
Territory Defense! 100X Rewards From The Start!

One day everyone in the world was sucked into a new world, given a small chunk of land and limited resources and told to surivive by whatever means neccesary. Our main character Leo unlocks his innate skill after the system deems every attribute of his to be trash except for one: Luck! Now his Innate skill 'Midas touch' give him 100 times the rewards for almost everything he does! Watch as Leo overcomes the trauma of killing others, saves his family, and slowly become more and more powerful! Cover Art is not mine! Message me if you wish for me to take it down!

AniMine · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

1st Emergency Meeting

Leo stared out at all the important people in Fallen Star city gathered at a separate table a good distance away from the other tables that held the common workers and the soldiers. He was looking at them with a slight sense of dread, not just because of the translation issue that was discovered earlier, but because of a world announcement he received about 20 minutes ago.

Leo could still see the global chat going crazy with people asking other lords if they could join each other and if any rich lords could spare some weapons or resources. The reason why was simple. Approximately 20 minutes ago, as Leo was preparing, he got the world notification that he was not prepared to come racing across his mind.


Leo was currently talking to his alliance member about the translation problems they had been talking about previously, not knowing how such a thing was even possible. Lin Yue and Leo were especially going back and forth, because unlike Luca and Alisa, these two had momentarily spoken to each other face to face at the auction.

They had been arguing for a little bit now, as Leo had claimed that Lin Yue had even formed the english words correctly with his mouth when he spoke to him in the auction. Leo told him that it wasn't like a bad dub, where the voice and mouth movements didn't match up, no it seemed like Lin Yue genuinely knew english and was speaking it perfectly.

Leo didn't know how he didn't notice it immediately, since Lin Yue had told him he was from China. However this news and those troubles seemed trivial, as the next moment a world announcement rang out to everyone in the world.

[World Announcement: It is the seventh day since the lords have arrived. In approximately seven more days, when the night is its darkest, the first beast wave will occur]

Instantly every chat was ablaze as people began to regard this message and this announcement as the harbinger of death and the beginning of the end. However, it seemed like the system wasn't done, and decided that maybe the lords weren't ready for the real deal yet as another announcement came through.

[World Announcement: Due to the average strength of the territories, there will be several options that the lords can choose between. The lords can choose between easy, normal, hard, or hell mode difficulty. To figure out what each wave entails, please consult with the system individually, and please know that the higher the difficulty the better the rewards]

-flashback end-

Leo now stood over the table with an ugly expression present on his face. Ash knew one of the reason why the lord was looking like this but he didn't think that he would be this mad about it. Ash, a little worried, asked,"Are you ok, my lord?"

Leo, still worried and anxious, slowly sat down at his spot on the end of the table and gave a big sigh. Leo slowly said with a serious voice,"There are 2 major discoveries that have come forth today, that must be discussed before we can move on as a territory."

Everyone had a surprised looked on their face and eventually it was Xia who spoke up and said,"Can we start with the better news first and save the worst for last?"

Everyone seemed to nod their head in agreement and so Leo said to the group,"The first topic is the fact that everyone here is hearing each other in their own native languages, and there's literally no way to physically or verbally tell whether someone is a native or a foreigner."

Everyone's eyes shot up in surprise and Phina quickly spoke up as she asked,"Lord Leo? Do you mean to tell us that someone or something is automatically forcing us to hear the others sitting at this table in our own distinct languages?"

Leo nodded his head and confirmed it saying,"That is correct, and I believe that Xia is the best Prime example."

Xia was slightly confused as he questioningly asked,"Me? How am I the best example?"

Leo looked at him and asked,"Do you remember asking me if something happened to asain people of my world? Do you remember asking me if they were displaced outside of their asain countries?"

Xia slowly nodded his head and said,"Yes.. I remember that conversation, what of it?"

Leo looked at him and said seriously,"Xia, I am not Asain, nor do I speak any asain languages."

Xia's eyes grew big with fear as the realization started to dawn on him. Xia quietly muttered,"This… this.. This is not possible. You've been speaking Taiwanese to me this entire time though…"

Leo shook his head and then looked at Magario, and said,"Magario, I've heard that you're people from the so-called winter mountains have only developed civilized speech within the last few hundred years." Leo stared at Magario with a fiery gaze as he continued with,"Now, tell me, how I, a complete foreigner to this world, could possibly know any of your language?"

Magario had a scary look on his face as he too started to realize that something was very, very wrong. Now that everyone was starting to get clued in to what was happening with the issue of language, all the faces present started to become ashen with fear.

Sally meekly asked,"Is this why you asked us to come to a secluded area for this talk? To not scare everyone else in the city?"

