
Testament of Highschool DxDead

This is your typical cliché fanfic mash-up. Some nerd gets the isekai hammer, some wishes, and dropped in Highschool DXD, but when he gets there something is a little off. Have fun. I own none of the characters except maybe our nameless MC pre-Reincarnation. I own none of the referenced anime... obviously. This is all just for the funs while trying to think of original material. I may have to rewatch some of the animes while messing around with this. Read the Author's Notes at the end of the chapters. I put questions and stuff there. I don't do it in the body because it messes with the word count, and I think that's cheating.

Sue_D_Nymn · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs


As the two glare at each other, Koneko rolls her eyes and walks between them over to me. "Hi, Issei," she says, looking cute and cuddly as I always thought she was.

Reaching down, I pull the adorable girl into my arms and lift her off the ground. She nuzzles her face into my neck and sniffs as her eyes close in delight. "Oh, how is my favorite kitten," I say, squeezing her tight in my arms.

"Mm. You smell nice," Koneko says, wrapping her arms and legs around me.

"Issei!" Yuuki and Yuki say. I blink at the two.

Keeping my eyes on them, I turn my face a little to Koneko's ear and whisper, "I have a surprise for you later. Shhh."

She nods a little and loosens her grip on me. Before I let her down, I nip her ear lightly. A slight chirping purr reverberates through her as she slides back down.

As Koneko walks inside, I turn my attention back to the two still in the doorway. "Now, why were you two glaring at each other?"

They both blush and look away.

"Ara, I think they were arguing about who would greet you first," Akeno says, peeking her head around Yuuki's shoulder.

I roll my eyes. "Really?" I ask with snark-slathered incredulity. The two blush and look away, confirming their silly feud. "Well, Koneko beat you both, and many other people already arrived. So, let it go. We're all friends and more here."

Their shoulders slump a little more. I reach out and pull Yuki forward into a hug and plant a kiss on the top of her head. "The idiot elders in the Hero Clan aren't going to allow this happy little fantasy of yours to continue much longer, Yuki. You're going to have to decide to either let it go or commit to it and make it real. Mio is mine. If they come after her, I will fight them, and I will win. If you are mine, I will fight for you, and I will win."

Pulling back, I look her in the eyes to see how she faired with that truth bomb. She doesn't look happy, but she is thinking. I'm confident that she will choose the right path... and if not, well... there is always the hard way.

Yuki nods and walks inside; as she passes, Yuuki jumps into my arms. I chuckle a little. "Glad to see you're doing better," I say.

"Much, thanks to you," she says, squeezing tighter. "Thanks for giving a shit and not just taking advantage of me... though, to be honest, I wouldn't mind you taking a little bit of advantage."

"I don't know how much you remember, but it was damn close," I say. "Anyway, we have plenty of time for you to be taken advantage of if that's what you want."

One of my hands makes contact with her tight little ass and may have given it a token squeeze, causing Yuuki to squeak a little.

I smile at Akeno, and she winks but steps to the side to reveal two more girls behind her. I blink in surprise for a moment but recognize them a second later.

"Miss Katase, Miss Murayama, it is nice of you to attend," I say to the two vice-captains of the Kendo Club. "May I take this to mean you have joined Miss Gremory's Peerage?"

The two can't make eye contact with me but nod shyly, nonetheless.

"I'm afraid they've become a little shy since we told them about your proposal," Rias says. She's not much better, as I see the crimson cheeks and shy glances. Only Akeno seems fine.

"Are you alright, Rias?" I ask.

Her blush intensifies. "Ufufufufu," Akeno laughs. "She hasn't been 'alright' since you-"

"Akeno!" Rias interrupts, her face ablaze from embarrassment.

"Oh! Is that all?" I ask. "I can ask Asia to heal you if you still have some discomfort."

Akeno steps forward and leans to my ear. "It's not 'discomfort' she's having a problem with; it's recapturing the way you made her feel. She barely slept last night, and I was shocked to find her with a rather phallic object in a less than conventional place."

"Oh, I see," I say, understanding the situation better. Given the restriction on popping her cherry, Rias has probably been conditioned to avoid almost any sexual gratification, lest she accidentally deflower herself. Even flicking her bean was perhaps forbidden for fear of her pushing her boundaries too far—no bodily autonomy for the princess whose virtue her father had sold for power.

Finding out she could get sexual pleasure from anal probably opened up a whole new world for her, but the problem is that her first time was with me. No sort of anal play could possibly live up to the hype when there isn't and Min's Touch and Reciprocal Ardor, not to mention the very erotic situation that her first time took place in. No wonder she can't satisfy herself.

I step over to her and cup her cheek lifting her eyes to mine. "Oh, my poor Rias," I say with sympathy. Leaning in, I whisper in her ear. "If you are a good girl, I'll help you out later on.

She shudders a little, and her eyes turn to liquid pools as she looks at me, and I place a light kiss on her lips and a little flick with my tongue before I pull away to return to Akeno and the other two girls.

"As for you two, I'm not exactly sure what they've told you, but for tonight, I have no intention of anything sexual happening. So, ignore what any of the succubi that are going to be here tonight say. Though the benefits are high, we will only explore the more physical aspects of my proposal if, IF, you are interested and only after we've gotten to know each other better. That's what tonight is about."

