
Tensei Slime: The First Otherworlder

Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken: This is the story of the first human summoned on the cardinal world of Tensura. Follow Lucius on his adventures and discover what the cardinal world was like in the past, not to mention the personalities and dangers that lurked around every corner.

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The Perfect Being (1)

If the history of the central world were reviewed with the aim of selecting its most chaotic period

Many eras would have the right to compete for this place, because no matter what the era, something was always happening.

But there were two periods responsible for the deepest scars in the history of that world.

The first, undeniably, was during the Titan King's rampage. Event that almost led to the destruction of the world and ended up in the separation of the only continent into different parts.

Needless to say, the Titan King was primarily responsible for this whole thing, he destroyed everything unconditionally.

It was not for nothing that he was known as the great god of evil, or even the god of destruction.

The queen of spirits, the original angels, even some demons tried against him, but no one was a match for his strength and extreme violence.

In order for this being's tyranny and insanity to come to an end, it was necessary for Veldanava himself to intervene.There was no other way for the world to survive.

It was a struggle for those who had to endure those chaotic days.

But there was happiness that those times had come to an end.

As for the second more chaotic period. This was during the epitome of the great interracial war, when the first and strongest demon lord was born.

The world and almost all species came very close to extinction because of this.

It was a disastrous and bloody chapter.

All a result of magical experiments carried out by Jahil, the ancestor of the high humans and student of the divine ancestor.

The world was paying for his recklessness and extreme arrogance.

In a sense, that's the specific period that we're going to focus on.

For it is at this point that our hero would have his starting point.

But to better understand this chapter, we would have to go back even further in time.

A long long time ago.





It was in the Heavenly Star Palace, the birthplace and center of all creation.

Where Veldanava, with the help of angels, gave life to a very special being.

The one who was to inherit and spread his offspring across the worlds, the perfect human.

Angels by their nature as spiritual life forms, did not enter this race.

As descendants of the great spirit of light, the spirit world was their home and origin.

As for the material, or physical world.

Veldanava didn't wield much power over him. Having to observe the slow development of species on each world.

This was interesting at first, but over time, it became boring.

All creatures on that plane acted only based on their instincts, there was no true intelligence and much less conscience.

The only time he had hope regarding the material plane was when a certain phenomenon appeared in the core world.

This was the birth of true giants, or titans.

They magically arose from the earth. It was a unique and unprecedented phenomenon.

Their forms were to Veldanava's liking, their strength and health were unshakable, a high index of intelligence and learning ability.

Veldanava was happy with the appearance of these clreatures.He believed there were more beings to interact with and brighten the world.

But little did he know, those born of the earth.

Were actually the most cruel and violent creatures the world would ever see.

Although intelligent, their thirst for destruction and chaos was greater than anything else.

And those emotions were always running wild.

Which turned out to be disappointing for Veldanava.

It was already torture to live among angels who only lived to fulfill their desires.

Living among extremely violent beings was not of particular interest to his either.

These thoughts led him to the experiment he was conducting.

The birth of the perfect human.

Except that Veldanava's specialty was spiritual engineering, he could be considered the ultimate authority in that regard, as well as others.

The problem was that Veldanava's specialty was spiritual engineering, he could be considered the ultimate authority in that regard, as well as others.

But on the physical or biological side of things, he was restricting by the laws of the world.This was due to his divine nature that left marks on everything he involved.

Still he tried...

That's how, after a long time projecting the ideal being, he reached his first result.

"Look Feldway, he's waking up Hahahaha..." Veldanava's happiness was noticeable at the occurrence. "This is the being that will make the world shine even brighter."

"I call him man, or human being. What do you think Feldway, isn't an interesting creature?!"

Veldanava excitedly asked the original angel standing beside him, who for some reason, was very similar to him.

Feldway was the first being created by him and also his right hand man since the beginning.

So maybe his opinion of humans was something worth noting.

Feldway was not long in replying.

"As expected of Veldanava-sama, you can always accomplish what you want.

I Feldway, with all my being, congratulate you on this achievement."

