
tensura:- Authors adventures

life of reincarnated person through tensura world. all rights belong to author I don't own anything except OCs

isekaigiffy · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


//Chris POV// 

After my birthday party both my father and mother seemed busy and grandmother was taking care of me it seems mom and dad have restarted their adventurer work while they were also trained by granny and grandpa with their party members.

When I first watched their practice match with my grandfather he was thrashing them like no tomorrow I am pretty sure grandpa was moving at supersonic speeds if it weren't for my thought acceleration subskill I would not be able to follow them at all it seems that grandpa was responsible for physical training while granny was responsible for training their mind but they won't allow me to watch while they train with granny, when I tried to sneak in to were they were training grandpa found me and wouldn't leave me until papa and mama came out while looking even more Haggard then when they trained with grandpa this continued to this day.

//Roberto POV//

After Christina's birthday we were trained mercilessly by both mother and father, father's physical training was physical torture while mother will power training was pure nightmare I cried after first time it felt all so real even though I knew it was illusion according to mother it was ancient spell used for torturing people with life like illusion and illusion will take form of or act at situation you dread the most I don't even want to remember it, but as long as I don't gain unique skill even my party members have resolved themselves to gain unique skill though most calm one was isabella but for some reason she seemed like raging storm on inside I sighed and prepared my self mentally to gain unique skill to protect my loved ones even at any cost.

//Christina POV//

It was night time and I was considering changing one of settings I have activated it was"I will grow stronger physically each day without appearing any different" as it seemed useless for toddler like me I have decided I will change this setting until I am atleast 5 years old after which I may find this setting more useful as with increase in age I could get potential in physical aspect without hurting myself . I decided to change that setting "soul getting stronger with each passing day" as I remembered I have acquired one more unique skill but when I tried to activate it like my other unique skill it gave me vague sense that my soul was not strong enough to maintain 2 unique skill so to counter this proble I decided on increasing strength of my soul as I didn't know how to quantify it I decided to push it as much as I can instinctively so as to get most benefit and unlocking my other unique skill to. After watching grandpa beating crap out of my parents and their party members I have found one thing strength is necessary to survive in this world and I will do anything to not only survive but thrive with my family I resolutely made that pledge to get strong enough to be as carefree as possible. 

Time flew by as 5years passed.

///5 years later///

 //Christina POV//

As time passed I could feel myself getting stronger not only in body because of natural growth but also in soul I have decided to unlock my second unique skill after my birthday party today I am confident that my soul is now strong enough to handle both of my skills after which I will change setting back to previous setting as I was thinking about ways to do that I was woken out of my revery by my papa "Chris mama had finished her preperation so come inside party is about to start!" Papa said enthusiastically "I am coming papa!" I said and ran inside , people from Papa's party were and my grandparents were already there, I looked around and found one person missing "is big brother Marcus not coming?" I asked , it was weird to call a child mentally younger than me big brother but not only marcus but even uncle james and aunty Jane sounded excited so I decided to just give up and call him big brother. 

"He will be here any moment now with your aunty Jane" uncle james replied with a smile, after about 5 minutes of waiting both aunty Jane and big brother Marcus entered through the front door "little Chris happy birthday" marcus said cheekily " I am not little anymore!" I replied with some indignation. After a little banter, everybody gave me my presents after cutting cake and feeding them to everyone I fidgeted uncomfortably as for the first time I have to ask them for something they have provided for all my needs and beyond that but the thing I want to ask them of today is different I am sure papa will not be happy when I was musing over mama noticed me fidgeting

"What's the matter honey"mama asked with a smile "can I ask for something?"I asked in an uncertain tone, everyone just smiled "ask away we will do anything today is your day!" Papa said with an excited tone as this was the first time I asked something from them. "Yes ask away child !" Granny said in her cool manner "you can ask anything from us " mama reassured me. "I want to learn both sword and magic starting tomorrow plz" I said everything in one breath , they froze at my unexpected desire "no .... You c" when papa was going to refuse my request " but I want to be like both mama and papa!" I said with a puppy dog eyes which seemed like a critical hit "no ..but" when it seemed like papa would refuse again I decided to use suicide weapon " papa you meanie" I said those cringe inducing words with teary eyes "Roberto! You will hurt her on her special day I didn't raise you like that!" It seemed granny was on her side due to my master class acting skills I sulked with everything I got "but what if she gets hurt?" Mother asked in a worried tone. " If a student gets injured then it is not because of students incompetence but incompetence of the teacher." Even grandpa seems on my side. "And I heard from big brother Marcus that he started training when he was 5yrs old too ! It's not fair."I sulked even more intensely " I get it! I get it! I will train you personally!" Papa said as if giving up. "Oh you think you have time to train others do you?" Grandpa said in a terrifying tone I could see papa shudder . "But then who will teach her!" Papa said "I will train her in magic while daneil will train her in sword techniques"granny said in tone that indicated it was final decision. "Yipee" I shouted excitedly as I was quite happy with result when Papa's party was leaving I took brief glance and could see papa glaring at big brother Marcus but that propabaly had nothing to do with me. Heehe.

I could not help but grin when thinking about learning magic and unlocking my second unique skill tonight I decided to learn swordmenship only because it's cool and can come in handy if I have to face opponent with anti-magic skills I once again giggled and moved towards my room.

<Like and comment if you like my work, I would to have hear ideas from guys too>