
Tensei Slime: The First Otherworlder

Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken: This is the story of the first human summoned on the cardinal world of Tensura. Follow Lucius on his adventures and discover what the cardinal world was like in the past, not to mention the personalities and dangers that lurked around every corner.

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12 Chs

The Central World

Of the worlds created by Veldanava, the Star Dragon King, the central world, or cardinal world, was the one that drew the most attention in all of creation.

Maybe because the Dragon King spent a lot of time on it, watching its evolution almost always closely. Enraptured with the facets that world presented to him every day.

But it wasn't out of preference or anything like that, the law of love would never allow such conduct on the part of the creator.

This was one of the laws created by himself, to love everything and everyone equally. Or was that just how he felt and the universe enacted it as a law who knows?

Well, the true nature of the world and its laws could be very complicated.!

But the reason he spends so much time in the central world. It's just that unlike the other worlds, where he could only watch and marvel at the progress of his creatures from afar.

The central world was one of the few physical worlds designed to support the divine essence. Being a world with immense evolutionary potential, as well as the beings that inhabited it.

This means that he could descend and directly interfere with his evolutionary process. Being able to modify what he wanted with less risk of being punished by the laws he subjected to himself, as well as all creatures.

But he just preferred not to, choosing to interfere as little as possible, since according to him, things wouldn't be interesting if they followed his will completely.

That's how it was from the beginning, working for your own fun. If something was boring, Veldanava's attention would stray far from it.

That's why he was always focused on the central world, because that was the most fun place in the entire universe. Where the laws he created became palpable with what came to be called magic.

A concept he found interesting, but not transcendent, as magic was just one of the ways to understand the laws behind the foundation of the world.

He saw different concepts in other worlds, but with the same purpose as magic, understanding and interfering with the laws of the world.

The closest was what in other worlds called technology, another interesting concept.

But that aside, there was a question in all of this.

Why was the law of love so tolerant of all this? It is understood that in the central world he is free to act, but that much attention seems to leave other worlds lacking.?

As for that question.

The answer: It was that it was never about love... Indifference is what reigned here...

The truth is, the Dragon King has always been indifferent to everyone and everything. As stated before, nothing mattered but your own enjoyment.

The universe understood this in a way and enacted it in the form of a law. This is the truth behind the law of love, the absolute indifference of the creator.

If ever he cared or truly loved anything.

The scales of the universe would not react kindly to this and would do what was necessary to restore balance. Which could have disastrous consequences.

Such statements would perhaps make it seem that the Dragon King was a vile and extremely selfish entity.

As for the selfish part, it is undeniable. But who isn't? At some level, everyone is just working for themselves, performing acts they believe are altruistic just to enjoy the peace of mind such acts bring them. Which isn't a bad thing, I would call it a healthy way to be selfish, at least nobody gets hurt.

As for Veldanava, he was alone for an immeasurable time in the primordial void, the origin of everything. Boredom was even palpable.

His happy days started when he learned [Turn Null],The Ultimate and Supreme ability that produces the pure and super dense primordial energy needed to create the world.

Since then, there have been billions of years of experiments and discoveries, where he learned more about his own capabilities...

For someone who spent so much time alone, it was normal to act like a child lost in the charms of an unlimited amusement park.

That was Veldanava... A being who loved to explore the wonders of his work, not letting himself be carried away by concepts like good or evil, all that mattered to him was evolution, because that way the world was interesting.

He was happy, everything seemed to have some sparkle for the first time.

So he yearned to give even more shine to the world...

Perhaps he was unaware of this fact, but the fear of loneliness was what drove his creative instinct.

That same fear would make him make choices in the future that would end up costing him everything.

But that's a story for another time.!

Turning attention to the central world. This world had been introduced before.This in the tales of a fun and charismatic Slime.

At that time, the core world had been in several crises since his arrival, it was as if his presence had awakened the sleeping forces in the world.

It was no wonder, as later that eccentric slime came to be known as the Chaos Creator.

Which wasn't unfounded, because everything he got involved with sooner or later would end up getting out of hand...!

On his adventures, he explored the world and met many personalities. Some simple and some just plain terrifying, from insects to dragons, from humans to monsters, from angels to demons, from heroes to demon lords. He seemed to be involved with all of them.

It also evolved over time and ended up becoming one of the pillars that guaranteed peace and security in the world, the Octagram.

A group formed only by Demon Lords. Which was funny, since they were seen as the absolute evil of the world, but when the world needed it, none would move more than the much hated demon lords to save it.

It was no wonder, as later that eccentric slime came to be known as the Chaos Creator.

Which wasn't unfounded, because everything he got involved with sooner or later would end up getting out of hand...!

On his adventures, he explored the world and met many personalities. Some simple and some just plain terrifying, from insects to dragons, from humans to monsters, from angels to demons, from heroes to demon lords. He seemed to be involved with all of them.

It also evolved over time and ended up becoming one of the pillars that guaranteed peace and security in the world, the Octagram.

A group formed only by Demon Lords. Which was funny, since they were seen as the absolute evil of the world, but when the world needed it, none would move more than the much hated demon lords to save it.

His methods might even be questionable, but it was always better than leaving the humans to their own devices.

But it was also undeniable that the same demon lords were responsible for the greatest disasters in the history of the core world, leaving scars all around them.

Well, let's just think that they were redeeming themselves by working hard in those days, where they even got to cooperate cordially, once...!

That aside for now...

The crucial point is that, during the adventures of that adorable slime, questions arose over time.

Questions like, what was that world like in ancient times?

What were the personalities of certain individuals like and how did they live at that time?

Above all, what dangers lurked around the world? Could it be that the central world was more chaotic in the past?

Well, if these questions intrigue you, then you've come to the right place.

For this is the story that will seek to explore these questions.

Unraveling the facets of the ancient world.

But most of all, this is a story about a certain human.

Not just any human.

Following the concept of "otherworlder", humans who come to the core world from other worlds.

It could be said that this is the story about the first human to cross the space-time barriers and land safely on the core world.

So it is...

That's the story about the first otherworlder.

A human who saw his life severely altered when one day he was suddenly summoned to another world.

Not knowing exactly what to do, he would have to deal with unexpected situations and challenges every day.

Was he up to the challenge?

Or did fate have something devious in store for him?

If you want to know.

Follow Lucius on his adventures and discover the answers to all these questions.