
Tenno's Chat Group

Ryuuto Azusagawa was just your every day otaku but one day while he was going home from the grocery shop he suddenly died. After his death he found himself in front of a ROB that granted him three wishes. And this is his story. ______________________________________________ Noob author here, I'll be grateful for every advice and constructive critic you readers give me and I hope you'll enjoy this story and if you're wondering whether or not I'll write sex scenes then no, I won't at very least not for a while. P.S. The title is only temporary if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me

ILMATTEO · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

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While eating dinner with Yasaka and Kunou, Ryuuto asked the former for a favor.

"You see Yasaka-san, two of my friends are yokai but they don't know Senjutsu and without a good teacher it could become problematic learning it. I wanted to ask if you knew someone that could teach them."

"You don't need to worry about that I'll gladly teach them, especially if they are friends with the savior of my daughter."

Hearing her, Ryuuto was slightly surprised since originally Yasaka wasn't a Senjutsu user but this certainly made thing easier.

After eating dinner Kunou played with Ryuuto before she got really sleepy and Yasaka brought her to her bedroom before Kunou fell asleep while still playing. Done with that Yasaka went back to the living room where she had left Ryuuto.

"Sorry if my daughter bothered you Ryuuto-san, do you have somewhere to go for this night?"

"Don't worry Yasaka-san, Kunou-chan didn't bother me at all and I was just planning on finding an hotel."

"I can't let the savior of my daughter rest in some random hotel, I'll have someone prepare a room for you."

"Then you leave me no choice but to accept. Thank you."

After chatting some more Ryuuto started to talk with Yasaka about Kunou.

"I can see you love her very dearly Yasaka-san."

"That's true Ryuuto-san, I would anything for her."

"If I may ask, where is her father?"

"That man just left as soon as he heard I was pregnant with her and found himself someone else to love, all I know about him now is that he's dead."

"Sorry about that."

Bowing his head Ryuuto apologized to Yasaka.

"Don't worry Ryuuto-san. What about you? Do you someone special in your life?"

"Yes, I'm married to the heiress of the Gremory clan, Rias Gremory. Just like you, I would do anything for her. By the way, would you be willing to join my peerage?"

"You're a devil Ryuuto-san? I thought you were human."

"I'm neither Yasaka-san, I'm a Tenno and I made my Void Pieces myself."

"What are this Void pieces?"

"They're similar to Evil Pieces but instead of transforming you into a devil, this ones make you into what I call Dream Walkers."

"What would happen if I accepted? Will you take my position as the Yokai leader?"

"First, you'll get stronger while also being able to learn to manipulate dream energy, and I'll also protect Kunou-chan, moreover she could make friends with the members of Rias' peerage. Second, no I'm not going to take your position, you can continue to be the Yokai faction leader. What do you think?"

"You already know what I'm going to say, don't you? I already told you that if it's for Kunou I'll do anything. What piece will you give me?"

"It depends, what are your abilities?"

"As you already know, I can use Senjutsu, other than that I'm pretty good at Youjutsu and at using fox fire."

"So you specialize in magic attacks right? In that case I'll make you my first bishop."

Saying that Ryuuto took out one of his two bishops and gave it to Yasaka, who, just before inserting the piece in her chest, teased Ryuuto.

"Fufufu~ So, I'm your first?"

"You know what I mean. One last thing, it's going to hurt when you accept the piece."

Nodding her head Yasaka brought the bishop piece to her chest and inserted it, once she did that Yasaka started feeling a large amount of pain but thanks to all her experience in battles and to the fact she was able to withstand the pain that comes from childbirth, Yasaka was able to avoid screaming, to not wake Kunou up and make her worry, by getting her teeth.

"You can scream all you want Yasaka, I put up a sound barrier."

Hearing Ryuuto, Yasaka stopped holding her screams back and released them loudly. Luckily for her the pain didn't last to much and soon enough she wasn't feeling any more of it while also feeling like her strength had grow by a large margin.

Seeing Yasaka standing there while breathing heavily and looking exhausted, Ryuuto got near her and took her in a princess carry.

"What are you doing Ryuuto-san?"

"You're exhausted Yasaka-san, you could barely even stand. I'll bring you to your room so you can sleep."

"Thank you."

After bringing Yasaka to her room and wishing her good night, Ryuuto followed one of the servants to his room and after changing in some more comfortable clothes, that he teleported from the Xiphos, he started chatting with Rias.

