
Tenno's Chat Group

Ryuuto Azusagawa was just your every day otaku but one day while he was going home from the grocery shop he suddenly died. After his death he found himself in front of a ROB that granted him three wishes. And this is his story. ______________________________________________ Noob author here, I'll be grateful for every advice and constructive critic you readers give me and I hope you'll enjoy this story and if you're wondering whether or not I'll write sex scenes then no, I won't at very least not for a while. P.S. The title is only temporary if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me

ILMATTEO · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

21- The Little Angel Became A Devil.

(A/N Some of you wanted to know when the next world will be. It gonna take some more chapters since I want to at least reach the tournament arc considering that almost nothing happened in MHA until now, once done with that arc MC and the others will go to a new world.

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During the free week that the students got because of the villain attack, Ryuuto and Rias had their second marriage with just Kyotoku, Mika, Kyoka and Eri.

Other than doing that Ryuuto and Rias also started training Eri to better control her quirk by making her use it on small animals like lizards and birds. Slowly but surely she started getting the hang on how to use it and was able to get more and more precise on how much she rewinded time.

Soon enough that week cane to an end and classes started once again, during the homeroom class of the first day Aizawa explained the students that the next the UA sports festival would start and that it would be a good opportunity to get noticed by pro heroes to be offered internships.

"Aizawa-sensei isn't it too soon to start the sports festival? We've just been attacked by villains after all."

"It's exactly for that reason that we'll be doing it now since it will show that the attack didn't affect us."

After that classes continued normally and soon school was over for the day, during the week before the sports festival Ryuuto was also able to achieve balance breaker, his looked similar to Rias' but was mostly blue with golden jewels, silver details and golden parts.

(A/N Image here.)

While Ryuuto was training Rias, seeing how Eri had finally gotten over her past and wasn't afraid anymore, decided to speak to Eri about reincarnating her as a devil.

"Eri-chan, can you with me for a moment?"

Nodding, Eri followed Rias until they were inside Ryuuto's and Rias' room, once there Rias sat on a chair while little Eri say on their bed.

"What is it Onee-chan?"

"Do you remember what Onee-chan's quirk is?"

"Yes! You can use some strange energy like Onii-chan!"

"You see Eri, that's just a part of it, the other thing that my quirks let's me do is use this pieces..." Saying that Rias took out one of her pawns and showed it to Eri. "To let people that accept become like me?"

"Like you? What do you mean Onee-chan?"

"Well, I can sprout wings from my back, I'll live for a lot of time and if I transform someone to become like me they'll also be able to manipulate a different kind of energy, it's called mana, like the one in the stories your Oji-chan tells you before going to sleep, do you understand Eri-chan?"

What Rias didn't know about her lifespan was that it was continuously growing from the moment the mark on her chest formed and it would soon reach immortality.

"Yes, Onee-chan! But what did you call me here for?"

"I called you here to ask you if you wanted get one of those pieces and become like me."

"Will I get stronger with this?"

"Yes, you will, but why do you ask Eri-chan."

"I-... I want to protect Onee-chan and Onii-chan, just like you saved me I want to do the same!"

Taking a moment to gather her courage Eri told Rias why she wanted to become stronger. Hearing her Rias hugged her tightly, after some time Rias and Eri left go of each other.

"Then Eri-chan, I'll use one of those pieces now, you just need to relax and everything will go smoothly."

Nodding her head, Eri laid down on the bed and let Rias put one of her pawn pieces inside her chest. As Rias fully inserted the evil piece Eri felt herself change and she suddenly sprouted a pair of devil wings from her back.

"Onee-chan are this the wings you were talking about?"

"Yes Eri-chan, do you want to see mine?"


Hearing Eri, Rias sprouted all six of her wings.

"Wow! They're so beautiful Onee-chan! But why do you have more than me?"

"That's because the number of wings identifies how strong you are."

"So you're really strong Onee-chan?"

"Eheh, Yes, I am, but your Onii-chan is even stronger than me, he's the strongest!"

"Then how many wings does Onii-chan have?"

"Your Onii-chan doesn't have wings, he isn't like us."

"And who decided that?"


Just as Rias asked Eri to follow her.

Ryuuto was currently outside training to get used to the Scale Mail when he suddenly had an idea.

'Why not my own peerage of sorts? I could make something like evil pieces that instead of reincarnating people as devils make them become something similar to me... But now the question is how to make them? If I remember correctly evil pieces are made using a cristal and infusing them with devil energy... I could probably do the same if I used argon crystals and dream energy.'