He smiled dazzlingly as he answered, more fascinated with Veldanava's existence than with the being in question.

Well, that was his life philosophy. If Veldanava was happy, then so was he. Nothing else mattered.

But Veldanava couldn't help but display a slight tone of annoyance.

"Come on Feldway, show some more enthusiasm. It's a big event happening here after all." He tapped Feldway on the shoulder with a casually laid-back attitude.

But the opposite effect was triggered, Feldway felt that he had committed some kind of fault towards Veldanava, so he quickly said. "I apologize if I behaved improperly, I accept any penalty-"

"It can stop! It can stop!" Veldanava cut his speech right in the middle, as he knew what was coming. "Do you insist on being boring even at times like these?" A long sigh, but he was used to this attitude from angels, so he let it go.

Feldway intended to apologize again, but he understood that this would upset Veldanava, so he kept quiet, but with a certain amount of regret.

It had been like this for a long time.

Besides Feldway, there was only one other angel who would dare to approach Veldanava to ask trivial things, if only to spend time with him.

That's why Veldanava was tolerant with them, because he knew that even if it was little, they were one of the angels who were developing an ego, or better saying, their own will.

The other angel. He was the expert swordsman who played the role of observer of the world, keeping away any threat that could lead him to a possible extinction. He would also be a key player in the great war against the Titan King.

Well, none other than Dino to take that place, one of the most notable original angels.

But they were still angels, their extreme loyalty and constant praise was overwhelming to Veldanava, which is why he craved creatures with a more present ego.

Looking at the being that slowly opened his eyes, he believed he was in the right direction in achieving his goals.

A beautiful, slender adult body, long silver hair, skin as pale and smooth as porcelain.

His beauty was incredibly remarkable, but his face didn't make it clear if he was a man or a woman, and as for his gender, it didn't seem to be defined for some reason.

When he fully opened his eyes, they revealed the beautiful ruby ​​color, which accentuated his beauty even more.

Then she, or he, stood up and looked at the two beings in front of her, curiosity in her eyes.

[All Creation], that was the ability carved into his soul at birth, the ability to comprehend anything.

In moments he realized almost everything instinctively, as the world worked in a special way at the time, it was possible to understand things from mental and emotional waves. It was the language of the soul, or magic as some would call it.

In this being's case, [All Creation] had helped a lot to speed up the process, probably this was Veldanava's goal.

So based on that vibrational language, it didn't take long for that being's first words to emerge.

"Where am I?"..."Who am I?" Those were his biggest concerns.

"Do not be afraid, little one! You are in the safest place in the universe, nothing can harm you here."

Upon feeling disturbances and fears in the being he had just animated, Veldanava sought to calm him down by approaching and saying those words, this with a beautiful smile.

Which turned out to be too good, this may even have been a flaw, because Veldanava unintentionally let his nature show and let the being deeply fascinated with his presence.

Which brought you to your next question.

"Are you God?"

For, his skill recognized a similar concept and attributed it to the majestic being before him, so he asked without much doubt.

Feldway seemed to sympathize with the human right after that question.

As for Veldanava himself.


He just chuckled in amusement, soon then replied.

"None of that little one!

I'm just the one responsible for animating and bringing this boring place to life.

I'm doing my best to make things lively around here Hahaha.

You can call me Veldanava."

Well, he had made another mistake, or maybe a hit.

«I'm just the one responsible for animating and bringing this boring place to life.» That sentence might have awakened something in the newborn human, his fascination with Veldanava kept growing.

Even though it was little, he ended up getting angel syndrome, thinking that if he helped the creator in this goal, he could make him proud in some way.

Which was good, as it was in line with Veldanava's goals. Very soon, his wish would come true

He just didn't know that things could take an unexpected turn, especially when it comes to that being who had just given life.

Well, everything seemed to be going beautifully.

Until Veldanava decided to clarify the doubts that disturbed that being's peace.

"We are in the Heavenly Star Palace, the oldest place in the cosmos, it can be said that it is the center of all universes.