<The Last Tenno (Admin): How are you doing Rias?>

<Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess: Everything's good here Darling. What about you?>

<The Last Tenno (Admin): I'm good, thanks for asking. Did something happen today?>

<Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess: Apart from Kiba joining the church duo in their research of the holy swords, nothing much happened. What did you do today Darling?>

<The Last Tenno (Admin): I saved the princess of the Yokai faction here at Kyoto and made her mother my bishop. You've got to see little Kunou, you'll love her.>

<Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess: I'm sure I'll do if you say so Darling. I have to go now, goodnight!>

<The Last Tenno (Admin): Goodnight.>

After sending that last message Ryuuto got in the bed and soon feel asleep. The next morning as he woke up Ryuuto noticed a light weight weighing him down on his chest.

'This is strange, this certainly isn't Rias, her head weighs more than this, and I'm also sure I went to sleep alone yesterday.'

Finally opening his eyes, Ryuuto saw that little Kunou was the culprit for his sensation of weight, she was actually on his side hugging him while resting her head on his chest.

'Kunou? Why is she here?'

Due to all his movement Kunou had started to wake up and as she opened her eyes the first thing she saw was Ryuuto's eyes looking at her.

"Go-Good morning Ryuuto-Nii."

"Good morning Kunou-chan, what are you doing here?"

"Yo-You see, Ryuuto-Nii, tonight I needed to go to the bathroom and when coming back I must have gotten in the wrong room."

In reality Kunou was feeling lonely and when she was going towards her mother bedroom, she actually ended up following Ryuuto's scent.

"I see. Let's go eat breakfast, ok? I'm sure your mother will worry if we don't go there."

Saying that Ryuuto got out of bed and after going to the bathroom to wash his teeth, he left together with Kunou towards the dining room.

"Good morning Ryuuto-san, Kunou. Did you two sleep well?"

Saying this Yasaka had a knowing smile on her face since she had seen Kunou sneak in Ryuuto's room.

"Good morning to you Yasaka-san. And yes, I slept quite well."

"Go-Good morning Mother."

"Just call me Yasaka, please, after all I'm your subordinate now, right?"

"As you wish, Yasaka."

After eating breakfast all three of them left for Kuoh, with Yasaka leaving on of her subordinates in command. Once they teleported to Ryuuto's house the first thing Yasaka and Kunou saw was a little girl jumping on Ryuuto.

"Onii-chan! You're back!"

Catching Eri, Ryuuto patted her head while also putting her down on the floor.

"Hello Eri-chan, how are you?"

"Eheh, I'm fine Onii-chan! But who are this people?"

"This is Yasaka and her daughter Kunou, I made Yasaka my bishop, just like Rias Onee-chan made you her pawn."

"Nice to meet you Eri-chan, I'm Yasaka and this is Kunou, we're both nine tailed fox yokai."

"Nice to meet you too Yasaka Oba-chan, Kunou-chan. My name is Eri."

Looking around and not seeming Ning Er, Ryuuto asked Eri where she was.

"Eri-chan, where is Ning Er?"

"Ning Onee-chan is taking a bath right now!"

After that they all went to the living room so Ryuuto could teach Yasaka about dream energy, while Eri and Kunou followed after them.

As Yasaka day down and started meditating while Ryuuto circulated dream energy around her, just like he did with Ning Er. Soon after Yasaka was able to feel both the dream energy around her and the one inside herself.

Slowly manipulating her dream energy, which was golden colored while Ning Er's was orange, Yasaka's trail started to shine in a bright golden color.

"I didn't expect this, I thought she would get wings like me and Ning Er."

"Wow! Ryuuto-Nii, you have wings?! Can I see them?"

Taking out a pair of his wings, Ryuuto nodded to Kunou letting her touch his wings, seeing this Kunou didn't lose time and immediately started playing with Ryuuto's wings.

Meanwhile within Eri's mind.

'Could this child be one of 'my people'?'

Going towards Ryuuto, so she also could play with his wings, Eri talked with Kunou.

"I see you're a child of culture as well."

"Ryuuto-Nii wings are the best?"

"That they are, Kunou-chan, that they are."

Smiling wryly, Ryuuto kept instructing Yasaka while the two little troublemakers kept touching his wings.

Soon enough, Ning Er came to the living room and greeted Ryuuto.

"Welcome back Ryuuto, how are you? Who are the two foxes?"

"I'm fine Ning Er, thank you. This are Yasaka, my first bishop, and Kunou, her daughter."

Thirty-Sixth Chapter.

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