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Ryuuto Azusagawa was just your every day otaku but one day while he was going home from the grocery shop he suddenly died. After his death he found himself in front of a ROB that granted him three wishes. And this is his story. ______________________________________________ Noob author here, I'll be grateful for every advice and constructive critic you readers give me and I hope you'll enjoy this story and if you're wondering whether or not I'll write sex scenes then no, I won't at very least not for a while. P.S. The title is only temporary if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me

ILMATTEO · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

43- Surprise!

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"Why did you do that Hermione?!"

As Hermione and Ron reached the Gryffindor common room, Hermione let go of Ron's arm and the first thing he did was yell at her.

"Because you would have just hurt yourself if you really punched Ryuuto. And before you say some stupid things like: 'How do you know that?' or 'I could have beat him!'. I'd like to remind you that Ryuuto just tied with professor Flitwick, an ex dueling champion. Moreover between us two, I know him better than you, and let me tell you this, he was holding back against the professor, a lot."

"You can't know if I would have won or not!"

After saying that, Ron headed towards his room and went to sleep while Hermione just shook her head.

'If you knew what I saw him do, you wouldn't even think about punching him... if I didn't stop you, you would probably be stuck in a wall right now...'

After thinking that, Hermione decided to just head back to the great hall to finish eating dinner.

Once she reached the hall and sat on her previous spot, Hermione looked towards Ryuuto and apologized.

"I'm sorry for what Ron did."

"Don't worry Hermione, it's not your fault."

Reassuring her that he wasn't angry, Ryuuto just got back to flirting with his wives but was soon after interrupted once again by Dumbledore announcing that Harry would participate as the fourth champion.

"Are things like this common?"

Ning Er, feeling curious about this whole ordeal, asked Hermione.

"Unfortunately yes, every single year I've been here something strange happened on Halloween."

Once the announcement from Dumbledore was over and everyone there ate dinner, they all went towards the common rooms to sleep, needless to say, Rias and Ning Er could barely move the next day.


Soon enough the day for the first task finally arrived, during that time Ryuuto, Rias and Ning Er had sex almost every night, fortunately Ryuuto kept using his dream energy to avoid having his wives getting pregnant.

Even though all three of them wanted kids, it was too soon for them.

During this time, Ryuuto had another of his ideas but this one required a lot of space so he called the Xiphos and, together with Rias and Ning Er, went towards a place where he could perform this experiment of his.

Reaching the Sahara desert, where even if someone saw something strange it would be attributed to some hallucination caused by the desert heat.

While Ryuuto jumped off the Xiphos and landed on the desert, Rias and Ning Er were inside the ship enjoying the fresh air.

After landing, Ryuuto started focusing on his soul, more precisely on the part where Albion's soul resided, and started injecting dream energy inside of it. Slowly the Divine Dividing had been overcharged with energy and soon enough Ryuuto heard Albion's voice.


As soon as Albion said those words, a giant white light covered the area where Ryuuto was and when it disappeared, a huge white dragon could be seen.

(A/N Image here.)

"HAHAHAHAHA! I didn't think this day would come! I can finally roam around the world once more, even if only for a small time!

But there's something different, my body looked different from this..."

Hearing Albion's thunderous voice, Ryuuto turned towards him.

"So it really worked huh? Didn't think it would be so easy and about your aspect, it's probably because of my dream energy influence."

"I have to thank you Ryuuto, if it wasn't for you I would never be able to do this. Moreover, I can still feel a connection to you, that means you should be able to still use the Divine Dividing."

Trying what Albion just spoke about, Ryuuto saw how he could actually still use the Sacred Gear perfectly fine.

While Albion was moving around for the first time after a really long time stuck inside the Divine Dividing, Ryuuto decided to just keep on experimenting.

This time while looking inside his soul, Ryuuto started injecting energy in the part containing his Void Sacred Gear and once again when it was overcharged, something that now took a lot more energy, Ryuuto heard a new voice.


The light that covered the area around Ryuuto this time looked more like space itself, various stars, planets and galaxies could be seen in it and once it disappeared what emerged was an ethereal looking dragon, which was even bigger than Albion who was already about 100 meters high, luckily Ryuuto had put on a barrier to avoid anyone seeing this.

(A/N Image here.)

