
Testing Stuff

Cringe content! This is my 5th version of Magic Martial World. I'm participating the next WSA with the 6th version so stay tune. I can also write this story till completion if anyone wants....

Simp_Chaos · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Mecha Invasion

"Phew! We...made...it!" Max is exhausted after running like a kindergartener. Nami looks better than him, just that...She was wheezing pretty hard. As for myself, well...I felt absolutely fine...even though

The moment we entered the hall, the floor immediately glowed. Everybody turned their heads toward us, their face showed expressions of jealousy and shock. I just realized from where I'm standing, the light turned vantablack , while Max's light slowly turned bright orangey red, like the colour of fire. Whereas Nami just walked forward like nothing strange just happened, guess this just shows us that we shouldn't worry about other people's reactions. We three parted ways as we took our seats for the orientation ceremony to start.

"Welcome freshmen, thank you for attending and being on time for this year's opening ceremony!" A fat short dude appeared on stage, welcoming us with open arms. I'm guessing he had been the principal of this school ever since the disappearance of "Blakc Inferno" happened.

"My name is Grsael Wazziol and I'm the 11th principal of this academy after the disappearance of it's founder. Right, before any of you doze off during my welcoming speech...I would like clarify something, although this school may only be for the disabled...BUT! The disabled can be strong as well, and for those who are really strong, the school will do its best to nurture them! So remember! In the outside world, you're weak! But here, you are strong...And the final dream everyone here has is to become a paladin! Keep that in mind and thank you for listening to my speech!"

"Next! Let us welcome this semester's star student...Jayne Vyln Garish!"

The entire hall exploded into applause as a tall, slim, red hair girl slowly walked on stage. Also, I just realized that the principal didn't give me time to nap...Like who the hell starts their speech with a motivational talk which actually was the whole speech? But at least I could sleep during this girl's speech...Man, I'm using "speech" a lot, is my vocabulary so shallow?

2 hours later...

Oh my god! She's still blabbering on! What can she say for more than 2 hours?? I'm going back to sleep...

Some time after that...

"Blakc! Blakc! Blakc! Wake up!" I awoke to the shaking and screaming of about a hundred students.

Multiple explosions can be heard outside of the hall. Man, what the hell is going???

I opened my eyes and was dumbfounded for about 7 seconds. It took me that long to process the sudden invasion of about 15 mechs.

People were running and screaming everywhere like ants on a hot pan. Just then, I sensed the presence of another 30+ mechs outside wreaking havoc around the school.

Well...This sucks. Better go find Max first.

As explosions continued to fill my ears, I manage to find Max cowering in fear under the threat of a battle mech's cannon. Well, at least he was safe...For now.

First, I've got to take down the 15 mechs inside the hall.

Then again, the faculty members of this school could probably take them all out, since it was compromised of grandpas and grannies who were either ex-generals, heroes or heroines who have won countless of battles, or that they were geniuses in mecha research but had mana deficiency.

Yeah, there were several occupations in this world that was related to mechs.

Oh yeah, if you're wondering how do the teachers fight flying mechs...Well, in this era, we had already invented battle suits that run solely on solar energy, which means the battle suits will have infinite power as long as the Sun is in the sky.

As I ran to the back of the school, I could hear battle cries echo from the battles. There were even some random ass broken mech parts that littered the school fields. I could see sliced in half tier 3 exodus cores and Mountain Annihilating Cannons everywhere.

I started to think that my help wasn't exactly needed.

Bah! Screw it! I don't want this school to be furthered destroyed any more.

Once I was at the back of the school, I activated my creation magic. In a split second,1000 knives appeared from thin air. Each one was strong enough to slice through a 5 centimetre thick iron plated battle suits. I willed them to finish off the remaining mechs just to ease up the teachers' burden.

5 seconds later...

Mechs were falling from the skies, their pilots were instantly killed just like that. I counted that I had successfully killed off 36 mech pilots using the knives. Eh, not too shabby!

I walked back to Max just to see his overreaction. Instead, I see multiple teachers in the sky looking super dumbfounded at what just occurred. They were fending off the invaders just a few moments ago when the mechs all seized functions and started falling from the sky. I mean, they were literally fighting what seems to be at least tier 5 battle mechs, which was designed to survive an onslaught of five atomic blasts...And then Boom! They all died without reason.

Woah! Their reactions were even more priceless than Max's...Oh yeah, speaking of Max, where was....he...? Oh, it seems he fainted from the shock. Oh well, I guessed I ended it a bit too early...My bad. :P
