
Tensura: Unbecoming

This story takes place during and mere moments after Rimuru Tempest' evolution into a Awakened Demon Lord. During this Evolution, due to the Presence of Storm Dragon Veldora, the newly acquired Raphael manages to analyze Veldora's core and leaking magicules and upgrade Rimuru into a True Dragon, becoming the fifth one in existence. See how is attitude and journey throughout the world is affected by his significantly more powerful presence. (Keep in mind, this story will have a completely different route with the similar events, just not taking place as they originally did, but cosmology would be vastly different and attempted to be explained in better detail plus a whole bunch of differences.)

Astra178 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

After the Battle & Onto the Next

(Short Chapter)

A total of four days have went by in Tempest after Rimuru and Veldora's battle. Many important events have taken place since then.

Namely, a meeting between Rimuru and his top brass going about on how to handle the situation with Clayman and Carrion's Territory being destroyed by a seemingly controlled Milim. As well as the introduction of Storm Dragon Veldora on his side.

Since other important world figures were there such as King Gazel, Rimuru decided to drop another bomb on them. One he had yet to tell even his subordinates.

The fact that he had evolved into a True Dragon himself.

The reactions were split fairly.

Rimuru's subordinates were surprised but also showed high levels of praise towards their master. To the others like king Gazel. They had only began to get even more worried.

But thats a story for another day.

(A/N: Might later make a short side chapter of this scene and their reactions.)

Those meetings had come to a close yesterday and now Rimuru himself was merely relaxing within his office. Veldora sitting on the sofa reading a manga.

Rimuru however was bust thinking deeply on other techniques and skills he could put to the use or even create. Thinking of all different sorts of combinations to do such a thing.

With Raphael's assistance it only made things that much easier.

Currently however, outside the office, the forces of Tempest as well as the beastmen under Demon Lord Carrion are preparing for their upcoming fight against Clayman and his forces.

Training both the body and spirits to the absolute best in order for an absolute victory.

Rimuru had known of this and was fairly glad to know that the beastmen had put some trust in him, even though the reason was more due to the Three Beastkateers.

As the pair of True Dragons were simply biding their time in the office, there was an abrupt knock at the door.

"Enter." Rimuru said.

The door to the office opened swiftly to reveal Beretta with Ramiris sitting on his shoulder.

"Something you need?" Rimuru asked calmly, not wanting to deal with any fairy nonsense. Ramiris had departed from Beretta's shoulder flying straight over to Rimuru in a frenzy.

"Why are you so calm! If this goes wrong, you will have ALL of the demon lords against you and kill you!" Ramiris had shouted when she flew towards Rimuru.

Rimuru had merely been thinking to himself at the moment of hearing her words.

'Does she not have faith in me? Even Veldora said I am stronger than most of them.' Rimuru thought, but then he had remembered one thing.

'Oh right... she was passed out at the mention of Veldora being back that she didn't hear my mention of being a True Dragon during the meeting.' Rimuru thought to himself with a smile.

"What are you smiling about! You will basically be walking into a monsters den!" Ramiris shouted upon noticing Rimuru's smirk.

"Veldora you want to tell her?" Rimuru asked while taking a glance at Veldora, causing Ramiris to look at Veldora who was still reading on the couch.

"Huh? Tell me what?"

Veldora had closed his manga and sat up from his position, sprouting a smirk on his face.

"You worry too much Ramiris... Rimuru here has already defeated me in combat!" Veldora spoke. Making Ramiris's face distort in disbelief.


"Rimuru has even evolved into a True Dragon by some means and circumstances. Given more time, I believe he will eventually grow stronger than eldest sister." Veldora boasted with proud smirk.

Due to Veldora's words, Ramiris jaw dropped in pure disbelief and shock. Looking over at Rimuru who was wearing the purest smile on his face.

She was unable to believe such growth was possible in such a short timeframe. Last time she had seen Rimuru, he was weaker than nearly all the awakened demon lords and on par with Carrion. Now he has grown to power rivaling those at the summit of power in the world. Ramiris could not help but be sheerly awestruck.

