
Tenno's Chat Group

Ryuuto Azusagawa was just your every day otaku but one day while he was going home from the grocery shop he suddenly died. After his death he found himself in front of a ROB that granted him three wishes. And this is his story. ______________________________________________ Noob author here, I'll be grateful for every advice and constructive critic you readers give me and I hope you'll enjoy this story and if you're wondering whether or not I'll write sex scenes then no, I won't at very least not for a while. P.S. The title is only temporary if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me

ILMATTEO · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

24- The New Member.

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"Really thank you for curing me, but I don't think this will change much... if I don't do something like this I won't be able to escape my fate..."

"I may have a solution for that but it's gonna make you something different from a human."

"Will I get stronger with that?"

"Yes, it'll allow you to manipulate the same energy that I use, with enough time you'll be able to do basically everything, but it's gonna hurt, a lot. Do you still wanna do it?

"If it's going to make me stronger pain won't stop me."

"Then all you need to do is push this in your chest."

Saying that Ryuuto took out one of his knights from the Void set and have it to Xiao Ning Er, who took it from his hand and after a moment to calm her breath started pushing it inside her chest.

When Ryuuto saw her doing that he put up a sound barrier otherwise probably everyone in the entire city would hear her scream.

After what seemed like hours to Ning Er, but was in reality just a few minutes, the pain finally stopped and she fainted but before she could hit the ground Rias caught her.

"Thank you Darling."

"Don't worry, after you heard her story I was sure you would help her, and this way I now know that the pieces work for other people. I'll leave her to you, I've found someone approaching and I want to make sure they're not hostiles."

While Rias let Ning Er's head rest on her lap, Ryuuto headed in the direction of who he thought to be Nie Li and once he reached his destination that's exactly who he found.

"Well hello there, I didn't expect to find someone else here this late at night."

While saying that what went through Nie Li's mind was.

'This is strange, I don't remember this guy from my past life and with someone as noticeable as him it shouldn't be too hard...b who is this guy'

"I didn't either, but I have to say, your dork l soul looks pretty interesting for you to be just thirteen."

Hearing the strange in front of him say that Nie Li went on the defensive and prepared to run away since he was sure he couldn't fight against the stranger since his body was too weak.

"Relax, if I wanted to harm you I would have already done so. I'm here because I might use your help."

"And what exactly do you need?"

"A cultivation technique for a friend of mine, her soul form is a winged dragon with a wing lighting attribute, do you have anything for her?"

"I do in fact have something like that but what will you give me?"

"How about this nightmare demon pot?"

Saying that Ryuuto took out a copy of the pot he had made while keeping the original, that he had gotten with the help of a clone made by using Loki Prime for himself, for himself.

Ryuuto was able to make a copy thanks to some lessons he had with Hephaestus before coming in this world.

Nie Li, recognizing what Ryuuto had in his hand, instantly accepted the deal since this will surely help him and his friends in the future.

"Deal! Just give me a second to write the technique down for your friend."

Saying that Nie Li started writing the same one that he would have given Ning Er originally since he didn't want this guy to void their agreement of Nie Li gave him a shitty technique.

Once Ryuuto was done with their exchange he went back to Rias and Ning Er finding them in the same position he had left.

While he sat near them and was chatting with Rias, waiting for Ning Er to wake up, they saw the chat screen pop up.

<Tiny Dancer: I might have found the new chat member.>

<Worthless Neet: Who is it? Please tell me it's not some old man... I swear half the people here are just old men...>

<Tiny Dancer: It's the director of the Alchemy association, her name is Yang Xin, from what she told me while we were talking about how to possibly use alchemy in battle, she's really talented, even though the rumors I heard say that she got her position thanks to her beauty, and I think she could have the right tools in this squad.>

<True Demon Lord: Natasha is correct, most of us are front fighters, someone that works in the back lines would really help, especially if she can make something to boost our strength.>

<The Last Tenno (Admin): Then if nobody is contrary to this we've found our new member, can you send us your location so we can reach you and explain her what is happening Nat?>

<Tiny Dancer Has sent an address.>

Before Ryuuto and Rias left to reach Natasha Rias wanted to speak with him.

