
Territory Defense! 100X Rewards From The Start!

One day everyone in the world was sucked into a new world, given a small chunk of land and limited resources and told to surivive by whatever means neccesary. Our main character Leo unlocks his innate skill after the system deems every attribute of his to be trash except for one: Luck! Now his Innate skill 'Midas touch' give him 100 times the rewards for almost everything he does! Watch as Leo overcomes the trauma of killing others, saves his family, and slowly become more and more powerful! Cover Art is not mine! Message me if you wish for me to take it down!

AniMine · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Language Barrier

Leo woke up to another beautiful morning, to the sun beaming in through the window and onto his still young and immature face. Leo stretched his arms out lazily as he woke up, and quickly got dressed, knowing that he needed to get his morning training done before breakfast started. Leo decided last night that he wanted to make his mana overload training a habit, meaning something he did upon waking up and right before he fell asleep.

Leo knew that this would be a very exhausting process as it required intense physical and mental fortitude, but he also knew that it would help him gain immense amounts of strength in a short period of time.

After Leo was dressed, Leo quickly passed onto the mountains behind the still under construction castle he had ordered a few days ago. Leo walked up the mountain to the highest peak of it, facing the opposite of his territory so he did not accidentally release his explosive power onto it. Leo took out a Blue grade crystal and concentrated on extracting the raw power from it.

Leo hadn't expected it to be easy, but it seemed standing while in this process was even harder than the sitting he had done the day before. However, Leo knew that he would need a lot more strength to compete with his future challenges, such as the ominous TITANICS that he remembered the system telling everyone on the first day.

Leo honestly didn't know much about them as no one had actually encountered them yet, but Leo knew that it was only a matter of time. So while Leo was sweating profusely and struggling to stay standing, trained the raw power of the crystal, he also channeled his resolve.

Leo reasoned that yesterday he had barely survived the process while sitting down, and now he had the confidence to do the same while standing. To an ordinary person this might not seem like a lot but to Leo it felt like the difference between a slow walk and sprinting at max speed. Leo had never realized how much just standing in one spot seemed to require from the body and mind.

Normally, people would do these actions automatically, all the small tiny actions taken into account subconsciously by the brain so the final thought that came to mind was only "just stand here for 30 minutes and stay still." However, right now, as Leo continued to cultivate the crystal, he noticed that he was having trouble keeping his body in sync, like he knew what he was supposed to do, which was to just stand there holding the crystal, but even a slight gust of wind threatened to knock him off his balance.

Leo's brain was truly in an overload state as he finished off the last 20% of the crystal. Leo had to maintain a perfect control of balance over his body in order to just stay standing.

Leo smiled with pride as he felt the last few wisps of the energy within the crystal enter into him, wishing to explode out at all costs. Leo, wanting to try something new since he had all this excess energy, pulled out his spear.

Leo imagined a water ball like before and called out,"Water ball!" In front of Leo came a huge ball of water, only a few feet longer in diameter than the one conjured up yesterday. Leo grinned as he attempted his new idea, shouting out,"Compress!"

In rapid succession, the gigantic water ball compressed over itself many times as Leo watched in amazement. The water ball gurgled and slapped itself in waves as it continued to compress and gradually get smaller and smaller. Leo noticed that the longer this process went on, the slower the compression seemed to get, until it completely stopped to a size that could just barely fit him inside if he was standing in it.

Leo shouted out,"Water Cannon!" while pointing it to the other side of the mountain that his city was not on, watching it zoom towards the ground. Leo instantly realized he might have made a mistake as he heard a massive explosion one moment and he was staring at the ground the next.


Leo quickly got back up onto his shaky and exhausted legs and looked over the mountain to see a giant lake inside a crater where there used to be forest only a few moments prior!

Leo beamed a smile as it seemed like his idea had some merit! His idea was relatively simple, if he could make a water ball and compress the water into a tight space, when it hits an object, the resulting explosion should be much bigger and defined since there is more kinetic energy being released in a smaller area rather than over a great distance.

Leo, now a little weak knead, slowly came down off the mountain, which would take him almost 30 minutes compared to the 10 it took him to traverse up it! Leo, always a stickler for progress, asked,"System, what's my current water element percentage?"

[Water Element: 56%, White grade]

Leo hadn't stopped smiling after his test because it proved that his way of cultivating the crystals was indeed correct. Leo however knew that the sound of the explosion had most likely woken anyone who wasn't awake and scared those who were, and was sure he would be getting a mouthful from his advisors.

While Leo was walking down the mountain, he noticed that Luca and Lin Yue were talking in the alliance chat, but that was not all as Leo noticed that another name was talking with them. Leo quickly jumped into the chat as well.

[Leo: Good morning, who's the new face in the chat?]

[Lin Yue: Ah, while you were asleep, another lord gained an advisor and established their city]

[Leo: Oh? To who do I owe the pleasure of talking to?]