"Well, I guess I was worrying for nothing. But its best to still watch out." Ramiris said with at least a hint of concern tinting her voice.

"I will. After gaining such power I am simply not going to grow complacent. I will not grow arrogant due to it, but it is best to keep some self confidence in my own abilities." Rimuru explains.

"Now when is Walpurgis?" Rimuru asked.

"It is about 4 days from now." Ramiris said.

"Then, it is best to our forces to leave for tonight." Rimuru came to the conclusion. Considering Raphael already has the mass transfer magic ready for use.

At the time, Rimuru was merely planning on how these events would begin to unfold. He was determined to put an end to the mastermind behind the near extinction of his people. Claiming their peace of mind once and for all.

The long awaited day had finally arrived for the Jura Tempest Federation. The combined forces of the Tempest Military along with the Beastmen under Demon Lord Carrion were already on route and perhaps even in the middle of combat with the enemy already.

Led by Benimaru and the Three Beastkateers, the battle was sure to be at the least an easily won fight.

Meanwhile, Diablo along with the Hero's party were on route to the Kingdom of Falmuth in order to give them the most dangerous ultimatum of their kingdoms history.

All these events going on, while Rimuru along with Ramiris and Her entourage with Veldora, Shion and Ranga in his shadow. All waiting for their ride to the Walpurgis banquet.

Due to some interference from a certain person already taking part in the meeting, Rimuru has been allowed to bring a total of three individuals along with him.

Veldora moments earlier had already explained to Rimuru about the other demon lords he had not known of. Giving Rimuru some slight surprise as to the power of the individuals.

Such as demon lord Dagruel who rivaled Veldora in the past. Although stronger than Veldora at the moment, Rimuru knew to not grow complacent and lax during this. After all it has been many years since their last fight, giving Dagruel much time to have gotten even stronger since then.

Though cautious, Rimuru still had much confidence in his abilities. To the extent that if even one of these beings looked at him with hostility, more so what he protected with hostility he would take them on with full resolve and confidence in his power.

Suddenly, a shining purple light had spanned in a straight horizontal line across the floor. From that glowing light emerged a intricate and intimidating designed gate of sorts.

"Looks like our ride is here." Ramiris said in slight interest, finally glad to get into the meeting and see what transpires.

The doors to the gate began to open up at a slow speed. As the doors were opening, on the other side walking through the gate was a woman with long light green hair.

Upon her entry as soon as the doors had opened, Rimuru had begun to analyze her.

'Hm, she is a demon and high ranked one at that. She exudes nearly the same presence as Diablo. She might also be a Primordial by the looks of it.' Rimuru came to the conclusion.

{That conclusion would be correct.} Raphael confirmed Rimuru's suspicions.

Ramiris had flown over to merely greet the maid to which she responded. She proceeded to turn her attention towards Rimuru.

"You must be Lord Rimuru correct?" The maid named Misery had asked to which Rimuru merely nodded.

"My master Guy Crimson has told me much about you." Misery added. "If you walk through the gate, you will arrive at the destination." Misery said, beginning to the guide the groups through the entrance leading to their destination.

"We will go in ahead." Ramiris said as she entered with both Beretta and Treyni, quickly disappearing from sight within the entrance, leaving Rimuru and Compant behind for now.

'Here goes nothing. On the other side of that gate is practically a den of absolute monsters and beasts that sit at the very peak of the world.' Rimuru thought to himself.

If this was the prior Rimuru be that when he was a Majin or Awakened Demon Lord, he felt he may have been much more intimidated than he is. But in his current situation and level of power, he has risen to the same summit as those who he is about to meet. Now was not the time to lose his nerve, it was the time for him to fully make a name for himself.

"Alright, lets go." Rimuru said to his friends. Leading Ranga and Shion up behind him. Meanwhile, Veldora simply approached Rimuru with a smile while throwing his arm over his shoulder.

"You nervous?" Veldora asked with a smirk.

"Not as much as typical." Rimuru answered in a nonchalant tone of voice.

"Good. Your confidence is well placed brother." Veldora spoke proudly. With those final words, the four of them walked past Misery and stepped through the gate. Walking towards the beasts that await their arrival.