"I can finally meet you, Father."

After almost puking out blood, Ryuuto turned around and saw the dragon that just called him Father.

"I don't remember one of my wives giving birth, could you tell me why you called me Father?"

"It's because I was created when Father fused his Sacred Gears but since I was a new born, Uncle Albion took care of it for me but now, thanks to Father injecting energy inside the Sacred Gear I was able to accelerate my growth."

While Ryuuto's brain was registering everything the new dragon said, Albion was laughing out loud.

"HAHAHAHAHA! I've become an Uncle! Now I can spoil my cute niece! Take that you red lizard! HAHAHAHAHA! But, how am I going to spoil her if she's bigger than me already?!"

"There's no need to worry Uncle Albion, I can just transform into my human form."

After saying that, the giant dragon started to rapidly shrink and soon all that remained was a little girl that looked about 10 years old, dressed in a white dress with purple details, her hair, white just like her eyes, was styled in twin tails reaching her mid back with two strands framing her face, from her lower back a pair of dragon wings sprouted.

(A/N Image here.)

"HAHAHAHAHA! My niece is so cute!"

After transforming the little girl went near Ryuuto and tugged on his sleeve, making him turn his head towards her.

"How do I look, Father?"

Surrendering to his fate, Ryuuto patted the little girl's head while smiling.

"You look really cute, but what's your name? You haven't introduced yourself yet."

"I don't have a name yet, Father. I wanted you to give me one."

"Then, what about... Somnium? It's latin for dream."

"Somnium... I like it! Thank you Father!"

Chuckling, Ryuuto took the now named Somnium in his arms.

"How about we go meet your Mothers, I'm sure they'll love to meet you."

Seeing the little bundle of cuteness in his arms nod, Ryuuto turned towards Albion and told him to get back inside the Divine Dividing.

"Get back inside the Sacred Gear Albion, we need to go."

"Come on Ryuuto! It's my first time outside of there after thousand of years!"

"Don't throw a tantrum, I'll just let you out again some other time."

After begrudgingly nodding, Albion returned to the Divine Dividing while Ryuuto and Somnium went back to the Xiphos.

Once they were back inside, the first thing they noticed was Rias and Ning Er looking at little Somnium with stars in their eyes.

"So Cute!"

As the two said that at the same time, Rias and Ning Er jumped on Somnium hugging her in between their breasts.

"Fa-Father... Help... I can't breath..."

Chuckling at his wives reaction, Ryuuto got near them and had to quite literally pry them off little Somnium.

"Let me go Darling! I wanna hug her!"

"Me too Dear!"

"Calm down you two. You were suffocating her."

Realizing what they did, Rias and Ning Er looked down in shame while Ryuuto just patted their heads.

"Now that you two are calm, this is Somnium, apparently she's my daughter."


After sighing, Ryuuto explained to them what happened and once he was done, Rias and Ning Er had stars in their eyes once more, seeing that little Somnium hid behind Ryuuto's legs.

"So... That means we're mothers now, right?"

"Yes, you are..." Turning towards Somnium, Ryuuto took her in his arms to let her properly meet Rias and Ning Er. "Somnium, this is Rias, your first mother, and this is Ning Er, your second mother. They're sorry for scaring you, will you forgive them?"

Seeing little Somnium nod, Rias took her from Ryuuto's arms and after kissing her forehead she thanked her.

"Thank you Somnium-chan, my name is Rias, but you can call me Rias Mama."

"I'm Ning Er, but I'd like it if you called me Ning Er Mama."

"Rias Mama! Ning Er Mama!"

Once she called Rias and Ning Er like they wanted, Somnium turned towards Ryuuto.


After almost having an heart attack caused by Somnium cuteness, Ryuuto heard Ordis.

"Operator, is that ANOTHER LITTLE ANGEL... ahem, your daughter?"

"Yes Ordis."

Hearing someone speak but not seeing them, little Somnium tilted her head and asked her Papa about it.

"Papa, who was that?"

"That's your uncle Ordis..." Saying that, Ryuuto whispered in Somnium ear. "... He's a little crazy, so don't listen too much to what he says, ok?"

After nodding, Somnium asked Ryuuto to show her the ship and after that, Rias and Ning Er joined them to play with little Somnium.

Forty-Third Chapter.

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