
Terror Infinity: Glitch in the system(Rewrite Ongoing)

Have any of you watched that movie where these group of friends went to vegas, and woke up the next day not knowing what the hell happend the previous night and how they lost one of their friend, just to find out one of them mixed some drug in there drink... well some of you guys know the rest. Point is... I am in that wtf moment, diffirence is I know exactly where I am and I know how fooked I am. This is a Terror Infinity fan-fic, obviously... but now that I'm in it, things might go differently just that this is kinda toss for me cause I roll a dice on some choices and work something out with the results... this is just for fun for me so... yeah just a heads up btw I haven't actually finish reading TI cause of the bad translations. hope you enjoy like I will.

Om_Nom_Nom · Movies
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118 Chs

Ch.32 Hey!! I can be smart too!?

When Kris came out of his room, He was still a bit groggy. After the beam of light of disappear and he was all healed, Felicity jumped him and its down hill from there.

Scratching the back of his head with goofy grin saying "The nerdy types are always beasts in bed.haha!"

Mentally patting himself in the back for a job well done, he looked on towards the flatform and so Xuan.

Muttering to himself "For a smart person he sure is slow..."

So he approached Xuan with a wave and said "What's wrong Sonny?! No WiFi in your room?"

Xuan openned his eye for a brief moment but closed them again.

Kris just shrugged his shoulder and laid by the flatform speard eagle, and stared at the ball of light letting his thoughts drift.

[Scen Break]

When Xuan saw that the other four were all there, He eyed Kris for amoment then said, "I found three problems; first is human creation according to the conditions, it seems like you can even create a god. Because its not limited to race, age, gender, ability, as long as you can imagine it, you can create anything. I tried it yesterday but there are actually hidden limitations; Arnold!!"

Ten seconds later, a huge man of about 2.5 meters tall came out from Xuans room. He stood besides Xuan without moving. His face was emotionless and cold like Xuans.

Kris couldn't help but sit up and said "Whoow I didn't imagen I bit; that you batting for the same team!!) with eyes wide.

"But I can understand your preference, Terminator!! for the bid guns, RESPECT!!"

Xuan didn't even bat an eye at that comment and spoke,"Originally I chose Alien and Hunter, but God didnt give me any response. It seems like living beings non-native to Earth are not available. So I chose human. Height maxed out at 2.5 meters, I didnt test gender, its not relevant to combat ability. Age is set at 22 when a persons physical ability is at their highest. Ability wise, I originally imagined an all powerful god, but God didnt create any life. So I gradually decreased his ability, I also tested the genetic mutations and bloodlines you can exchange from God, none of those can be created."

Kris then added "Your a man of taste I get it." while crossing his arms and nodded.

Xuan just continue to treat him like air, "So I assume it can only use humans as a blueprint. Then I imagined the limit of a human, and gradually reduced his ability. When he was about twice the physical fitness of a normal person, God created him."

"At the same time I also gave him the experience and personality of a special agent. Basically thats it. Because he looked strong, I gave him the name Arnold"

Kris intoned "Not very original but understandable!" cupping chin while muttering in a made up voice,

"I'll be Back!... you be front"

Zheng and Jie laughed secretly. Little did they think that Xuan would choose such a name.

Xuan said in a stern voice, "This is not the key point!" and Xuan continued calmly. "He can also get enhanced! I tried to let God give him a point of intelligence, and God actually did enhance him. Do you know what this means? It means that the being you create can definitely go into the horror movies!"

"It only takes 500 points to create a fighter twice as strong as a normal person. Then the rewards from one movie can give you two such bodyguards."

"You were all wrong! The free human creation God gives you isnt to create women for sex, its so you can protect your life, to give you a chance to create a bodyguard!"

"Why do so many people die in this world? Especially the physically weaker people that are more likely to die? I think its because a lot of people use the first 1000 points to enhance themselves, then use the free human creation for a woman. But what can you accomplish with 1000 points? Can it double your attributes? Why not make two loyal bodyguards instead! God actually gave you hints early on, how to survive when you are still weak. Thats bodyguards! Such is a mortals wisdom the inferiority of human nature."

Kris now stood up and said in a serious tone this time,

"Now that's very a narrow point of view, Dorothy the yellow brick road doesn't only lead to the emerald city." then continued, "I know what your thinking, but creating some flying monkeys won't let beat the wizard Oz."

