
tensura:- Authors adventures

life of reincarnated person through tensura world. all rights belong to author I don't own anything except OCs

isekaigiffy · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


[As this is my first work,Comment and plz tell me about my mistakes so I can improve so long]

//night of the birthday party//

Before doing anything I made sure papa and mama were asleep, as a result of my soul getting stronger I remembered my previous life more clearly now due to which I remembered the name of that unique skill "<THE EDITOR> Power to edit anything I desire in form I desire!" I said as I did my best to concentrate my willpower to unlock my skills,I continued it without getting discouraged after first try as I felt something was about to happen but just missed second time with even more vigour I channeled my willpower into trying to unlock<unique skill -,THE EDITOR> after channeling it I heard anoucement from mysterious voice that I identified as VOICE OF WORLD

<UNIQUE SKILL -THE EDITOR UNLOCKED SUCCESS> When I heard I was like filled with even more power than before it felt like I will become uncontested with using both skills in tandem. "Hahaha" I laughed heartily with this I am one step closer to gaining sufficient strength to leave carefreely and spread my novels far and wide!

//10minutes later//

After calming down a bit I started testing my <UNIQUE SKILL -THE EDITOR> I activated subskill - edit and manipulated information particles in my soul I was intending to create assistant who will help me with analysis while I leave normaly multiple times I felt subskill -correction activating , I manipulated information particles in a way {correction} guided to realise my desire for skill parallel thoughts processing I flopped down due to exhaustion but smile appeared on my face to due message from VOW.

<RARE SKILL- PARALLEL THOUGHTS PROCESSING CREATED AND ACQUIRED> with this skill I can do multiple things at the same time I used <PARALLEL THOUGHT PROCESSING> In tandem with <Sub-skill- analyse and assess> to analyse whole information about <UNIQUE SKILL -THE EDITOR> I left that task to parallel me and slept because of mental exhaustion due to creating skill. I will use the result of this analysis to edit a whole unique skill and make it more powerful as whole by removing unseen limiters that hinder me from doing anything extraordinary. analysis will at least take 5months according to the parallel me assessment.

//Next Day //

I woken up early that morning by my mom "what's the matter mama?" I asked groggily . "Sweetie did you forget your training is starting Today your grandpa is calling you downstairs." Mama said in patient tone, after hearing her words I sprang on my feet "yay! I am so excited!" I said not trying to hide my excitement mama just smiled at me "then get ready, wash your face and mouth, granda is waiting for you" she said with a small smile, I nodded and went to the bathroom where I freshened up. When I arrived at the hall i saw that my grandpa was already there and he sensed my arrival and smiled gently but somehow shudder went through my spine "grandpa I am ready!" I ignored the shudder and said .

"Oh so you seem, today we are going to start with basic physical exercises"he said as he took me out of the house in the backyard our backyard was big so space is enough for training and exercises . "First you should have basic fitness to start sword training, jog 30laps around when you could do it without stopping we will start the next step"I nodded but I was little uncertain as our backyard circumference is about 500meter expecting non-stop jogging for 15kilometers from 5 year old seems little to much but anyway my training has started!


Surprisingly I could jog 5 kilometers without stopping after completing my laps grandpa taught me pushups and I could do about 40 without trouble , it suprised me that I could do that many pushups without proper excercise and body of only 5 years old grandpa only smiled and after that he left saying I should rest so after bathing I took nap till afternoon and I was woken up by grandma who was smiling at me "little Chris today I am starting your magic lessons so get up, your daily lessons are going to be around this time so you should be awake before then." She said in a light but serious tone. I nodded and washed my face to get rid of grogginess and after which while grandma was standing she handed me paper which suprised me how advanced paper making industry was it was proper paper and not parchment that expected from technology of this world this world have strangely advanced tech in random places I swear. After these thoughts grandma started her lesson.

"Magic is a phenomena that we create with energy called magicules, there are two types of magicules , ambient and personal, ambient magicules are magicules in atmosphere us humans generally use this magicules for spell casting as amount of magicules humans have is generally low, after today lesson I will measure your magicules capacity to determine whether you have aptitude to become mage or not, if your magicules amount isn't high enough you have to give understood?" She asked and so the lesson continued.

//After lesson//

After the lesson ended grandma took out a golden tinted plate with mysterious symbols carved on it with mysterious purpose when I was enamored by these symbols grandma started explaining purpose of this plate.

"This plate is runic device that measures magicule capacity of humans, it doesn't work on any other race" she said as she handed me plate "do as I say and we will know your magicules capacity!" I nodded and took a plate in my hand.

"Now close your eyes and sit straight and concentrate inside and touch this plate while getting accustomed to energy leaving your body that energy is your magicules."I did as she asked as I touched the plate I felt something leaving it was bluish energy which was the same as I identified as mana so this is magicules I was worried that it was a different type of energy. " This device only roughly estimates your capacity so you can give it back I will see results" I gave her plate and opened my eyes to see Jaw dropping expression from my grandma I wondered what had happened. After staring at results for sometime my grandma curtly said "we will continue training tomorrow." I nodded and just like that first day of training ended.

<Their are only two chapters and one extra chapter left in this volume>