I smile and step to the side a little. "So, come inside and relax. Dinner will be served once everyone has arrived," I say, waving them all inside. Before Akeno can walk by me, I take her by the arm and pull her to the side.

"I want to have a conversation with you soon. I have a proposal-"

"A proposal?" she says, tapping her cheek with one finger and a mischievous smile. "Ara, you already have my king, and now you want her queen as well? Hmm? Tempting."

I smirk and shake my head. "I'm being serious. This is something that could change your life, and I want to make sure you are alright with it before I move forward with my plan. I figure you'll either be thrilled or horrified, and I want to stay on the 'thrilled' side of things if possible."

She tilts her head to the side and takes on an uncharacteristically serious expression. "You have my attention."

I look around a moment and snap my fingers, erecting a barrier around us. Then quickly, I say, "There are a few restrictions around what I can do with this ability, but if you remember those other worlds I told you about, I can summon beings from them.

The first restriction is that I can't change the outcome of the world from which I pull them. The person has to have no further impact on the natural progression of that world. Meaning they have to be about to die or removed from the ties of Fate in some other way.

The second is that they will be immediately bound to me, and given the nature of my abilities, that means they will likely become my lover in the future. They'll know that they died in their original world and that something saved them."

"What are you trying to say?" she says with an anxious look.

Well... let's rip off the bandaid. "... I could summon your mother from another dimension."




"What's up with her?" Rika asks, nodding towards a half-catatonic Akeno sitting in the corner.

I sigh. "I made her an offer, and she's having a hard time coming to terms with it."

"That bad?" she asks.

I shrug. "It touches on an old wound, and she's still trying to figure out which is worse, living with the wound forever or getting what she's always wanted."

"What is it, some kind of deal with the devil thing?" Rika asks.

"Well, technically, she's the devil, in this case, but... it's a little complicated, and until she makes a decision, I don't feel comfortable revealing too much."

Rika shrugs. "That's fair."

It looks like she's about to say something else, but the doorbell rings, interrupting her. I grin. "I'll be right back. We have plenty of time to talk."

She raises an eyebrow. As I turn to answer the door, I hear her say, "With this many girls waiting to talk to you? I doubt it."

I reach the door and open it, only to be nearly bowled over by a perky red firecracker. "Master!" Mari shouts, catching the attention of just about everyone in the house and an old couple walking their dog outside the house. I shake my head and wave to the neighbors.

"Hello, Mari," I say. "Why are you calling me master?"

"Well, Miss Shamsiel called you that," she says, looking up at me with a pout. "Can't I?"

"Well, I suppose it would be alright in private," I say, patting the cute girl's head. "But in public, I'd prefer not. Alright?"

She smiles. "Okay, Master."

I look around. "The others aren't with you?" I ask.

"They were taking too long, so I ran ahead. They should be here soon."

"Alright. Why don't you come inside and meet some of the other girls?" I say.

She nods and runs past me inside. I shake my head and close the door. "Master, huh?" Akio says, leaning against the wall with one brow raised. Mira is seething next to her.

I hold up my hands. "Wasn't my idea. Not my kink."

"And what is your kink, degenerate?" Mira asks.

I raise an eyebrow of my own and indicate the room. "Is that your plan? You're going to force us all into your fantasy harem?" Mira asks.

I look at Akio with an expression that asks, 'Is she dumb?' She shrugs, so I turn back to Mira. "Mira, if I wanted to force you, I would have done it when you attacked me in the cooking club.

If you must know, though, my plan is pretty simple. I want to find women I see potential in and to whom I'm attracted. Then offer them affection, care, and really good sex. Then, I tell them about the side benefits, including power beyond their wildest dreams and anything else I can help them achieve. In return, I ask for the same."

She opens her mouth as if to say something else.


"Whoops. Saved by the bell," I say. "We can pick this up later, Mira."

I swiftly extricate myself from the self-righteous little tsundere. I would be lying if I said I didn't fantasize about her gagging on my cock. It wasn't that she didn't have valid concerns, just that she immediately went to the most extreme that she could. 'That person is a danger. We should strike him down with magic.' 'He might want to seduce me. He's malevolent and should be eliminated.'

"Chick needs to get laid," I mumble as I open the door and am immediately accosted by a rather soft and squishy set of tits of similar caliber as Akeno's, engulfing my face. For a moment, I'm transported to a heavenly realm filled with breast-shaped clouds and a choir of naked horny angels singing me gently to rest.

"Son-in-law!" the breasts, or I suppose the person attached to the breasts, exclaims.

"Mother!" the familiar voice of Kurumu shouts.

"Mistress, please release Master. I'm afraid you may suffocate him," what could only be Albedo says.

"Nonsense," Kurumu's mother says, rubbing my face deeper into her cleavage. "There is no way a little love from his mother-in-law would take down my son-in-law."

I'm not really complaining. In fact, I'm rather enjoying this. She's nearly at Shizuka's level in terms of overall tactile enjoyment. A silky texture, with a profound squish factor and remarkable recovery. If I could get my mouth around a nipple, the experience would be perfect.