Once Ryuuto reached that point he teleported inside the Xiphos and took out one Argon crystal to try and create a King piece.

While imagining the shape the final piece would have Ryuuto started injecting dream energy inside the crystal, slowly but surely the argon started compacting and transforming in a blue King piece with a rainbow light around it.

Seeing that he was successful Ryuuto kept doing this until he had an entire set of chess pieces.

(A/N Image here.)

'What should I call them?... Let's go with Void pieces, since the evil pieces transform you into a devil and this should make you similar to a Tenno, now for the final test.'

Thinking that Ryuuto took the King piece and slowly started inserting it exactly on the center of the mark inside his chest.

Once the piece was fully inside Ryuuto started to feel a pain so strong nothing he ever felt could compare to it, thankfully he was inside the Xiphos still on the orbit so he could scream without worrying about alerting anyone, thankfully the pain didn't last long and slowly it started receding until it vanished completely.

Checking his body to see if anything changed he saw how 10 wings, seemingly made of energy, appeared on his back.

This wings, from were they sprouted till half their total length were red, like the Gremory sigil on his chest, while the remaining part was blue, the same color as the Void pieces, with both halves having a rainbow light surrounding them.

(A/N Image here.)

After trying for about a minute he was easily able to retract them and make them come out at will.

'Now, before going back to earth let's check if something changed in my status screen.

{[(Name: Ryuuto Azusagawa

Race: Tenno Prime

Age: 16 Years

Status: Healthy

Dream Walkers:





-Gabriel (R+)

- Muse (R)

- Shennong (R+)

- Anubis (R+)

- Nemesis (SR+)

- Erebus (SSR)

- Hephaestus (SR+)

Active quests

-Show Them Your Might (Completed)

- Show Riser who the real insect is (Completed)

-That's what happens when you hurt a loli.

Chat group members

-The Last Tenno (Admin)

- Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess

- Worthless Neet

- Tiny Dancer

- Ginger-Loving Witch

- True Demon Lord)]}

(A/N I don't remember who suggested this and I can't find his comment but it was one of you, so whoever you are thank you.)

'Mmh, it seems that my race changed slightly and that the one I reincarnate will be called Dream Walkers.'

Scanning his body once more he noticed how he was much more attuned with dream energy and that his body had gotten stronger.

Once reached this point he went back to earth to show Rias what he was doing, just as he was about to enter inside his room he heard Rias say.

"Your Onii-chan doesn't have wings, he isn't like us."

Hearing that he smirked and entered inside while making his wings come out.

"And who decided that?"

Once Rias and Eri realized that Ryuuto was in the room together with them they turned around and found Ryuuto looking at them with 10 wings behind his back.

"WOW! Onii-chan your wings are even more beautiful than Onee-chan and you have more than her! Can I touch them?"

"Sure Eri-chan".


While Eri went behind Ryuuto and he squatted to let her have an easier time reach his wings, Rias got closer to Ryuuto looking intensely at his face.

"Rias? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Well, I don't know what you did but it made you even more handsome than before and I'm pretty sure you're also a little taller."

After Ryuuto explained what happened it was about time for dinner so all three of them went downstairs.

During dinner Ryuuto looked at Rias and seeing her nodding he started speaking to his parents.

"Dad, Mom, me and Rias were thinking of moving out on our own together with Eri, we think it's about time for us to start living on our own."

"Ryuu-chan, it's not that we don't want you to move out, but how are you going to pay for rent and everything?"

"Don't worry mom, Rias' family gave us some money and we started investing it in some promising companies that actually got famous so we can pay for everything."

"Dear, What do you think?"

"It's time we let them go, Ryuuto is already married, we can't continue to keep them here."

"Onii-san, are you really going to move out?"

Seeing his little sister about to cry Ryuuto patted her head and reassured her.

"You don't have to worry Kyoka, if you ever feel lonely you can just come visit us so don't cry, ok?"

After some more small chat everyone finished eating and Ryuuto and Rias started looking online for an apartment near the school, luckily they were able to find one and Rias could go look at it tomorrow while Ryuuto was still in school.

Once it was time to go to sleep Rias once again showed up only in her lingerie since seeing Ryuuto's new face made her all hot.

"Ara ara~ it seems you weren't the only on that got taller."

Needless to say, Ryuuto and Rias barely slept that night.

Twenty-First Chapter.

Eri has been reincarnated and Ryuuto got even stronger.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ILMATTEOcreators' thoughts