"Darling, you saw how she looked at you, right? What are you going to do to?"

"Tell her I'm already married."

"You know Darling, after hearing her story, I don't think I would mind if you made her my sister..."

"Are you sure Rias? You're more than enough for me."

"I know Darling, but she deserves happiness and polygamy is pretty common in the Underworld, not that I will let you get anyone else other than little Ning here, moreover I'm pretty sure she wouldn't stop after you told her you're married, the look in her eyes was really serious and now you also got her a cultivation technique and... maybe together with her everytime we're doing it I won't wake up the next day almost unable to move..."

"Don't say it like you don't enjoy it, anyway I'll let nature take it's course and we'll see, now let's go otherwise we'll make the others wait for us."

Saying that Ryuuto took out a piece of paste and wrote on it a message for Ning Er, he was able to learn their language thanks to Nie Li's technique that he had analysed, then he communicated with Ordis

"Ordis, bring the Xiphos above this position while remaining on orbit and make sure nothing happens to her until she wakes up and notify me when that happens or if she's in danger."

"Understood Operator."

Once done the married couple finally left the clearing and headed towards Nat's position.

Arriving at the Alchemy association they were escorted inside by two apprentices that were notified of their arrival and soon reached the room were the rest of the chat members and Yang Xin were waiting for them.

"Sorry for making you wait, you must be Yang Xin, right? Nice to meet you, my name is Rias Gremory and this is my husband Ryuuto Azusagawa."

"Nice to meet you too, as you've said I am Yang Xin, now that everyone is present, what did you want to talk about Miss Natasha?"

"Well while talking I told you we came from outside Glory city, but that is just part of the truth, what I didn't tell you it's that we all come from different worlds."

"I can understand that since we also have some separate dimensions, but why did we wait for your companions?"

"You see we arrived in this world for two things. One is helping Glory city against that horde, that other is finding someone to add to our group, and we were thinking of you. You don't have to feel obligated to accepted but if you were to refuse we'll have to erase your memories of this meeting."

After thinking for some time about Natasha's offer, Yang Xin decided to accept.

"I accept, I don't really see a reason to refuse and you all seem pretty strong even though most of your group is composed of teenagers."

Once Ryuuto heard her answer her opened the chat group and selecting the second objective he wrote Yang Xin name in it.

After that a blue screen suddenly appeared in front of her with a text saying.

<You have been invited to the Multi-Dimensional Chat Group, do you want to accept?


When she clicked on yes in front of everyone else inside appeared a familiar screen.

<Alchemist Beauty had joined the chat room.>


Meanwhile with Xiao Ning Er.

'Ugh... What happened? Why does my head hurt so badly?'

Slowly everything that happened that evening came back to her and she started looking around to find Ryuuto and Rias but she couldn't find them anywhere.

'Was that just a dream? But then why did it feel so real?'

While thinking that she noticed a piece of paste near her feet and picked it up to read it.

'Ning Er, when you wake up we'll probably already have left but don't worry, everything that happened was 100% real, I left you a cultivation technique on the other side of this letter, don't try to use the pets I told you about without me because if you're not careful you could die. We'll find you tomorrow, good night.

Ryuuto Azusagawa.'

Turning the letter around she actually found the technique and just by reading it once she could feel how strong it was.

'So it really wasn't a dream... Finally I'll be able to free myself from the shackles of destiny.'

Thinking that Ning Er when back to get house to rest since her head was still hiring and she was exhausted by all the events that happened in so little time.

Twenty-Fourth Chapter.

I will not add anyone else in Ryuuto's 'harem' and I swear that if something like this happens again I'll rewrite the entire story.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ILMATTEOcreators' thoughts