"Perhaps we can take this inside, and we can all be more comfortable," the reasonable voice of Carrera interjects.

"Yeah, I want to play with Master, too!" That had to be Shamsiel.

Tsk. "Fine," Kurumu's mother says, releasing me from my padded pleasure prison.

I pull back and let my eyes adjust to life on the outside, and take in the eight women in front of me. Five I know intimately, and the other three I recognize from their respective... media sources, despite using magic to hide their demonic features.

Shaking my head free of the cobwebs that formed while I was trapped in paradise, I smile at the mature woman in closest proximity to me.

"You must by Lolisa and Kurumu's mother," I say with a grin. "I am Issei Toujou, and I think we all know that it is a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to getting to know you better tonight."

"So polite," she says, feeling up my arm. "Don't be so stiff, son-in-law. Call me Ageha, and I'm definitely looking forward to getting to know you better tonight."

Her hand slides down my side to rest on my ass which she promptly gives a squeeze. I shake my head a little. "Well, I hope I can live up to your expectations," I say.

I Turn to the turquoise-haired Carrera. "So, my knight, would you like to introduce me to your friends?"

"Of course,... my king," Carrera says with a wink. Gesturing over her shoulder, she casually says, "The one with the red hair and perpetual overly serious pout is Mercedes, and the adorable one with the pink hair is Rati."

"Hey!" the redhead shouts with a defiant pout. "I don't pout, and I'm not overly serious. You're the one who treats everything like you haven't a care in the world and then gets captured by some psychopath planning to break your mind and use you as a sex slave. Only for some other guy to come along and rescue you b-b-by having sex with you and making you his SEX SLAVE!"

My neighbors must love me by now. "M-Mercedes, you're being a little loud," the newest nearly loli pinkette says, looking around at the people on the street staring at us. "People are starting to stare."

Mercedes turns bright red and immediately faces the street, and bows deeply. "P-please forgive my outburst. I-ignore my statements. The situation is not how it sounds," she yells, shaking her head, and increasing the number of people looking at us.

I sigh. "Why don't we take this inside so we can talk more freely?" I say, waving everyone inside.

Lolisa pulls up short. "I'm sorry for mother's actions Master," she says.

I frown curiously. "It's fine, Lolisa. I was somewhat expecting something like that from an experienced succubus," I say. "But why are you calling me Master? You know you don't have to do that, right?"

She blushes. "Shamsiel said that since you were our Master now, we should call you as such. D-do you not like it?" she asks.

"Well, honestly, I'm not much of a dom. I can barely say that I've dabbled in it, so I'm not overly comfortable acting as one very often, but if it is something that you want to do, provided we are not in public, I will not object," I say, stroking her pale pink hair.

"Um," she says, twining her fingers in the material of my shirt and pulling herself into my side. "I-I kind of like it, Master. It makes me feel more like I belong to you."

"Oh?" I say, running my hand down to her shoulder and pulling her in tighter. "In that case, is there a proper way to address you then?"

"U-um, I'm not sure," she says with a slight frown.

"Then how about I call you my pet?" I say.

A ghost of a smile alights on her lips. "I think I'd like that, Master," she whispers.

Leaning down, I place a gentle kiss on her head. "Well then, my pet, why don't we go inside and meet everyone and have some dinner."

Lolisa practically burrows her way into my side, and I feel more than see her slight nod. Closing the door behind us, I notice that the sound coming from the great room is a little too quiet. That's never a good sign when you have forty-plus women in the same place.

Sighing to myself, I brace for whatever calamity is befalling my mixer and am curious about who is the cause of the disturbance. Peeking in, I'm unsurprised to find Mio and Yuki staring daggers at each other in the center of the room. The other women are watching the show from the side.

Scanning around, I do a bit of a double-take seeing Asia sitting in Shizuka's lap, practically engulfed in the woman's jumbo-sized breasts. I must admit the sight is... stimulating just as arousing is seeing the new addition to the group, Ageha, in a similar position with Maria.

"Well, that was quick," I say.

"Mother has always had an affection for small cute things. Mistress Maria would absolutely catch her attention," Lolisa says.

"That explains why Koneko is hiding behind Rias."

"Un." Lolisa nods.

"Well, my pet," I say with a sigh stepping into the room. "Let's go diffuse this nonsense."

Word Count: 2972

A little shorter this time. With limited time and multiple projects spreading out my focus paper-thin, I'm writing very slowly.

It also doesn't help that I'm having a hard time with this part of the story and just want to bitch slap the Hero Village and curb stomp Riser so I can move on to volume two.

Not to mention, I've got tons of ideas for other stories that won't leave my brain until I get at least some of them out onto a page.

RL is being a little difficult as well, which is also destroying my ability to focus on writing. I've only had a couple of days in the last month or two where I could write consistently.

Anyway, I'd say that I'd try to release faster, but I'm not sure that I can promise that. Maybe I need to find some more Testament or DxD fanfics to read to get in the right frame of mind instead of all the Horny Potter smut fics I've been reading. Testament fanfics are hard to find, and decent Testament fanfic is nigh impossible.

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