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Ryuuto Azusagawa was just your every day otaku but one day while he was going home from the grocery shop he suddenly died. After his death he found himself in front of a ROB that granted him three wishes. And this is his story. ______________________________________________ Noob author here, I'll be grateful for every advice and constructive critic you readers give me and I hope you'll enjoy this story and if you're wondering whether or not I'll write sex scenes then no, I won't at very least not for a while. P.S. The title is only temporary if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me

ILMATTEO · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

35- Foxes.

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While Ryuuto had already ended his 'fight' and was cuddling with Rias, Rumi was about to start fighting with Irina.

"Are you ready Twin tails? Because I'm not going easy on you!"

"Whenever you are!"

Saying that Irina took a string from her arm that transformed into a Katana with a round gold guard and a long enough grip making it a two-handed blade.

"Surprised? This is Excalibur Mimic, it can-"

"Shut up already and let's fight!"

Interrupting Irina's explanation Rumi jumped towards her to kick her in the guts, dodging at the last moment since Irina didn't expect Rumi to just interrupt her and attack her.

After dodging Irina turned around to attack Rumi with her Excalibur but she found Rumi was already kicking towards her.

"Luna Arc!"

Barely avoiding the front facing axe kick that Rumi sent her away, Irina tried to counter attack once more but was instead punched in the face by Rumi.

"Come on! It's this really all you can do?! The kid was able to do much more while still holding back!"

Taunting Irina, Rumi kept beating her up with Irina being able to do almost nothing since Rumi had been training even more than usual after becoming a devil and she also has much more experience.

Soon enough Ryuuto had to interrupt the fight or Irina wouldn't even be able to walk away.

"Now that you both lost, take away the dead weight before I change my mind."

After Irina carried away Xenovia everyone went back to the ORC to do their own things with Rias once again sitting on Ryuuto's lap while whispering in his ear.

"You know Darling~ Seeing you so aggressive made me feel all tingly~ Will you help me tonight?"

Saying that Rias playfully bit Ryuuto's ear while kissing her breasts against his chest.

As evening approached while Kiba was going home he fought against Freed Seelzen that was able to escape only thanks to the surf of Excalibur Rapidly. As soon as Freed escaped, Kind contacted Rias with a magic circle and notified her about what just happened, with her telling him to reach his house and that tomorrow she would talk about this with Sona.

As the next day while Ryuuto was strolling around with Eri they encountered Irina and Xenovia begging the town's people for money or something to eat since the church sent them without any money.

"Onii-chan, why are the means Onee-chans doing that?"

"It's because they came here without any money to buy food and now they're asking others for their money."

Being the kind little girl that she is, Eri went and have Irina and Xenovia some of the money Ryuuto have her weekly for herself, even though yesterday she saw how angry these two Onee-chans made her Onii-chan, she still wanted to help them.

Seeing Eri do that, Ryuuto couldn't help but smile wryly at Eri's kindness while also looking at the church duo and sighing while shaking his head at the church idiocy.

"Come with us you two, we'll get something to eat, even idiots like you two deserve to eat."

After finding a nearby restaurant Ryuuto, Eri, Xenovia and Irina sat down and soon after that Irina and Xenovia started wolfing down the food they ordered.

"Calm down, it's not like the food is going to run away."

Hearing Ryuuto, both Xenovia and Irina got embarrassed and started slowing down. After they were done eating Ryuuto asked them something that would have made them choke on the food if they were still eating.

"So? Who is the traitor?"

"Ho-How do you know there's a traitor?"

"It's pretty simple, the Excalibur's fragments are one of the church most important items so without any inside help not even Kokabiel could successfully steal three of them. So? Who is it?"

"Aah... It's Valper Galilei..."

"Kiba will love to hear that. By the way, what's your plan? You're not just going to search for Kokabiel and the attack him, right?"



Sighing heavily Ryuuto just shook his head and waited for little Eri to finish eating so he could leave with her.

"Well I did what I could for you two, good luck with your suicidal mission."

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me, if it wasn't for Eri-chan I would have just left you there."

Saying that Ryuuto got up and went to pay for their food, after leaving the restaurant Ryuuto started thinking on what to do while waiting for Kokabiel to attack Kuoh's highschool.

'Since I have time to kill might as well go to Kyoto and see what happens.'

"Eri-chan, your Onii-chan needs to leave for a while, ok? While I'm not here Ning Er will take care of you."

"Where are you going Onii-chan?"

"I'm going to another city to look for something important for Rumi and Koneko-chan."

"Ok, Onii-chan! Be safe and I'll wait for you!"

Once Ryuuto and Eri came back to their house, he told Ning Er where he was going and left little Eri with her. After kissing Eri's forehead Ryuuto left and teleported to some random alley in Kyoto.

Asking around for direction towards any nearby temples Ryuuto started going there, hoping that he would get lucky and stumble upon either Kunou or someone kidnapping her.

As soon as he actually got a little closer to one of the temples inside the forest a little girl with blonde hair, golden eyes, two fox ears on her head and nine fox tails behind her back, she was wearing the traditional miko outfit and tall geta with white tabi. The sleeves of her haori feature a giant red star-shaped pentagram, surrounded by five smaller pentagrams in between the points.