Jie disliked Xuans tone. "He said in a cold voice, So what if we are mortals wisdom? So what if I f*cking created a woman? I am still living very well and it will just get better!"

You Zheng stood in front of Jie and stopped him. "You arent ridiculing us out of boredom right? Perhaps you may be right, God gave that gift for us to make a strong bodyguard, but thats only your speculation. What if the bodyguard cant follow you into the movies? Even if he can get in, can you guarantee that he can help you survive? and What are you saying Kris is there other way? is this part of your secret?"

Xuan snapped his fingers, and replied calmly. "Your reasoning ability is getting more capable, obviously reaching Lans level. that's right Kris what are your bases on claiming I was wrong!"

Kris scratch his cheek with his middle finger facing Xuan and raised his hands sighing in resignation

"Well alright I'll talk normally, I said he was wrong because human creations are not only suppose to be body guards; Xuan is correct in one thing though Human resource is the capital in surviving god's dimenstion."

"So my question to Xuan is why only body guards? Why wait for newbies, when you can create you own support character?"

"Personally have no interest programming or software design. All that is needed is a vague idea of who you l wanted and god fills in the rest, and I got Felicity Smoak MIT graduate and tech-genius."

"Ok, but doesn't explain you skills in killing those aliens." Lan pressed for more answers.

"I was getting to that, I'll just save you the long boring explaination and sum it up in one word; CONSUMABLES!"

"Just took a combination of consumables available in the exchange list and simulated the perfect state of a human being; while adding a little something here and there." Kris said.

"Good! not only are you Crazy; Your also a Junkie!" said Jie

"How were you able to figure out which drugs to take and how much? I thought you said you were an engineering consultant." ask Zheng while raising an eyebrow

Kris put his arms behind his head looking beyond the flatform as if something intresting passed by, while saying "I said; it's says Engineer in my dilopma and I do freelance consulting, but not what branch of engineering..."

Lan impatiently ask "Then what branch are you from?!?"

Kris muttered "Troblesome" then spoke up "Biomedical, Chemical, Mechanical, Structural, Geotechnical... I just stopped counting after I got my masters 'cause it was all the same to me. I just make things as I go."

"I thought; You said you stayed in college for 10 years?"

"Yeah I was 12 when I started there; The school board wanted to give me a PH.D if I stayed longer, but it all got boring after 10 years" said Kris nonchalantly.

"And I thought you're a home stay bum." said Xuan

"Hey!! I can be smart too... it's just you who is slow." protest Kris

"I dont have any intention of ridiculing you, but let's continue; have you thought about why the movies have a limitation of twenty people?"

"Thats because a team needs different types of talents. If everyones direction of growth is on enhancing their body, they can of course increase their survivability in the movies but at the same time the teams abilities will lack diversification. If they encounter special situations, it will likely cause the whole team to wipe out!"

"But if what you said is true; we can just focus on looking for people on either class; Fighters and Support class" spoke Xuan taking the spotlight.

Kris just rolled his eye he was pushed to the side again.

Then Xuan took out a bag and opened it. The bag was filled with tools and little gears. "He pointed to them and said, Aside from finished products, you can also exchange these tools and materials from God."

"In other words, if you have the relevant knowledge and ability, you can create those high cost items with minimal cost. You can even get around the limitation of ranked rewards."

"But do you have this kind of knowledge and ability? Definitely no! People with these kind of talents are usually physically weak and has no means for combat. Then how are they going to survive at the beginning? The only answer is bodyguards and people with high fighting ability can't be guarantied to have other knowledge we need hence support personnel."

"The size of the beam can just about fit two people in. In other words, why did God only offer one free chance to create a bodyguard? Thats because you can only bring one into the movies. This is Gods hint! People with special talents also have the means to protect their lives and vice versa for fighters to have support personel, this is probably what God tried to tell us."

This time Kris stood in front of Xuan and said "Quit fantasizing about conquering the world, It doesn't mean that now we have the means for a logistic corp. you can win all the battles; Think about what god will change within the movie if the number of people increases; do the math!"

Lan paled at those words and said " The greater the number, equals, the greater the difficulty."

Everyone felt cold sweat down their backs...