
Testing Stuff

Cringe content! This is my 5th version of Magic Martial World. I'm participating the next WSA with the 6th version so stay tune. I can also write this story till completion if anyone wants....

Simp_Chaos · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Glowing Hair

"Your what?" asked Max.

"Gravitational magic? As in you actually have natural talent to wield magic?" followed by Nami.

"Yeah, you don't have to be so shocked about it. There are hundreds of millions of people who use magic every single day," I calmly replied. "What's the point if I could use a little magic?"

"Uhm, Blakc...You do know that this school was designed to let disabled people like us who can't use magic to be train into knights, guardians, protectors etc, right? I mean, even if your magic talent is low, if you were to be enrolled into the world famous Fairy Dream Academy, you could turn your magic into something incredibly powerful, you follow me?" Max grinned. "Why did you come to this school anyway?"

"Cause my dream is to be a top class guardian, a Paladin!" Every time I bring up this topic, I become a crazy loving fanboy. "To wield a blade coated with a god's essence and use it to cut down all evil from this world! I wouldn't mind if my friends nor my family looks down me, I'll reach my goal even if I have to take on the Heavens!" As I finished my too ambitious talk, the crazy glasses girl woke up.

"Ugh...! What happened?" She sat up scratching her glowing hair. Yeah, I'm not joking. Her hair is really glowing, it's glowing spectralon (whitest white), coating her black hair like she just ascended from Hell to Heaven. So, from a crazy rapier piercing roommate to a crazy rapier piercing glowing roommate.

She looked around the room, noticed everything's fuzzy. Then she only realized that she wasn't wearing her glasses. Once she had them on, she freaked out. "Gah!!!! You peeping perverted scum--!!" She stopped her insults when she noticed we were not alone.

"What I meant to say is, why are we in the infirmary?" Her tone changed immediately when she notice Max and Nami. Her appearance is more important than her pride huh? Smooth. Real smooth.

Max and Nami introduced themselves to my roommate. My roommate introduced herself as well. Oh, my roommate's name was Sabrina Lightheart.

"Oh My God! It's such a pleasure to shake hands with you in person, Sabrina!" Nami was shaking so much that the room began to shift as well?!

"Stop shaking Nami! The room's gonna collapse!" interfered Max.

"Oh! Sorry!" Nami's face turned beet red.

"So...What's so great about my roommate?" I proceeded to asked Max.

"Oh right, you're a freshman like me so you probably never heard of the Light Princess who defeated the Fire Dragon Paladin, Scorch Crea—Hold up, isn't your last name Creatio as well? Are you related to any of the Paladins of Chaos? Cause each Paladin is capable of decimating dwarf planets and...and..." Max was now hyperventilating from excitement.

"Haha! No way I'm related to any Paladins. Don't overthink it Max! If I were related to any one of them, I wouldn't be attending this school just to be trained into a Paladin." I waved away his question since I've had a history with the Paladins of Chaos, but I'll get to it sometime later. I checked my Astra Watch and noticed something. "Uh...Guys, we should probably get going or we'll be the only ones who skipped the school welcoming ceremony..."

"Well, you guys better get going, I'm from the previous semester so I don't need to attend it, but uh,...a little reminder to you three, the principal of this school is a prick, he favors only those with exceptional background or those born with a high talent for wielding Godling magic. See ya!" And just like that, Sabrina walked away.

Max ,Nami and me bolted for the school hall at full speed. When I looked behind me, Max and Nami were nowhere to be seen. Man, they're slow! Being the kind fellow I was, I waited for them to past me before I overtook them again in 2 secs.