
Tenno's Chat Group

Ryuuto Azusagawa was just your every day otaku but one day while he was going home from the grocery shop he suddenly died. After his death he found himself in front of a ROB that granted him three wishes. And this is his story. ______________________________________________ Noob author here, I'll be grateful for every advice and constructive critic you readers give me and I hope you'll enjoy this story and if you're wondering whether or not I'll write sex scenes then no, I won't at very least not for a while. P.S. The title is only temporary if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me

ILMATTEO · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

22- The Sports Festival.

While Ryuuto was at school Rias went to look at the apartment while sending Ryuuto photos of it in the chat group to have his opinion.

Once they decided to buy it Rias signed the contract after carefully reading it and then started moving their things together with Eri's that right now was in first grade school, they had bought fake ID from the Chat shop for just 100 points.

Their new apartment was pretty simple, one bedroom for Eri and one bigger for Ryuuto and Rias that had a small bathroom attached to it, one bigger bathroom, a living room with a couch and an armchair and a TV and lastly a kitchen fully furnished.

After finishing moving their things Rias went to Eri's school to bring her to their new home, once they were back after playing and doing Eri's homework, Rias helped Eri train in rewinding time and to try and get a feeling for mana, nowadays Eri had gotten extremely precise on small rewinds and her horn grew a little.

During one day when Ryuuto was at school the door to his class got obstructed by a crowd of people and while Katsuki opted to make them angry Ryuuto just ignored them since most of them would amount to nothing in the sports festival.

Soon enough the day for the first years sports festival arrived and all of Ryuuto's family were in the stadium waiting for him and his class to enter.


Inside 1-A waiting room.

While Ryuuto was thinking on what to do during the events of today he saw Todoroki declare that he would beat Izuku and then said the same thing to him.

'Now that I think about it, Todoroki's mother was abused basically daily by Endeavor, Rias will surely help her once she knows that... maybe we could use her magic to get a copy of Rei's memories and anonymously give them to the media saying that we used a quirk to get the recordings directly from Rei, moreover she could be a good addition for either of our peerages, basically everyone in Rias' never had a mother figure and she would be a good crowd control with her ice quirk, especially of she learns how to heat her body with mana.'

Soon after Todoroki finished spewing bullshit about beating Ryuuto, Aizawa entered the waiting room and told them that it was time to make their entrance.

While the students followed Aizawa in an orderly formation with Ryuuto at the front, they looked around them, seeing the stadium full of people most of them got nervous.

Moving his gaze around the stadium he soon spotted Rias with Eri on her lap and as soon as they noticed him looking at them they started waving at him and calling.

After reaching the podium where Midnight was currently standing on, the entire stadium heard her call for Ryuuto to make the Athletes pledge.

Once done saying random things about fairness and whatnot Ryuuto went back to his class and Midnight pointed to the giant roulette that would decide the events.

The first event was the same as in canon, the obstacle race, after explaining the rules Midnight made the students get ready.

'Let's go eat on them for this one, I'll just reach the end without really affecting the others.'

As soon as he head the horn signaling the start of the race go off Ryuuto grew two of his wings and dashed forward while also avoiding Todoroki's ice wave.


Meanwhile inside the commentators room.

"Woah! People look how fast that student's going! He almost reached the next part of the race already! Aizawa isn't he on of your students?"

Present Mic, the same that was at the entrance exam, asked Aizawa that was together with him.

"Yes, he is, even if I asked for him to not participate in this."

"Eh?! And why would you do that?"

"Simply because he is at the same level of us teachers."

"WHAT?! How can that be?!"

"You weren't there during the USJ incident but he was fighting alongside me and probably took out more villains than me."

"Now that you say it really sounds unfair for him to participate here..."


Back to Ryuuto.

Once he reached the in a record time he heard Present Mic announcing that he had gotten first place and sat down to chat a little.

<The Last Tenno (Admin): Yo guys! What are you doing? Right now I'm participating in mi school's sports festival.>

<Ginger-Loving Witch: Apart from simply attending classes, today my school will welcome students from two others for an event called Tri-wizard Tournament.>

<The Last Tenno (Admin): It seems nice, maybe me and Rias could come watch this thing.>

<Worthless Neet: My life here has gotten even worse... Now I also got a masochistic paladin in my party...>

<True Demon Lord: It could be worse, you know.>

<Worthless Neet: And how exactly?>

<True Demon Lord: One of your companions could get kidnapped by her brother to forcefully give birth to his children.>

<Worthless Neet: Now I feel bad... do you need help?>

<True Demon Lord: No, I can do this, but thanks for offering.>

<Tiny Dancer: I'm just doing normal things, like getting interrogated by some stupid idiot that tells you everything and foiling some terrorists plans, what about you Ryuuto? And how is Rias?>

<The Last Tenno (Admin): She's good, she's currently playing with a child we saved while we wait for the next event to start since some students still haven't finished the race.>

<Worthless Neet: With 'some students' you mean everyone else but you?>

<The Last Tenno (Admin): Yes.>

<Worthless Neet: I hate you...>

After chatting some more he saw how most of the other students were finally arriving so he stood up and waited for Present Mic to announce who would pass to the next event.