Leo nodded and said,"Exactly, could you imagine the freakout and panic when over 100 people all realize that someone is messing with their heads? That's just a disaster waiting to happen."

Xia snapped back to his senses and suddenly asked,"Lord! This is indeed very horrifying news! If this is the lesser of the news you wish to discuss with us, what could possibly be worse?!"

Leo took in a deep breath and revealed a little of his ambition,"In 7 days, 'When the night is its darkest', the city will experience it's first beast wave!"

Ash nearly jumped out of his chair as he yelled,"What!? Fallen Star city is nowhere near able to contend with a beast wave at this early of a stage in our development!!"

Leo scowled as he asked Ash,"What do you think that Fallen Star city needs to repel a beast wave, general Ash?"

Ash quickly answered with full seriousness,"Well, first we need archers! Then we need magic protections of some kind, as well as mages to help with aerial beasts and physical resistance beasts! Lastly we need to complete the wall that has been under construction and deck that fucker out in the highest magic runes that we can manage!"

Leo turned to Xia and asked,"Can you manage the protection runes and mana inscriptions on the wall for the next week?"

Xia, who was usually cocky and arrogant, immediately bowed respectfully and yelled out,"It would be my honor! I will do this job like my life is on the line!" Xia was very serious about this statement as his life was in fact on the line!

Leo nodded and then turned to the rest of his advisors as he said,"Regarding this wave and the week leading up to it, I have a shameless request to ask you all."

Phina chimed in first, saying,"Ask for whatever you need Lord Leo!" This statement got a lot of approval from the advisors and important people around the table.

Leo took another deep breath as he said,"I have located some of my family outside of the territory, with the closest one being 6000 units away. I want to gather some of them so that they stand more of a chance here at Fallen Star city rather than having to try to survive the waves on their own."

Everyone was little stunned but after a few moments Bu stood up and said,"I support Lord Leo, no person would wish for their family to be killed while they had the strength to stop it!" This statement got support from the rest of the members at the table and they all agreed to let Leo go and rescue his family.

Ash then popped up and asked,"Lord Leo, You have that new taming skill, don't you?" Leo confirmed that this was the case as Ash continued,"Then it's simple, tame a few of the water bulls we recently captured and then take a small group of soldiers for protection!"

Leo mused at this idea and finally said,"Ok I agree to this proposal. This should cut a significant chunk of time off the journey. On top of that, I gained some mass teleportation scrolls recently from a trade,"He lied so as to not freak everyone out,"so once I find them and secure their safety we can all safely teleport back here."

Everyone was a little surprised by the mention of teleport scrolls but no one decided to call Leo out on it as parents and siblings were very important for the bloodline of an independent state, as it meant that other heirs could succeed the throne in the case of an accident or murder.

Seeing that no one was objecting to his journey to grab his family, Leo sighed and completed his discussion with them by saying,"This wave will have 3 waves of beasts and 2 Orange grade TITANICS.."

Both Phina and Sally fainted upon hearing that come out Leo's mouth. Even Ash and Bu, who normally hold their composure very well, both had very frightened faces and didn't dare to believe that this information was true.

Leo continued and said,"That is why I have come up with a small plan. You all know that my mana pool is 100 times bigger than normal, and that I am practicing mana overload to rapidly raise my grade and percentage. Well, after the training this morning with the loud explosion, I have raised it again, this time to 58%. This is only the 2nd crystal I have used, thus in the next 7 days while I travel, I will train at least 3 times a day and raise my poison element and water element as high as I can so I can have a fighting chance against these beasts."

Normally, everyone would have tried to stop an insane plan like the one Leo had cooked up, however, if Leo could get even one of his affinities to High Green grade, that would mean he would have enough magic to compete with an Orange grade monster. Everyone that was at the meeting started to discuss what this meant when Ash suddenly realized something.

Ash asked Leo,"Lord Leo, when will you leave on your journey?"

Leo took a bite of his food now that the discussion was wrapping up and said back,"I will be leaving in 2 hours."

Ash seemed troubled by this but simply nodded his head and went back to the beast waves discussion.

Leo sighed and thought to himself,"I may have just doomed us all because of my stupid pride and arrogant attitude!"

Leo entered the Global chat as everyone was going wild, talking about what they were going to do about the impending danger that was only a week away. The entire time the discussion had been going on, Leo could hear notifications of alliances being created, but decided not to think much about it as these were most likely people just wanting to save their own butts.

Leo thought to himself,"System, Please list the number of Lords in each category for the upcoming beast waves." Leo prepared himself to see how many people had joined him in his foolhardy decision, and was immediately taken by surprise at the result.

[Beast Wave: Easy - 5.6billion, normal - 1.2billion, hard - 2,189, hell - 1]