
Tenno's Chat Group

Ryuuto Azusagawa was just your every day otaku but one day while he was going home from the grocery shop he suddenly died. After his death he found himself in front of a ROB that granted him three wishes. And this is his story. ______________________________________________ Noob author here, I'll be grateful for every advice and constructive critic you readers give me and I hope you'll enjoy this story and if you're wondering whether or not I'll write sex scenes then no, I won't at very least not for a while. P.S. The title is only temporary if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me

ILMATTEO · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

38- Before The Meeting.

(A/N Sorry to say this but this will probably be the only chapter of today, I've got a lot of things to do today.)

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After checking out his new armor, Ryuuto, Ning Er, Rias, Sona and their respective peerages got inside the ORC main building and waited for Sirzechs to arrive while Yasaka went back to Ryuuto's house to take care of Eri and Kunou.

While waiting for Sirzechs to arrive, Xenovia asked Rias what she should do with her life now.

"What should I do Rias? Everything I dedicated my life to was a lie... The church won't accept me back now that I know the truth..."

"Then just live your life however you want. Do what you want."

Hearing Rias, Xenovia started to think what she wanted to do, while doing that she looked around and remembered how strong everyone here was, even Asia had grow much stronger than before in just a week.

"I decided. Please reincarnate me as a devil."

"Are you sure about that? You can't go back after this."

"Yes. If it wasn't for you guys I would be dead right now, I owe you my life."

"Then I'll also ask Sona to enroll you into school."

"Thanks Rias."

Nodding, Rias took out her last Knight piece and gave it to Xenovia.

"Just push it into for chest and it will do the rest."

Looking at the piece, Xenovia gathered her courage and pushed it inside her chest. Once it was fully fused with it, 2 pairs of wings came out from her back.

Just as Rias finished explaining to Xenovia the changes her body just went through, Sirzechs, Grayfia and Serafall, Sona's big sister, teleported inside the ORC room using their respective magic circles.

"So-Tan! Are you okay?! Did you get hurt?!"

As soon as Serafall finished teleporting she jumped on Sona hugging her.

"I'm fine Nee-san, I didn't even really participate in the battle."

"That doesn't matter! My So-Tan well bring us more important!"

While Serafall kept hugging Sona, Sirzechs and Grayfia were actually doing what they came here for.

"It's nice to see you all. How are you Ryuuto? I hope everything's good."

"It's nice to see you too Onii-sama, Grayfia-san."

"I'm fine Sirzechs, thanks for asking. What about you?"

After greeting Rias and Ryuuto, Sirzechs started asking for details about what happened.

"What exactly happened here? Akeno just told us you were attacked by Kokabiel."

"You see Onii-sama, Kokabiel attacked together with a stray exorcist called Freed Sellzen and an excommunicated priest, Valper Galilei. They had four fragments of Excalibur and they were able to fuse them together, after that Kokabiel killed Valper and informed us of the truth on the great war..."

Hearing that Asia, who had just woke up and was coming to terms with God's death, almost fainted again.

"... Then the White Dragon Emperor suddenly appeared and tried to take away Kokabiel but Darling killed Kokabiel while taking for himself the Divine Dividing."

Hearing that last part Sirzechs and Grayfia became totally shocked, they knew of Ryuuto having a copy of the Boosted Gear and didn't think it would be possible for him to also get the Divine Dividing. Meanwhile Serafall was in another room still hugging Sona but now she was also asking about what happened.

"I see. We'll have to talk about this with Azazel during the Three Factions meeting."

"When did you plan to have this meeting Onii-sama?"

"It's on the same day of the open house day at your school."

"How could you not tell me about it So-Tan?!"

Serafall who had just come inside the room heard what Sirzechs said and looked shocked at her So-Tan for not telling her.

After some more shenanigans and a few more questions Grayfia, Sirzechs and Serafall went back to the Underworld to notify the other two Maous about what happened.

While Rias was doing some paper work, Ryuuto got near her and told her he would go home early.

"Rias, I'm going home, after the fusion I'm feeling tired."

"Okay Darling, have a good night."

"You too, love you."

Saying that Ryuuto got outside of the ORC and started going towards his house but he suddenly took a turn and entered inside an alley.

"Come out."

Even if at first nothing happened, soon enough a young woman in a black kimono with cat ears and two cast tails appeared.

(A/N Image here.)

"So you're the one that beat up Vali nya? You look pretty strong, wanna make kittens with me?"