Once the other 41 students that would take part for the next part were all present Midnight once again spun the roulette and just like before, the same event as canon got selected, The cavalry battle.

As soon as Midnight explained how the point system worked everyone set their gazes on Ryuuto.

"Hey Kyoka, wanna form a team with me?"

"Sorry Onii-san but I don't want to just get handed the victory, I want to show everyone that I can this with my own strength!"

"Ok, then good luck."

Seeing as nobody would team up with him and the timer was about to go off Ryuuto decided to just team up with himself so he equipped Mirage Prime and activated Hall of Mirrors to create three clones of himself.

"Hey! You can't do that!"

A random student seeing what Ryuuto was doing shouted out loud to gain the attention of the rest of the people.

"As long as he doesn't touch the ground he is allowed to do it."

Before anyone else could protest Nemuri told them that the rules permitted him to do that, soon after the time for the students to form teams ended and the cavalry battle started.

As soon as the time started everyone went towards Ryuuto to steal his 10 millions point but he once again just grew a pair of wings and started flying.

While ignoring all the people shouting at him and sometimes dodging the fee that tried to jump at him he just played with phone waiting for the event to end.

Soon enough Midnight announce the end of this part and that Ryuuto and the first four teams will advance to the next stage but before that there would be a break.

While Ryuuto was going towards Rias and Eri, to talk to them for a bit, he found Endevour, who probably was going to search for either Midoriya or his son.

"Don't get any ideas, you won't be able to beat my son Shoto, he was made to be stronger than All Might."

"Whatever you say, firefly."

Hearing how Ryuuto called him Endevour almost attacked him but then remembered that there were cameras everywhere, so he just grunted and went away.

Reaching Rias, the first thing he did was kiss her and then oat Eri's head.

"So, how did I do?"

"You were amazing Darling! Even though you didn't do much."

"Onee-chan's right!"

After chatting some more it was soon time for the final event to start, once Nemuri announced what the event would be Mashirao and one student from class 1-B ask to resign and in their places enter Tetsutetsu and Ibara.

Looking at the screen where everyone's names are he saw that his first fight would be against Shoto, after he had already fought with Midoriya.

Soon enough after all the various shenanigans it was finally the time for Ryuuto to fight against Shoto.

"And now for our next match! Ryuuto Azusagawa, who was able to easily get first place in the previous events, against Shoto Todoroki, the son of the second ranked hero! Now, Let the match start!"

"Hey, I see you like ice, I've also got a friend who likes water, come play Tako."

Saying that Ryuuto equipped Hydroid Prime and used both tentacle swarm, to summon the entire kraken instead of just the tentacles, and a weak but on a large scale tempest barrage, to make the entire area around the stadium start raining, luckily the spectators were covered by the roof.

(A/N Image here.)

Even though Todoroki tried to block the abyssal mister using his ice or burning him, it was essentially useless since the beast would just break the ice and the fire had almost no effect because of the rain.

Soon enough Shoto was thrown outside the arena and Ryuuto was declared the winner, while also sending the kraken back to the ocean.

After Katsuki had won against Tokoyami it was finally time for the last battle of the day.


Before either of them attacked each other Katsuki spoke with Ryuuto.

"Oi Armor, don't you dare go easy on me! Because the one that will win this battle is me!"

"Haha, don't worry Explosion, I never planned on losing this match!"

Saying that, Ryuuto equipped Chroma Prime and used Effigy to transform his armor in a sentry that would follow him around, while also activating Vex Armor and Elemental Ward.

Once done with that Ryuuto sprinted towards Bakugou, with his floating armor following right after him, while he also started running towards Ryuuto ready to trigger an explosion at any moment.

Once they got near each other Katsuki was the first to attack by creating an explosion right in front of Ryuuto but what he didn't expect was for Ryuuto to just go through it and punch him in the face together with his armor.

While Katsuki was getting back up he saw the floating armor start breathing fire towards him, so to avoid getting burned he dodged to the side but he was still hit, not by the armor but by Ryuuto himself that separated from his armor and kicked him in the stomach.

What followed what a complete beat down for Bakugou, who at the end for launched of stage since he basically couldn't even get up anymore.

Once this battle was over All Might handed over the medals to the top three, respectively Shoto Todoroki at third place, Katsuki Bakugou at second place and Ryuuto Azusagawa at first place.

After the usual congratulations and Aizawa telling them that they would have the next two days free Ryuuto went home with Rias and Eri.

Twenty-Second Chapter.

Before you guys say anything, I'll add only one other person in the peerage and I've already choose her.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ILMATTEOcreators' thoughts