
Tenno's Chat Group

Ryuuto Azusagawa was just your every day otaku but one day while he was going home from the grocery shop he suddenly died. After his death he found himself in front of a ROB that granted him three wishes. And this is his story. ______________________________________________ Noob author here, I'll be grateful for every advice and constructive critic you readers give me and I hope you'll enjoy this story and if you're wondering whether or not I'll write sex scenes then no, I won't at very least not for a while. P.S. The title is only temporary if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me

ILMATTEO · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

49- Back At Home.

(Small announcement before the chapter, I'll have to take some days off from posting since I need to help my family with some work and won't have enough time to write, some days I won't be able to post anything. Thanks for your patience.

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The next day after breakfast, Ryuuto told Dumbledore that he and his family would leave that day since their honeymoon needed to end.

While Rias, Ning Er and Somnium were packing up, Ryuuto decided to take a souvenir for himself before leaving this world.

Equipping Loki Prime, Ryuuto used his invisibility and went towards the Gryffindor common room. Once there, Ryuuto started searching the various rooms for a particular one.

As he found the room he was looking for, Ryuuto started to look through the various furnitures until he found what he was there for.

After he took the cloak of invisibility, Ryuuto headed to the headmaster's office to find Dumbledore and take the elder wand from him.

Once he reached his destination, Ryuuto was lucky enough to notice that, while he was reading a book, Dumbledore had left the elder wand on his desk. Materializing a copy of it, Ryuuto switched the two wands and left without being discovered.

After that, Ryuuto got back to his room and helped his family to pack their things and, once done with that, they headed for the exit of the castle. As Ryuuto, Rias, Ning Er and Somnium arrived there, they saw the entirety of the Hogwarts school, meaning all the students, professors and Headmaster, were waiting for them outside the castle.

"You all didn't have to do this."

"After all you did for us, this is the minimum we could do."

Once everyone greeted Ryuuto and his family off, the four teleported on the Xiphos and Ryuuto started to pilot it.

"Papa, aren't we going back to Rias Mama world?"

"Not yet princess, Papa still needs to find something."

As Somnium nodded and went to play with her Mamas, Ryuuto kept piloting and soon enough they reached just outside Little Hangleton.

Once there, Ryuuto dropped off the Xiphos and started searching the Gaunt's house, looking for the resurrection stone.

As he found it, Ryuuto detached it from the cursed ring and, after taking the stone, went back inside the Xiphos.

"Did you find what you were looking for Dear?"

Ning Er, who was waiting for him to come back, asked him once he got back inside.

"Yes, we can go back now."

As he said that, Ryuuto saw little Somnium run towards him with Rias following behind her.

"What did you get Papa?"

"It's a secret."

"Not fair! I wanna know!"

After chuckling and patting Somnium's head, Ryuuto and everyone there prepared to teleport back to Rias' world.

As they came back still inside the Xiphos, that was now orbiting in the Earth's atmosphere, Rias whispered to Ryuuto's ear.

"You know Darling~ Even though nine months passed in Hermione's world, not one day passed here~ So we still have some days until we have to return to Eri and the others~"

While Rias was making Ryuuto feel horny, Ning Er spoke with little Somnium.

"Little Somnium."

"Yes, Ning Er Mama?"

"You see, your uncles Albion and Ddraig said they wanted to take care of you for some days, do you want to spend some time with them?"

"Really? Can I?"

Seeing her Mama nod, Little Somnium started jumping from the joy of being able to spend time with her Uncles and her Papa's pets.

Even though neither Albion not Ddraig actually said that, they would never refute the chance to spoil their cute niece.


As soon as Ryuuto teleported Somnium inside the Unlimited Pet Work dimension, Rias and Ning Er jumped on him and for the next five days all that happened in the ship was the three hexing sex without stopping. Rias and Ning Er even had to take turns with one resting and the other doing it with Ryuuto.

During this nine months all four of them, including Somnium, had gotten much stronger, Ryuuto was able to get one more pair of wings with Rias doing the same while Ning Er reached the 3 star gold level in both body and soul.

After those five days, Ryuuto and his wives came back to their house where Yasaka, Kunou, Eri, Momo and Rumi were waiting for their honeymoon to end and for them to come back.

As soon as Ryuuto entered the house, Kunou and Eri jumped on him and hugged him.


"Kunou, Eri how are you two doing?"

"We're good!"

After the two little rascals detached themselves from Ryuuto, he got to eye level with them and said something that surprised them.

