
Test of True Love

This Story revolves around and emphasises the importance of love confidence. THE SEED OF LOVE IS TRUST. True love must overcome numerous challenges in order to maintain the confidence and trust, but lovers sometimes refer to these challenges as the name of life. Vansh and Riddhima's love began with a seed of confidence, but they were unable to develop their love tree due to misunderstandings and tragedies. When they know that teamwork is the only option, they will approach the couple with the same faces they have. This story will provide you with many thrills and turns, and it will be interesting to see if this love story will take its twist of returning to love ? Or whether the love between them will never return to them ? ════════════════════════════════════ The Cover is edited by imagineTishaD and the picture is taken from Pinterest. Check her books on Webnovel. CONTACT ME: Discord- Libranian#4450 This is my WSA 2021 Entry.

Libranian · Urban
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235 Chs

The Heart Desires

I wanted to breathe in your breath so that you can also get to recognize how I breathe with these loss of life hopes and dreams.

It was not less than shocking information for Vansh to know that Riddhima is alive. He then asked, Where is she?

Siya told, "Bro, why do you forget everything so fast? You himself dropped her at her mothers' residence yesterday's night. I wanted to buy some online products, and I was asking her which one is good. I found a product extremely useful, however it costs too much. Then Riddhima recommended me now not to take it. Then I said,the heart wishes what it desires.

Vansh replied, No problem. You take its cost from me as it does now not cost extra than you, my dear sister.

She thanked him, Thank you so much." He left, and she passed him a smile again.

Vansh went to Aangray and advised him, I suppose that there is certainly existing a replica of me and Riddhima.

He refused to accept of this fact, How ought to it be possible? And suppose, if they are, the place are they this time in the Mansion? First you have been searching for Riddhima, and now you are saying that each you both have your duplicates in this house. I am sorry, I am no longer getting anything.

Such incidents and questions in addition made stronger extra confusions. The situation was so refined that even Vansh was afraid of sharing it with any individual else as an alternative of Aangray but Aangray was also now not understanding.

" The query of our love resulted in damaged me."

No matter how much everyone was once attempting to distract from the reality that Riddhima is now not lost due to the fact whatever he aimed, fulfilled it and whatever he used to said, then proves it correct.

Vansh then went to his room and when he was doing the curtains aside, he saw a girl and a boy proposing each other in the garage. The shocking aspect is, the boy was wearing the same clothes as that of Vansh that time.

Nobody ought to come interior their residence like this in such a strict security. He went downstairs hurriedly. He asked everyone, "Did any individual come here?"

Everyone replied, "No," however grandma replied, "Yes, Riddhima."

"Okay, if she has come then where is she?" Vansh asked.

Grandma replied, "She has gone to her room."

Vansh will obviously, did now not agree with this. Whatever his mind thought, it then became his mindset. He went to the garage and think not to waste anymore time.

"Our love was once beautiful, but its beauty did not last longer as it remained no longer...."

Vansh went to the garage at the same place where he saw that couple. He knew that it was useless to ask all the family members, so he asked from the guards, "Who came right here a few minutes ago?"

The watchman replied, "No one."

He asked, "Has Riddhima not come or all and nobody else?"

They replied, "No." while Grandma said that Riddhima has come that's' why Vansh was no longer trusting absolutely everyone and when it comes to trust, he is very possessive.

"Are you all sure?" Vansh again asked.

They all said, yes. But for Vansh, nothing is demonstrated until he get a proof. Grandma said to the rest of the household individuals after Vansh left, I do not recognize why he is getting so much curious. He does not comprehend that all this curiosity will end in severa obstacles. The obstacles that he already has, will become double."

Was his family actually playing some role in all this?

I may leave you for the world, however will never flip you out of my heart as you are and were the only turn of my heart."

Vansh looked in all places that he might find a clue due to the fact that whatever he saw was not false. He determined a glamorous, surprisingly luxurious small diamond container for rings. Vansh also saw that simliar boy to him and the girl engaging. He thought that it perhaps the case of their ring.

The guard warned, "Don't touch it!"

He asked, "Why?"

"Oops, sorry. I thought you plucked a rose. Actually the gardener has defrauded with us. He made these wilting plants clean by means of applying quite a number hazardous chemical compounds to it that even affected my hands' skin." The defend said.

Vansh asked, "How is it now? Why are you not asking that gardener to clear them all?"

He replied, "He is not receiving the call. Its fine as it did not affect too much."

Vansh ended the conversation, "Okay, go back to your work.'

That container used to be regarded to be made of actual diamond. He opened it and genuinely discovered a ring. It was not a unique one or seemed to be very special but It was the same as that of the gold-plated ring. Isn't weird that it was now not of the actual gold however was preserved in an expensive box?

This was the first question after seeing that ring that got here in Vansh' mind.

He took it inside and this will be one of his mistakes as he will take it to his room in front of everyone.

Everyone's thoughts will match and will stop at the same point as only Vansh knew why he took that ring with him. Grandma said, "Stop now. Enough is enough and sufficient. Are you playing with us?"

"What I suffered for your love is what is beyond your sufferings for my love but Alas! That was not my love for which you suffered."

Vansh replied, "What do you want to say?"

Then his mom said, "First tell me what do you want?"

Vansh didn't understand for what they were asking about, "Can you both clearly tell me what are you talking about because I cannot understand these complicated riddles?"