It's also the place where I woke up for the first time, it was in a different way and it's complicated to explain.

But in short, I was also born here. So that's something we have something in common..."

The being could not disguise his joy upon learning of such a fact, thinking that his place of origin was very special or sacred.

Well, he just went on listening to Veldanava's lecture with adoration in his eyes.

"As for who you are..."

Veldanava pondered for some time while formulating something in his mind.

The being in question looked at him expectantly, as he somehow knew what was coming.

As for Feldway, well, he watched the proceedings with no intention of interfering or giving an opinion, as he had complete faith in Veldanava's ways. Moving only if ordered.

After pondering for some time, Veldanava then said.

"From this moment on, your name will be Twilight.

For you represent a new beginning for the history of the world...

As you are destined to create the greatest of families and spread your offspring across the worlds, your bloodline name will be Valentine, those who carry perfection in their blood.

Namely, Twilight Valentine. That's your name and what you stand for.

Welcome to the world, little Twilight."

As soon as he said it, an intense light descended and covered the animated being, or rather Twilight as it had just been named.

He didn't even have time to marvel at his name, but the expression on his face betrayed his adoration.

Once again he understood everything, he was going through the post-nomenclature evolution, a concept present since the beginning. He knew something wonderful would come of it, so he looked forward to the outcome.

Veldanava was the same, all smiles. His project seemed to be going beautifully.

During the evolutionary process, the voice of the world had arisen to decree the attainment of a unique ability.

The unique ability [Researcher], which came about from Twilight's desire to help with Veldanava's goals. Added to her [All Creation] her ability to understand things had increased.

After some time, the evolutionary process took place in full. He was covered in mythic-class clothes and elegantly posed on the sacred ground that the heavenly star palace.

"Twilight Valentine, it is with great joy and satisfaction that I receive this name."

For, he seemed to be saying a lot for someone who had just been born, but surprisingly, he still had more to say.

"I thank you, my creator, for granting me this great and wonderful gift. I vow to serve you from this moment forward." The sincerity and adoration in his eyes were most legitimate.

Veldanava was worried for a second, thinking that he had created a pseudo angel. But he could see that Twilight was very expressive and somehow seemed different, so he didn't focus too much on that.

"Don't worry about these trivial things Hahahahaha.

Just live as you wish little Twilight. Believe me, nothing would make me happier."

Twilight just nodded, but his desire never changed, it just grew stronger.

Then he stopped for a moment and looked closely at the great hall for the first time.

Besides Veldanava and Feldway, there were other angels in the hall carrying out monotonous tasks.

But Twilight's attention fell on a group of bodies lying on special surfaces, similar to the one he was lying on before waking up.

But unlike him, those bodies didn't have the breath of life.

He noticed again and didn't take long to ask." Veldanava-sama, those lying bodies, are they?-"

"Oh, I told you before about your lineage. They are your equals, your brothers who still sleep.

As the first of them, you have your responsibility as a big brother, to care for and guide them as a family, I count on you Twilight."

Being entrusted with such a task was a great deal of joy to Twilight, so he solemnly accepted.

That's when Veldanava called him and said the words that would scar him forever.

"Come closer Twilight! Help me wake up your brothers."

It was like a sacred decree for Twilight, so he followed Veldanava with heightened enthusiasm.

"You too Feldway, as the eldest being, they will learn a lot from you."

"You too Feldway, as the eldest being, they will learn a lot from you."

The latter just nodded ecstatically, it was always an honor to fulfill his lord's wishes.

"This is a new chapter, the dawn in the history of the world Hahahahaha..."

Veldanava made a joke using Twilight, but none of those present understood.

Well, he just let it go, it was a common occurrence.

So the three spent the remaining time animating the other beings.

Following this story, one understands the origin of Twilight Valentine.

The one most commonly known as the divine ancestor.

The being responsible for the existence of the other races that would come to inhabit the central world, as well as the other worlds.

Only, nothing would happen as originally planned by Veldanava.

At some point, things started to go wrong.