(A/N Image here.)

'Yep, this is Kunou and seeing how tired she looks she's probably running away from someone.'

Looking up after little Kunou fell down, she saw Ryuuto looking at her and seeing how he was inside an area that only the supernatural could enter and that he didn't seem to be together with the ones chasing her, she decided to ask him for help.

"Pl-Please help me! They're trying to kidnap me!"

Paying Kunou's head to calm her down, Ryuuto looked at the smiling to reassure her and just before he could say anything a dozen or so devils appeared.

"Damn brat! Making us chase her all the way here! Well, look at that, now this little brat has found a new toy for us!"

What seemed to be the leader of the group started laughing after saying that, with all his subordinates following after him. Seeing Kunou start trembling thinking that she would cause Ryuuto to get hurt.

Taking her in his arms Ryuuto patted her head once more and Kunou, feeling his warm hand, actuality started calling down and for some reason she felt that nothing would happen.

"Little one, do me a favor and close your eyes, soon everything is going to be alright."

Nodding her head, Kunou shut her eyes and put her head on Ryuuto's chest, seeing her to that Ryuuto chuckled before putting a modified sound barrier so she wouldn't hear the screams of the devil's but could hear his voice without any problems.

Done with that Ryuuto materialized an energy blade and started slashing the various devils, easily killing them, just as the leader was the only devil still alive, he started begging Ryuuto to let him go.

"Please let me live! I'm from the Old Satan faction! I'll give you anything you want!"

Without even listening to what he was talking about Ryuuto just decapitated him and then left the area before telling Kunou she could open her eyes.

"Everything is okay now,, you can open your eyes."

Doing as Ryuuto told her, Kunou saw that they were in a different part of the forest and that the devils we nowhere to be seen.

"Thank you!"

Saying that Kunou hugged Ryuuto around his chest and started to lightly sob, now that she knew she was safe Kunou let go of everything she was holding.

Rubbing her back to calm Kunou, Ryuuto remained silent and let her cry. Slowly Kunou started to stop crying, after stopping she separated her head from Ryuuto's chest and smiled brightly while looking in his eyes.

"Thank you Onii-san, you saved me!"

"Don't worry, my name is Ryuuto Azusagawa, can I know yours little one?"

"I'm Kunou! A nine tailed fox yokai, just like my mother, nice to meet you Ryuuto-Nii!"

"Nice to meet you too Kunou-chan, where is your home? I'll bring you there."

"Thank you Ryuuto-Nii!..." Saying that Kunou started looking around to search for any hint of their location and after finding them she pointed towards her house direction. "... My house is in that direction."

Carrying Kunou on his shoulder, Ryuuto started following her indications, while letting her play with his hair, and soon enough they reached the headquarters of the Kyoto Yokai faction.

As soon as the guards saw Ryuuto together with Kunou, who was still on his shoulder playing with his hair and smiling brightly, they pointed their weapons at him.

"Halt! Let Kunou-Hime go and state your purpose or we'll attack!"

"Don't attack! Ryuuto-Nii saved me! The bad guys where trying to kidnap me and he saved me!"

Hearing their princess say that the guards apologized for their error and went back to their job. After that Kunou got down from Ryuuto and grabbed his hand.

"Come with me Ryuuto-Nii! Mother will surely want to know you!"

Running behind the little fox, Ryuuto started looking around and saw how a lot of people were gazing at him since he was being dragged by their princess.

Reaching Kunou's house, she opened the door and first thing both of them saw was a worried looking Yasaka jumping on Kunou and hugging her tightly.

(A/N Image here.)

"Thank goodness you're back Kunou! You don't know how worried I was about you?"

Seeing that Kunou hadn't come back from her walk in the forest Yasaka had gotten incredibly worried and sent out some Yokai to search for her while she waited at home in case she came back.

'I'm sorry for making you worry Mother."

"It's fine Kunou, as long as you're safe, it's fine."

"Don't worry Mother! Ryuuto-Nii helped me so I'm perfectly fine!"

"Ryuuto-Nii? Who is that Kunou?"

"That would be me, Lady?"

Hearing a third voice, Yasaka, for the first time since Kunou entered the house, looked around and saw a young man with light blue hair and ice blue eyes standing at the entrance to her house.

"My name is Yasaka, can I know what happened?"

"Nice to meet you Lady Yasaka, I'm Ryuuto Azusagawa. About what happened, I was just going towards a temple when little Kunou here bumped into me and asked me to help her, soon after some 'bad guys' appeared and once I took care of them, I brought Kunou-chan back here."

Listening to what happened Yasaka got extremely angry with herself, for letting this happen, and with whoever tried to kidnap her daughter while also feeling really glad that nothing bad happened to Kunou.

"I thank you with all my heart for saving my daughter, if there is anything I can help you, please let me know. Why don't you eat with us? It's about time for dinner."

"I think I'll accept your offer then."

"Yay! Ryuuto-Nii is going to eat with us!"

Taking Ryuuto's hand Kunou started walking towards the lunchroom with Ryuuto following her while Yasaka giggled to herself before also following her daughter.

Thirty-Fifth Chapter.

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