"I sure am the one that beat that battle maniac and no, I'm not going to have sex with just anyone."

"That's such a waste, I would have loved to have kittens with you nya. By the way, what did you want to talk about nya?"

"Koneko, or as you call her Shirone."

"And what exactly did you want to talk about on Shirone?"

Saying that Kuroka got ready to attack him in case she didn't like Ryuuto's response.

"I could help you two get back together."

Still keeping her guard up, Kuroka started listening much more closely.

"And how would you do that?"

"Simple, I'll just hypnotize someone from the Naberius family involved in the experiment and force them to tell the truth. I'm surprised you never thought of this."

"Now I'm also wondering how I never did think about this nya..."

"Anyway, come to the Three Faction meeting and I'll make it so they are forced to drop any wanted orders on you."

After that Kuroka just left thinking if she could actually trust Ryuuto.


Soon enough, the days that separated Ryuuto and his group from the Faction meeting passed away quite fastly.

During this time Ryuuto finally accepted Ning Er love for him and after exchanging rings, since that's all Ning Er wanted until they got back to her world, they also had their first time together.

(A/N Once again I apologize if this is too rushed, I suck at romance and this is currently my best.)

The day after that when Ryuuto woke up, he saw the Tenno's symbol on Ning Er's chest on her right side with the usual Orokins' language writing around it.

'Until time itself ceases to exist.'

Looking at his own chest, Ryuuto saw that on his right side, specular to his other one, a mark with Ning Er family's sigil appeared.

The same sigil, a Chinese dragon with wings forming an infinite sign, was also on his second ring that he also wore on his left ring finger.

(A/N Image here.)

Stirring awake, Ning Er cutely yawned and opened her eyes and seeing a smiling Ryuuto looking at her, she blushed heavily remembering what happened the night before.

"Go-Good morning Dear."

Ning Er had started to call Ryuuto that during their first night as a married couple.

"Good morning to you Ning Er, how do you feel? Everything good?"

"I'm go-good, just a little bit sore, thanks for asking."

After that Ryuuto and Ning Er took a shower together and prepared to go to Kuoh's highschool together with Rias since that day would be the day for the three factions to meet.

As the four of them, Rias, Ryuuto, Ning Er and Eri, since Yasaka and Kunou remained at home since Kunou wasn't feeling too well, got ready, they started to head towards where they would meet with Rias' family.

Once there they saw Sirzechs, Grayfia, Venelana and Zeoticus waiting for them, all dressed in some casual clothes.

"Rias-chan! It's nice seeing you again! How are you and Ryuuto doing?"

"Everything good, thanks for asking mom. How are you and dad doing?"

While Rias chatted with Venelana, Ryuuto talked together with Zeoticus while Sirzechs and Grayfia were currently playing with little Eri.

"How are you doing Father? I hope everything's good."

"All is good, thanks for asking Ryuuto. How are you two doing?"

"Everything's good."

"If I may ask, Ryuuto, Who are those two?"

Looking at little Eri playing with Sirzechs and Grayfia, Ryuuto smiled fondly and explained who Eri and Ning Er were.

"The little girl playing with your son is someone me and Rias rescued from the streets and we both got attached to her, while this is my second wife Ning Er and before you ask, yes, Rias is okay with this, it was actually her who encouraged me to marry Ning Er."

"Well, as long as Rias is okay..." Turning towards Ning Er, Zeoticus slightly bowed his head and introduced himself. "... Nice to meet you Ning Er, I'm Zeoticus Gremory, head of the Gremory clan."

"I am Xiao Ning Er, from the Winged Dragon family, nice to meet you too...?"

"Just call me Father like Ryuuto does, after all you and Rias are basically sisters now."

"Thank you Father."

After some more chatting their group started to head towards Kuoh's highschool. Once there, their group attracted a lot of attention since everyone of them was either beautiful, handsome or extremely cute.

As classes started Ryuuto took Eri on his shoulders and together they started watching, how the class went with Eri cheering every time Rias got the correct answer.

During a break between the classes, Ryuuto noticed how a large group of people were heading towards the school's gym.

'This should be because of Serafall and her magical girl show... Well Sona can take care of it.'

After classes were finally over, Ryuuto, Rias, Ning Er and Eri headed to the ORC while Venelana and Zeoticus went back to the Underworld and Sirzechs and Grayfia went to prepare for the meeting.

Thirty-Eighth Chapter.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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