[Alisa: It is Alisa, sir Leo]

[Leo: Ah, that's right, I asked Lin Yue, but I never asked Luca yesterday, where are you two newcomers from on the old earth? I am from America, from the state of Texas]

[Lin Yue: I am from China, Guangdong Province]

[Luca: Italy, the island of Sicily, and the capital region Palermo]

[Alisa: Russia, In the Siberian region Yakutia]

[Leo: Wow, you know when i suggested the top ten alliance to Lin Yue, I expected some diversity but there really is a lot of different nationalities here]

[Lin Yue: Yes, I agree, at least that may make it easier not to step on each other's toes in the future if our lands ever connect since it seems like wherever you were in the world before the great shift is proportional to where you'll end up in this world.]

[Alisa: This is true, I have seen many people commenting that they were with their spouse upon the time the summoning happened and they were only a few hundred units apart from each other. It seemed like this is a common thing, so we shouldn't need to worry about connecting our lands for at least a decade or so I would guess]

[Luca: I have to say, I am rather surprised at all of you though]

[Leo: Why?]

[Luca: I would expect it from Alisa, since we are close geographically, but I would have never expected that an American or a Chinamen would actually learn Italian of all languages, it's not a language you hear a lot internationally]

[Leo: ???]

[Alisa: ???]

[Lin Yue: ???]

[Luca: What? Have I said something wrong?]

[Lin Yue: I'm not speaking Italian, you are speaking Chinese. In fact all of you are speaking Chinese to me!]

[Alisa: No, we are all speaking Russian!]

[Leo: I'm getting all this in plain, easy to understand english, and I don't know any other language]

[Lin Yue: Leo, that is simply impossible, you were speaking to me in Chinese at the auction house!]

[Leo: No… I was talking in straight English and so were you…]

[Alisa: Something is wrong here, how are we all so positive that the other parties are speaking our native tongues, yet everyone here claims that they are not!]

[Luca: Maybe the system had incorporated some auto-translate feature into us so the communications between the different lords never hit a language barrier?]

[Leo: That is a good theory, but a technology like that was still decades from even being started on our own world, so whatever this is, the fact that we can't even tell if the other person is speaking another language is very odd]

As Leo was still typing up a storm in the alliance chat, Ash ran up to him, shouting,"My Lord! Are you ok?! We heard a huge explosion come from behind the mountains!!"

Leo nodded his head, and replied,"Yes I am fine Ash, I was simply doing my mana overload training up there so that there was no risk to the workers down here."

Ash breathed a sigh of relief, and said back to Leo,"Phew.. That is a relief, I will call off the emergency order then…"

As Ash was turning around to leave, Leo suddenly had a thought and he quickly shouted to Ash,"Ash, hold up, I need a question answered really fast!"

Ash, always a diligent person, quickly turned on his heels and came running back to Leo, asking,"What can I help you with!"

Leo, very calmly and seriously said,"Ash, what I am about to ask is going to seem very, very odd from your point of view, but I need it answered right away."

Ash nodded vigorously and said,"Go ahead, my lord!"

Leo asked him,"Ash, what language am I speaking to you at this current moment?"

Ash, as confused at the question as Leo knew he would be, replied,"Urr.. You are of course speaking to me in the Ursa language, though you do have a northerners accent, why do you ask?"

Leo, who was now totally confused simply stated,"I have never learned this 'Ursa' language you talk about, and in my eyes, you have been speaking to me in perfect english, which is one of the native tongues back on my own world."

Ash, now just as confused and serious as Leo replied,"That.. That should not be possible.. But.. wait.. I think that makes sense…"

Leo quickly asked,"Why?"

Ash held his head and said,"Phina is from the south, Xia is from the far east, and Magario is apparently from somewhere in the winter mountains which apparently only developed civilized language a few hundred years ago…"

Leo then said," Make sure all advisors, including the deacon, Xia, and every important person is at the breakfast table today, we need to have a discussion about the ramifications of such a thing. Whatever or Whoever gave us this ability is not some simple being."

As Ash ran away to make sure everyone gathered at the table, Leo went back to the alliance chat for a few minutes.

[Leo: I will need to speak to some of my advisors on the effects this will have. But know this, even the people you summon will recognize what you say as their own native tongue.]

[Alisa: Are you saying that my people are not in fact speaking russian, but a different language entirely!?]

[Lin Yue: Oh my god, how is this even possible!?]

[Luca: I just asked one of my own people and he looked at me as if I was crazy and told me I was speaking near perfect 'Scurzy' to him]

[Leo: Yes, I too asked my general of the army and he told me I was speaking a language known as 'Ursa']

[Alisa: This is too weird, I need to do some investigations on this, what's even worse, this is the first time the system has flat out refused to even answer my questions!!]

As soon as Leo read that, his eyes widened in surprise and he quickly said out loud,"System, why is every language being translated automatically!?"

[Insufficient permissions: Cannot answer the hosts question]