
Terror Infinity: Glitch in the system(Rewrite Ongoing)

Have any of you watched that movie where these group of friends went to vegas, and woke up the next day not knowing what the hell happend the previous night and how they lost one of their friend, just to find out one of them mixed some drug in there drink... well some of you guys know the rest. Point is... I am in that wtf moment, diffirence is I know exactly where I am and I know how fooked I am. This is a Terror Infinity fan-fic, obviously... but now that I'm in it, things might go differently just that this is kinda toss for me cause I roll a dice on some choices and work something out with the results... this is just for fun for me so... yeah just a heads up btw I haven't actually finish reading TI cause of the bad translations. hope you enjoy like I will.

Om_Nom_Nom · Movies
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118 Chs

Ch.31 Heal over Repair?!

When Kris saw Zheng getting up, he new that Zheng have entered the unlock mode and was forcing every ounce of will power he had to kill the alien queen.

So he gritted his teeth and climb up to his feet, and began to move along the room's wall to circle and flank the alien queen. He start with a slow jog and gradualy accelerated to his top speed.

When he heard the explosion cause by Zheng and that the queen had entered a berserk state made up his mind.

Sticking to the wall behind him and seeing the alien queens exposed back, rearing to stab Zheng with is sinister tongue. He kicked of the wall like a olympic swimmer entering the water from a crouching start. His body sped like a bullet; using the built up speed and with the aid of his TK, he created sufficient suction force at the bottom of his feet and climb the alien queen back.

As he arrived at its nape he activates his lightsaber and thrust in a 35 degree angle from the base of its skull thru the back of its throat.

Still holding unto his lightsaber the alien queen fell forward bring him forward as well. Hastily balancing his body and increasing the sucction force under his feet; he ended up, standing over the alien queens now dead corpse and darkness took him...

[Scene Break]

"F*ck you, God. Hurry up and repair our bodies The points, deduct them however you want!" was the first words Kris heard after snapping out from the effects of their teleportation.

Quickly shouting out "No! exclude me from the repairs god!".

Jies head snapped at his standing form confused, but ignored it for now. And looked towards Zheng's form laying on the ground.

[Scene Break]

Zheng vaguely heard Jies and what seems to be Kris shouts and, along with them, a very familiar weeping from a girl not far away.

This made him try to open his eyes, yet he was too tired to do it. After the futile effort he had fallen into a deep sleep, enveloped by warm sensation.

[Scen Break]

After shouting for the god to not repair his body, Kris inspected his his body and found that aside from minor wounds, small fratures and bruises the worst damage he had taken was from forcing his body to adapt, when his body left the brew's effects. Concluding that his body must be trying to expel the genes that did not conform with his original baseline structure, hence the blood and gunk coming from the porse of his skin.

He closed his eyes once more in contemplation, when he felt someone coming near him. He opened his eye and saw Felicity, he smiled and said "I'm home!" then held her hand and head towards their room.

[Scene Break]

Upon closing the room's door...Kris let go of Felicity's hand.Went to the center of thw room and closed his eyes as connect to god; saying "god HEAL all the damage on my body."

A flash of light shot down from the ceiling of their room and drop down on Kris. Felicity watched on a he was healed of all his wounds, flesh stitching together, blood disappearing and bruises vanishing revealing unblemished skin.

Deep within his body all the genes that did not conform was expelled, While the damage mutated and activated gene was healed.

[Scene Break]

Once Zheng woke up, he felt startled. He recalled that last encounter with the Queen and it made his whole body cold. That was a monster over seven meters tall and almost twenty meters in length. Even an elephant could only take a few lashes from its tail yet he still fought it in close combat. The whole thought of it scared him.

It wasnt until now that he had a look at the surroundings. This was Gods dimension, a large platform and a floating sphere of light, and the darkness to the sides. This was the only safe place in the world of horror movies. He was floating in a beam of light shot from the sphere.

There were four other dimmer beams. Xuan was floating in the dimmest one because his injuries werent as critical. Then it was Zero and Jie. The luminescence of Lans beam was just below his.

"Four?" Zheng counted again, "yes, only four. Kampa wasnt in this platform and Kris". That Russian mercenary didnt make it. This made him feel a bit down. Only those that survived could come back to this dimension. "But Kris I'm sure he was the one that pierced the alien queen from the back of its head, Did he already left?"

Lori answered for him "He and Felicity already entered their room, that wierd guy didnt want to be healed; I pity Felicity for landing such a guy!" Lori shook her head in condolence to Felicity.

The repair process took two hours. Zhengs repairs took the longest, everyone elses finished after an hour. As his repair finished, the beam suddenly changed from sunlight color to a green light. Zheng kind of understood that this was God repairing his genetics.

From midair, Zheng looked below. Jie was laughing the loudest. He held his wife in his arms and laughed.

"Shit, that was a close call but we also made a huge profit. 1000 points from the basic reward, 500 points from each Alien, 1000 points and a rank D reward from completing the mission. You have to take risks for profits but with so many points I am OK with it. Haha!"

Then they talk about how much points they earned and how costly the repair was...

It took over an hour before Zheng was lowered to the ground. Once on the ground, Jie gave him a big hug, then Lori jumped onto him crying.

Jie quickly became uncomfortable by the pink atmosphere said "Okay, okay. At least pay attention to where you are if you want to make out. Haha."

"Everyone, I will take my leave now. If you have anything to say, wait til tomorrow morning. The trial this time was too dangerous. I will have my wife make you guys a big meal tomorrow Then he picked up his woman and ran to his room."

Zheng shook his head and said, "You know how to activate your room right? Use your imagination to design the room. Other people cant get in it without your permission. Oh right, about the points wait til tomorrow, we will discuss how to use those points. If we had heavy firearms in this movie then we wouldnt have had so many casualties. Xuan is definitely better than me in this field. We will discuss how to deal with future movies tomorrow."

Then he picked up Lori just like Jie did and ran toward his room laughing. Xuans voice suddenly came from behind.

"Thank you for this time."