This is getting dangerous." He told himself and got serious. This was no time to test out tricks or power. He needed to take this fight seriously or he might actually die.

The surrounding air howled as a hurricane came from the direction Hela flew away. With his eyes, he saw Hela with a wide smile running towards him as her divinity fully enveloped her.

The air was fleeing from her, it was feeling from death. She moved faster than a jet and she cojured different weapons infused with her divinity and launched it at him.

The weapons cut through the air and the atmosphere parted to make way for the death-infused weapons. Thanos used the space stone to cover himself with its infinite energy and slap away every weapon that came at him.

Hela reached him and she conjured a war hammer 10 times her size and swing it down on Thanos who used all his strength to punch at the hammer.


It was like an atomic bomb went off as shockwaves spread through the surroundings and shook the realm. The ground was like an ocean when a large object hit it as it caved it and rearranged itself to absorb the impact.

But before the destruction finished, Thanos and Hela already moved away as they exchanged blows after blows with each other.

Everywhere they went, destruction followed and before the destruction settled, they were at another place causing another destruction.

Their battle crushed mountains and sliced off plateaus. They used the realm of Niflheim as their battleground and caused calamity on it.

Thanos was not as fast as Hela but he used teleportation to keep up. He would punch at Hela and right before his fist was blocked, he would teleport behind her and try to land the punch.

But Hela seemed to have the ability to see the future as she would manage to block the seemingly impossible attacks. 

Thanos infused his hand with space energy so that it could clash with her weapons coated with death. 

Many weapons were planted on the ground and multiple craters formed wherever they decided to take the fight. 

They ravaged mountains as they leave trails of destruction. Thanos parried the incoming slashed with his fist.

He was the pinnacle of physical might and with the energy from the sapce stone, he was almost unstoppable.

He was a walking calamity, a breathing disaster that could devastate a city with a single punch alone.

Yet Hela was a God. A God in every sense of the word.

Thanos used the space stone to try and restrict Hela by locking her in space but she broke free in about a split second. But that was more than enough for Thanos as he punched her torso and smashed her to the ground.


The ground caved in and a kilometer-wide crater formed just like that. Hela spit out blood and her torso was crushed but she did not die and healed quickly.

Thanos could not kill her. He could not kill death. 

...or at least he had not found a way. He suspected it would be an easy feat with the Soul Stone though, a stone he did not have.

"HAH!!!" Hela exclaimed, seemingly catching him off guard as she directed her divinity to the ground.

Her wound also healed while his fist was still inside her body. Thanos tugged his hand and pulled out quickly and left a gaping fist mark on her body.

Then huge spikes made of black metal erupted and one managed to pierce Thanos at his side before he quickly teleported away.

Hela stood at the tip of one of her spikes as it continued growing higher and higher into the sky.

The spikes, the size of mountains and skyscrapers left the ground and flew up in the air. Hela conjured a huge amount of her divinity that almost made a hole in space. 

Then she clasped her hand and the huge spikes broke like glass and into million, no billions of pieces.

Her eyes shone bright green, "RAIN OF DEATH!!"

Then the many shards of spikes that were like glass flew to the ground. It was a rain of death just like the name said

No shard was meaningless as it killed everything. Every shard do not die out without kiling something.

The ground rots away, the air vibrates and dies leaving a vacuum in the atmosphere that causes hurricanes.

If the shards did not kill anything, it puncture the fabrics if space and made a hole.

It was catastrophic attack that could wipe out all life on planet level.


"Stupid." Thanos mumbled as he teleported above her. Hela seemed shocked because the shards disrupted space itself so she thought he wouldn't be able to teleport.

But Thanos had more than enough control and he moved before the attack truly reached it's peak. He was holding the mind stone in one hand and the space stone in another,

His body shone in half yellow and half blue.

Then he used Ruler's Authority to restrict Hela's movement. She tired to break free like she always did but it was different from the space restriction he used on her before.

She had no time to adapt to the sudden change of attack.

Then with Ruler's Authority and with a fist impued with huge amounts of space energy, he punched her as hard as she could and she flew down to the ground like a falling star.


The ground collapsed and the whole realm shook in the wake of Thanos's attack.

He immediately followed behind her and grabbed her head with the hand that was holding the mind stone.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" she screamed, her body nothing but a goo of smashed flesh. "How dare you try to control a Goddess!!!" 

Her divinity went haywire and chaotic tendrils of death wrapped around her and almost instantly healed her.

But Thanos persisted.

Then the whole place was covered in bright yellow light akin to a mini sun as the result of the battle remained unknown.

[Image Hela]
