
Tensura: Unbecoming

This story takes place during and mere moments after Rimuru Tempest' evolution into a Awakened Demon Lord. During this Evolution, due to the Presence of Storm Dragon Veldora, the newly acquired Raphael manages to analyze Veldora's core and leaking magicules and upgrade Rimuru into a True Dragon, becoming the fifth one in existence. See how is attitude and journey throughout the world is affected by his significantly more powerful presence. (Keep in mind, this story will have a completely different route with the similar events, just not taking place as they originally did, but cosmology would be vastly different and attempted to be explained in better detail plus a whole bunch of differences.)

Astra178 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Den of Monsters

At long last, they had arrived.

The group of three, Ranga was in Rimuru's shadow awaiting his order. Rimuru believed if things broke out in a fight, he would want to catch Clayman by surprise and use Ranga to his advantage.

The trio had entered the circular shaped room, with the large roundtable within the very center of the room with twelve evenly spaced chairs circling it. But that was not all there was to take notice of. Rimuru looked towards the head of the table and noticed a man sitting there that Ramiris was trying to talk to.

A handsome man with long crimson hair, blood red colored eyes. Wearing a kind of shirt that opened up revealing his well toned and fairly muscular body. However the expression on his face was quite something. He looked towards Rimuru's direction. However he didn't seem to be hostile or friendly. Merely as if he was sizing Rimuru up.

He seemed like someone who was merely inexperienced with something like trying to control and regulate his own aura, thus making you underestimate him and everything he is capable of.

Thanks to Raphael, Rimuru had managed to see past this and actually view what he was doing.

In response to this, Rimuru had planned to copy this pretty boy's strategy. Although he knew the consequences of this. Rimuru would be deliberately telling this guy, "Oh yeah, I can do that too. So don't look down on me".

He would deliberately be giving himself away, but the advantages here would essentially be keeping people who could wind up being enemies unaware of his current power. Though he was planning on simply announcing to the world of this ascension into a True Dragon, it would not be something that would be taken all that seriously due to aspects like doubt. The only people who would really know about this, would be the people who can see his fighting prowess.

After copying this individual's idea and leaving Raphael to maintain it, Rimuru took his seat directly across from this man. Ranga still in his shadow with Veldora and Shion placed behind him. Veldora precisely sitting in a chair. While Ramiris was still next to the red haired man.

After Rimuru took his seat, the man had a smirk appear on his face. His expression becoming less intimidating and more relaxed.

"Heh, cocky one aren't you? Stealing my idea for your own?" The red haired guy said towards Rimuru. His smirk highly visible on his face.

"Hm. It was a daring idea. But as long as I can stay hidden among others for a little while longer. Revealing what I am capable of to one person wont be harmful." Rimuru said, looking directly back at the man. Doing his best to match him on the outside. Not letting himself feel intimidated.

"Hoh, Well I am called Guy Crimson. You must be that Rimuru Tempest humans and even Milim has been speaking of." Guy introduced himself.


"You must be an interesting individual to have Veldora by your side. How did you tame that kid?" Guy asked, not minding the fact that Veldora was in the room when he called him a kid.

"Not tame per-say. Veldora is my friend that's all there is to it." Rimuru said nonchalantly as if that was not a big deal.

"Simply befriending him? I find that hard to believe but whatever. However I must say judging from first appearances you are quite interesting. You seem to have confidence radiating off of you in droves." Guy said honestly.

"I thank you for the kind words, but we will have to cease this conversation for now. I dont want to reveal too much to the other." Rimuru said, adding a slightly energetic smile at the end. Clearly excited for this nights events to take place. Finally able to an end to the bastard who put his people through so much.

"Very well. I look forward to it." Guy said as he leaned back into his chair.

After that, the remaining demon lords began to arrive.

One by one, along with all of their subordinates the demon lords had made their way on time. All seats in the room had been filled except for the missing Carrion along with Milim and Clayman.

However, something concerning to all the present demon lords.

'Who is the new guy?'

That was the question flooding their minds. Unable to grasp who this person was and why he was here. This had gone on for a few straight minutes until someone decided to speak up. Surprisingly, it was the lazy demon lord called Dino.

"Hey Guy, who's the new face?" Dino asked, barely lifting his head up from the roundtable.

Noticing the conversation was going to shift around him, Rimuru merely remained quiet and began to let Guy explain.

"An interesting individual. The one that happens to be the topic of this Walpurgis." Guy said, now making all the demon lords observe Rimuru with even more interest and intensity than prior. However, Dagruel did have a question.

"I must ask one thing." Dagruel said as his gaze was directed towards Rimuru who still had his own eyes closed.

"What do you gain out of coming here?" Dagruel had asked. Prompting Rimuru to respond.

"Oh, I merely came here to get revenge on that one weakling among you all." Rimuru said with full on confidence.

"That is quite the bold statement to make in front of all of us." Demon Lord Roy said.