"Do you two want to meet your new little sister?"


"Mmh, let's get Yasaka, Momo and Rumi and we'll go."


Hearing Ryuuto, Eri went to bring there Momo and Rumi while Kunou brought there her mother.

As everyone inside the house were gathered in the living room, Ryuuto teleported them all to the Unlimited Pet Work dimension and before he could do anything, little Somnium jumped on him.

"Papa! You're back!"

"Hello princess, did you miss me?"


After chuckling and putting Somnium down, Ryuuto introduced her to everyone she hadn't met yet.

"Princess, this here are your big sisters Eri and Kunou, she's your Aunt Yasaka, Kunou's mother, your Aunt Rumi and your big sister Momo. Girls, this is my daughter Somnium."

Even though Somnium looked older than Kunou and Eri, she wasn't even one year old yet so Kunou and Eri are actually her older sisters.

Looking at her big sisters Eri and Kunou, little Somnium run towards them and hugged them tightly.

"Waaaaaa! You two are so cute Kunou-Nee, Eri-Nee!"

While the three little ones were getting to know each other, Yasaka asked Ryuuto what she, Rumi and Momo were thinking.

"Ryuuto-san, how did you get a daughter in just five days? I'm sure neither Rias nor Ning Er were pregnant before."

"You remember how I talked about me having three Sacred Gears?..." Seeing Yasaka nod, Ryuuto continued his explanation. "... Well, Somnium was basically born when I fused the Boosted Gear and the Divine Dividing. During one of my experiments I was able to free her from the Sacred Gear."

"I see."

While Somnium, Kunou and Eri went around the dimension, with little Somnium showing them the various dragons living there and even some new borns ones, Ryuuto introduced Yasaka, Rumi and Momo to the various angels living there.

After some time, everyone decided to just get back to Ryuuto's world, so, once they got the three little rascals back, Ryuuto used the chat group to teleport them back to his original world.

Once back to their house, after Momo and Rumi left to go back to their house, Ryuuto noticed an evident problem.

'We might need a bigger house... Even though Kunou could sleep together together with Eri-chan, Yasaka would have to sleep in the guest room... Wait, we can just use the mansion in the Unlimited Pet Work dimension.'

Thinking that, Ryuuto told Yasaka and Kunou of his idea and, after the mother fox thought about it, she decided to accept Ryuuto's offer.

"We'll be accepting you offer Ryuuto-san."

Nodding, Ryuuto gave Yasaka permission to openly enter and leave the Unlimited Pet Work dimension, something he had already done with Rias, Ning Er and Somnium.

While the two yokais, together with Eri and Somnium, got in the pet dimension, Ryuuto decided to just relax on the couch and watch some TV.

Just like that, the few days left separating class 1-A from the end of term test went by in a flash.

As Ryuuto and the rest of the class are brought to one of the training grounds, Nezu, who suddenly came out of Aizawa's scarf, explained to them that, due to the recent villains attacks, they wouldn't fight against robots but instead two students would pair up against a teacher, who would be using super compact weighted bracelets to handicap themselves.

"The only exception to this will be Azusagawa-kun, who will be fighting all of the teachers without the handicap."

Hearing that, all the students except for Momo and Kyoka, got shocked.

"What?! Isn't that unfair?!"

"Did you already forget how much stronger than all of you he was during the sports festival?"

As they heard Aizawa say that, everyone got a look of understanding and nodded towards him.

While the various pairs boarded the buses to reach the places where the test will take place, Ryuuto remained at the training ground waiting for them to come back.

After waiting for about an hour, Ryuuto saw everyone come back and after some questions learned that everything went just like it should originally have, except for Momo and Kyoka's teams that were able to win faster since the two girls were stronger than their counterpart.

"Are you ready Azusagawa?"

Nodding to his homeroom teacher, Ryuuto headed to the center of the training ground where he would be having his test.

'Thirty minutes to take care of ten teachers, this should be easy enough. I could just run away but where would the fun be in that?'

Just as Ryuuto arrived at the center of the arena, he decided to equip Atlas Prime and soon after he saw the first teachers appear.

Seeing Midnight, Snipe and Power Loader approach, Ryuuto chose to take care of the long range attacker first.


As he heard Present Mic voice announcing the start of the test, Ryuuto suddenly appeared in front of Snipe and punched him in the guts, making him faint.

"One down, nine to go."

Forty-Ninth Chapter.

I'm back!

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