
True Release

The next day that Soul went to school his friend Rain, like always would share news. "Have you heard? A emperor beast showed up in Mirguru City! The city was leveled to the ground. Everything became lava and the buildings melted. Before backup could arrive and deal with the emperor beast, it escaped into the spatial gate. We have suffer a serious lost."

Asu said, "The battle between the emperor beast and 7 star magician only lasted less than 5 minutes and yet it caused this much destruction. Magic is really powerful, too bad I can't use magic."

Warning! Warning! Warning!

The city alarm sound off. Soul took a look outside a saw a huge hole in space. "A spatial gate? Another one? What is going on?" Soul knew things were bad.

"Everyone! Evacuate to the underground shelter!" A teacher said as everyone move toward underground.

Soul mumbled to himself, "Why did another spatial gate open here? It was just yesterday that the beast invaded but now another came."

Rain said to King, "Do you think another emperor beast is going to show up?"

King answer, "I don't know. Hopefully someone will stop the invasion or our city will end up just like Mirguru City."

To be continue...

If you guys are reading this. I won't be updating for a while.

LOL hey guys been 2 years now. Endless homework man. Life is endless until you die so always keep working.

It mean I won't be updating.

Who cares anyway? No 1 w ill b e read ing th is.

I will finish this later. Got a lot of classwork atm.

PaidThePricecreators' thoughts