"I know it is and I mean no offense. Its just that the one in particular has caused me alot of problems. I hope you don't mind me taking him out." Rimuru responded once again. But before someone else could add on to the topic at hand, the door opened up once again.

This time revealing a tall and lengthy man in a white suit, carrying a three tailed fox within it's arms. Next to him was a girl wearing an absurdly small amount of clothing with her light pink hair tied into twin tails. Both Clayman and Milim Nava.

None of the demon lords eyes were on the duo. Including Rimuru. However...

"Walk faster, you idiot!" Clayman had shouted as a loud smack reverberated throughout the room, causing everyone to slightly direct, their attention to the weakling Clayman.

He had his hand raised as he had slapped Milim directly across her cheek. There was no marking or any kind of bruise left of Milim after the initial slap. Only making his actions seem even more fruitless.

Even Rimuru had noticed his actions and had even nearly lost his composure completely. With the power he had now compared to what he could sense from Clayman. It would be possible to kill him with nothing more than his aura and Rimuru nearly did just that. Until Raphael had given him some words of reason, resulting in Rimuru holding himself back.

{Through analysis I have come to the conclusion that Milim Nava is not under any sort of Mind Domination abilities.}

With that notice Rimuru was able to calm himself down to the extent where his anger was not visible on his face. However his anger did remain. The fact that an ant such as him would dare to even think of laying a hand on Milim was insulting and in Rimuru's mind already courted death.

With that, Milim had taken her seat as Clayman dared to even order her to do. And now the rat who called this Walpurgis began to speak.

"Thank you all for responding yo my summons, with this I would no-"

Just as the scumbag was speaking, Guy Crimson had shot up from his seat and stopped Clayman.

"Wait! We still have one more person who has yet to enter." Guy said, making even all the demon lords including Rimuru become confused. All the seats were filled except for the supposedly deceased Carrion.

So who was left?

Prompting even Rimuru to look around in confusion. He turned around to spot Veldora who earlier was reading his manga, now he seemed completely on edge. Like he was scared of something.

Next thing, the gate that everyone else entered through began to open once more. The surrounding temperature had dropped to astonishing levels but nothing no one in the room could handle as of now.

Out came a young woman, who looked slightly older than that of Milim. Except her hair was snow white in color and unlike Milim, she seemed far more mature and refined rather than the childish and immature Milim.

As she entered all eyes were essentially on her, some eyes not knowing who the woman in question was or what she was doing here.

As she was walking her way around the table to reach her seat located behind Guy Crimson, she stopped as soon as she was near Rimuru. Causing Rimuru to up his guard in case anything went wrong.

"So you were the one I sensed a few days ago." Velzard said in a calm and light tone. Her gaze completely on that of Rimuru, ignoring everyone who wasn't Rimuru.

"Me? Have I done something to you by chance?" Rimuru answered. His eyes also focused back on Velzard. This was someone even he knew he could not try to show disrespect to.

"Oh no. I simply just realized who and what you are. Mind telling me what your name is again?" Velzard had said.

"Rimuru Tempest. You?"

"Me? I am Velzard, The White Ice Dragon. Elder sister to that kid Veldora over there." She spoke in a casual yet serene tone of voice while pointing over towards Veldora. With the mention of Veldora's name, one person in the room let out a low snarl of hatred.

"I would like to speak with you once all of this is over with." She began to walk back to her seat before Rimuru could offer a proper response. Just by that action alone meant that she wasn't giving Rimuru the offer to speak to her, she was telling him. However she had abruptly stopped in her tracks and looked back towards him. "Oh, it was also nice to meet you, just carry on with this meeting like I am not here." Velzard added, now officially going to her seat.

But with her mere presence caused a certain person in this room to nearly go into a full on panic mode.

'Damnit! What is a True Dragon doing here! Much less two of them! She said Veldora was here! And why the hell is she acknowledging that lowly slime creature! Just what is so special about it? This could put even more of a dent into my plans!' Clayman was panicked completely. With the appearance of not one, but two individuals who are members of the strongest race in the world here, it could severely damage his plans.

But he had his overwhelming confidence return in droves.

'Wait, I still have Milim. She is also one of the strongest in the world and she is under my absolute control. I will surely have them all submitting to me before long with her as my Trump Card.' Clayman thought, fully believing that he would walk out of this room.

With such thought's embedded within his head, he finally returned to get this show on the road.

"Ahem! With that now out of the way, I would like to commence this Walpurgis!" Clayman said, though all the demon lords were essentially ignoring his words, they all had one unanimous thought.

'This guy.... He doesn't even realize how much trouble he is in.'

All of them thought, knowing how much of a power difference there is between a True Dragon compared to them. One could almost feel pity for Clayman, but after all his actions, he brought this fate upon himself.

With Walpurgis commenced, Rimuru grew a light smirk as he leaned back in his chair. Knowing, he was close to getting revenge on the bastard who nearly took everything from him.