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Ryuuto Azusagawa was just your every day otaku but one day while he was going home from the grocery shop he suddenly died. After his death he found himself in front of a ROB that granted him three wishes. And this is his story. ______________________________________________ Noob author here, I'll be grateful for every advice and constructive critic you readers give me and I hope you'll enjoy this story and if you're wondering whether or not I'll write sex scenes then no, I won't at very least not for a while. P.S. The title is only temporary if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me

ILMATTEO · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

37- Chocoballs!

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After some more time passed and they ate lunch together, Rias came back from school.

"I'm back!"

"Welcome back Rias."

Hearing Ryuuto's voice Rias immediately jumped on him and wrapped herself around his body.

"Darling! You're back! I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, but we were apart only for a day, no need to become so clingy."

Rias had always been clingy but almost never on this level.

"We were apart for one whole day Darling! That's a lot of time for me!"

Saying that Rias snagged her lips on Ryuuto's. After kissing with Ryuuto, Rias noticed how there were two more people in the house.

"Who are they Darling?"

"These are Yasaka, the leader of the Kyoto Yokai faction and my bishop, and her daughter Kunou."

"Nice to meet you Yasaka-san, I'm Rias Gremory. My brother Sirzechs talked to me about you."

"Nice to meet you too Rias-san, I didn't know Ryuuto-san's wife was the sister of one of the Maous."

Unfortunately, just as she was about to introduce herself to Kunou and ask her if she could touch her ears, something that little Eri was already doing, Rias received a call from Sona, who was using a magic circle to call.

"Rias, we have problems, Kokabiel is attacking the school together with a stray exorcist and an excommunicated priest. We need your help."

"I understand, we're coming right now, in the meantime put a barrier around the school."

Closing the call Rias turned to Ryuuto and told him what Sona just told her.

"Darling, Kokabiel is attacking! We need to go help Sona!"

"I see, by the way, where is Kiba?"

"I was about to tell you, he came back after you called me last night and told me he found the one who experimented on him when he was a little kid together with a certain Freed Sellzen."

"I understand. Let's go, Sona is waiting for us."

Saying that Ryuuto and Rias teleported together with Ning Er and Yasaka, while Kunou and Eri remained at home. After teleporting they appeared in front of Sona and her peerage, who where busy creating the barrier.

"Rias, You're here! The others are already inside the barrier, get inside so we can finish it."

Nodding to Sona, the four of them got inside the barrier and once they reached the outdoor gym, Ryuuto, Rias, Ning Er and Yasaka saw Rias' peerage and Xenovia fight against 3 three headed dogs while Kokabiel was sitting on a throne, Freed was fighting against Kiba and Valper Galilei had just finished fusing the Excaliburs.

'Isn't that Freed? Now that I think about it, I never saw him with the fallen angels before... He probably wasn't there yet or he just run away.'

Seeing this Rias immediately activated the Balance Breaker of the Boosted Gear and started Boosting herself to fight against Kokabiel. Meanwhile Ning Er and Yasaka went to help Rias' peerage fight against the Cerberus.

"HAHAHAHA! You're finally here Gremory heiress! Now I can kill you and start a second great war!"

Saying that Chocoballs shoot a light spear towards Rias, who dodged it easily and punched Kokabiel in the face. She was able to do this since Kokabiel underestimated her and didn't focus much on her.

"It's going to take much more than that to kill me!"

Sending a ball of destruction towards Kokabiel, Rias summoned the dagger that Hephaestus forged for her and started flying towards him.

Getting closer Rias barely avoided a punch and countered with a swing of her dagger that unfortunately missed the target.

"Just because you somehow got the Boosted Gear doesn't mean you'll be able to live! I'm going to spark the second great war and show everyone that fallen angels are the superior race!"

After Kokabiel finished shouting he started to once again throw light spears against Rias, who kept dodging them and also throwing back balls of destruction.

While that battle was going on Kiba was able unlock his balance breaker and create the Sword of Betrayer, right after that he killed Freed and spared Valper. At the same time the three Cerberus were killed by Rias' peerage with some help from Yasaka, who had been told to only help them if they really needed it so they could grow stronger, and Ning Er.

Seeing Kiba's sword Valper understood that God died but before he could say anything,

Valper was killed by Kokabiel.

"I have to applaud you all, even without your masters you continue to fight."

"What do you mean by that?!"

Xenovia, who had a bad feeling about this, asked Kokabiel.

"The four original Maous weren't the only one that died during the great war! God was also killed!"

Hearing that Asia actually fainted while Xenovia had a shocked look on her face. After announcing the truth Kokabiel put some distance between him and Rias and started charging a giant light spear.

"I've had enough of you all! I won't be defeated here! I'll kill you all and-"

"Shut up you cocaine-addicted elf!'

Before Kokabiel could continue his monologue Ryuuto interrupted him and punched Kokabiel in the guts, sending him flying high in the sky, before teleporting above him and kicking Kokabiel in the back sending him towards the ground.

Just as Ryuuto touched the ground, the barrier surrounding Kuoh was destroyed and Vali Lucifer appeared in his balance breaker.

(A/N Image here.)

"I will be taking Kokabiel from you."

Before he could get to Kokabiel, Ryuuto had already decapitated the fallen angel.

"Sorry buddy, but you can't just come and take away whoever you want, even if you are with Azazel."

Before Vali could comment on how he wanted to fight against Ryuuto, since he seemed strong, Albion, the heavenly dragon sealed in the Divine Dividing, spoke out loud.

"We finally meet again Red. But I have to ask, how did you get a full devil as host?"

Hearing his old rival wonder about what happened to him, Ddraig explained to him what Ryuuto did.

"You see White, it's all thanks to that guy over there, he transferred me to my new host from the old one."

Listening to Ddraig, Albion looked around for the first time since coming there, he didn't do this before because he was focused on trying to understand how Ddraig got a devil as host.

"Ho-How come one of your race still lives?!"

"Albion? What's wrong?"

Vali, hearing Albion scared for the first time, asked him what the problem was.

"Vali, never and I mean never, fight against that guy with blue hair, unless you want to die."

"Is he that strong?"

"He probably could win in a fight against Great Red and Ophis at the same time."

Hearing Albion, Vali couldn't help but feeling even more excited than before. Pointing towards Ryuuto, Vali challenged him.

"You! Fight me!"

"Not interested."

Deadpanning, Ryuuto just flatly refused Vali challenge without even giving it a thought, after all of he wanted to fight against a battle maniac Rumi would gladly take that role.

"That wasn't a request! If you don't want to fight me I'll just force you!"

Saying that Vali launched himself towards Rias, since she seemed to be the closest to him, but as soon as he did that, Ryuuto was already punching Vali in the stomach forcing him to bend over for the pain.

"You know, I didn't really care about you, but if you dare target my family you'll suffer the consequences. Let's see how much you'll scream with your soul tearing apart."

Saying that Ryuuto swiped out Vali's legs making him fall on his stomach and put his foot on his back, forcing Vali to stay down.

As Ryuuto was blocking down Vali, he used his soul energy to cover the party of Vali's soul that hosted Albion and started slowly tearing it apart while healing it so Vali wouldn't just die and he could keep feeling pain.

After about half an hour of screaming, Ryuuto finally removed the Divine Dividing from Vali.

"Now, go back to Azazel before I change my mind and one last thing, tell the kitty we need to talk."

Saying that, Ryuuto started wondering what to do with the Divine Dividing that he just got from Vali, while the latter was barely able to teleport back to Grigori before fainting.

'What should I do with this? I already got a copy of the Boosted Gear, maybe if I fuse with this I'll get a new Sacred Gear.'

Thinking until that point, Ryuuto started to slowly insert the Divine Dividing inside himself and even though the prices hurt compared to fusing with the king piece it was almost nothing.

After completely fusing the Divine Dividing and the Boosted Gear copy, Albion's voice was heard by anyone there.


As Albion finished yelling, around Ryuuto a new type of armor appeared on him. The armor was mostly a dark blue color, with golden details and silver spikes, with a big red mantle and a long dragon tail.

(A/N Image here.)

As soon as the armor formed Rias and Ning Er jumped on Ryuuto hugging respectively his front and back.

"Are you alright Ryuuto?! You seemed in pain?"

"Don't worry Ning Er, I'm fine, just a bit tired."

"Are you sure Darling? You did something no one ever did after all."

Taking away his helmet, Ryuuto kissed Rias to calm her down.

"As I said, I'm fine. More importantly, are you fine? You just fought against a Cadre. What about you little Ning?"

"I'm alright Darling!"

"I'm also alright Ryuuto, apart from being slightly exhausted."

"Good, now we should probably tell Sirzechs what happened here."

"You don't need to think about that Ryuuto-kun, I already did it."

Thanking Akeno, Ryuuto looked at his armor and asked Albion, who now resided inside the big golden spikes on the armor shoulders, if he knew what abilities he obtained.

"To start, you've got the full Divine Dividing, it's balance breaker and everything. Then there is the Boosted Gear copy, that didn't change, you can do everything the Boosted Gear does. For last, this new armor is a fusion of the other two, you can use both their abilities at the same time and you've gotten a new ability, Void, it will show you to completely nullify any attack or defense from your enemy."

"So I basically have three Sacred Gears in one, nice."

Thirty-Seventh Chapter.

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